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Repository structure


Third-party JavaScript runtime dependencies for Lab are located in the vendor/ directory and are installed as git submodules the first time make is run in a new checkout of the source code repository.

Only the necessary JavaScript library files and other resources needed for runtime operation along with the associated README and LICENSE files are copied to public/vendor during the build process.

All of the files copied to public/lab/vendor are licensed and distributed under one or more of the following licenses: Simplified BSD, The BSD 3-Clause, MIT, or Apache 2.0.


The src/ directory contains the main source code for the Lab framework, examples, and documentation. This code is either copied directly or used to generate resources that are copied.


The src/lab directory includes JavaScript source code for the Lab JavaScript modules. During the build process individual files are copied into modules which are placed in the public/lab directory.


The md2d model-type contains a basic Next Generation Molecular Workbench application. It was built using a hybrid of a MVC design pattern with a dataflow architecture necessary for performance.

The source code of the core molecular dynamics engine is currently located in the src/lab/models/md2d/models/engine directory, which is organized as a set of related RequireJS modules. These modules are compatible both with the Web browser environment and Node.

MD2D Headless Mode

There is one working script for now: node-bin/run-md2d

It runs simulation for desired time and prints Time, Kinetic Energy, Total Energy every tick.


./node-bin/run-md2d -i [path] -o [path or stdout] -i [num]

  -i, --input   Model JSON file        [string]  [required]
  -o, --output  Output file or stdout  [string]  [default: "stdout"]
  -t, --time    Integration time       [default: 100]

Example results:

Model file: public/imports/legacy-mw-content/converted/new-examples-for-nextgen/simple-gas$0.json
Output: stdout
Integration time: 150
time    KE      TE
0       3.0988  3.1003
50      3.1748  3.1011
100     3.1748  3.0998
150     3.1868  3.0986
Writing new scripts

In addition, new Node-based executables can be written. These are expected to be useful for verifying and tuning the model by running the model headless and saving summary results into a file for offline analysis.

If you want to create your own script running simulation in headless mode, the most reasonable solution is to use [src/lab/md2d/models/modeler.js]( consortium/lab/blob/master/src/lab/md2d/models/modeler.js) as it provides high level API and allows to load model description using JSON file. To run simulation use the tick() method.

Fortunately, you do not have to think about NodeJS configuration each time. There is prepared the entry point for external Node.js applications:


This module configures environment (D3, jQuery) and exports MD2D Node API using Node.js/CommonJS approach.


var md2dAPI = require("../src/helpers/md2d/md2d-node-api");
// (...)
// To create e.g. Modeler mentioned above:
var model = md2dAPI.Modeler(properties);

If you need to use something what is not included in this API, you can extend API defined in md2d-node-api.js. It should easy to do it looking at the existing code.

Hashbang scripts for starting these executables (i.e., files which start with the line #!/usr/bin/env node and which have the execute bit set) should be placed in the directory node-bin. Lab's packages.json file specifies node-bin as the location of the executable scripts which npm should make available whenever Lab is imported into another project as a Node module.

MD2D simulation stepping

Main parameters which define speed and accuracy of simulation in MD2D are:

  • timeStep,
  • timeStepsPerTick,
  • modelSampleRate.

To explain them let's start from the definition of the model "tick". One "tick" consists of:

  • running simulation for timeStepsPerTick * timeStep femtoseconds,
  • update of the view.

The "tick" is constantly repeated while simulation is running.

So, when timeStepsPerTick= 50 and timeStep = 1fs, one "tick" causes that the engine performs calculations for 50fs.

timeStep defines a time value used during the one integration step in the engine internals. It affects accuracy of calculations. timeStepsPerTick in fact defines number of these integration steps during one "tick". It is defined because it makes no sense to refresh view too often.

Using pseudo-code we can say that tick is:

for (i = 0 to timeStepsPerTick) {

That's why timeStepsPerTick = 50 and timeStep = 1fs is different from timeStepsPerTick = 25 and timeStep = 2fs. First one will be more accurate and two times slower (more or less) than second one, however both configurations will cause that one "tick" advance model by 50fs (25 * 2fs or 50 * 1fs).

modelSampleRate defines how often we should execute "tick". Of course, in most cases we should call it as often as it's possible and that's the default behavior (with upper limit of 60 times per second to avoid running simple models too fast).

You can test how these parameters work using the Model integration time step, period, and sample rate interactive.


The src/lab/models/energy2d model-type contains a basic Energy2D application. It is a direct port of Java Energy2D. Energy2D is built with MVC design pattern.

GPU Toolkit is a small set of utilities which wraps basic WebGL structures and objects, providing higher level API. It is useful, as Energy2D uses WebGL for General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Unit. So, a lot of physics calculations are performed on the GPU if user's Web browser supports WebGL technology.

The source code of the core physics engine is located in the src/lab/models/energy2d/models directory. Especially important units are listed below:

Necessary GLSL (GL Shading Language) sources are stored in separate files. They are loaded using RequireJS text plug-in which just allows to load plain text files. Finally, they are inlined in the resulting library due to the RequireJS optimization process.


The src/lab/resources/ directory contains image resources and are copied directly to public/lab/resources.


The src/sass/ directory contains Sass templates and the Bourbon Sass library are are used during the build process to generate CSS resources.


The src/helpers/ directory contains CoffeeScript and JavaScript modules as well as Ruby programs only used as part of the testing and build process and are not copied to public/helpers.