Releases: conda/grayskull
- Generate recipes from Github repository
- Added information about how to generate recipe for GitHub repository packages.
- Add constrain for 3.6 in case it is --strict-conda-forge and it is noarch python
- Add Python 3.9 as part of python version conda-forge supports
- Small Improvements
- Replace slash in test imports by a dot
- Execute 'split' only if entry_point is a string
- Added check for scripts in metadata
Add fastjsonschema and flair to the configuration file to convert names on pypi to conda-forge
Invoke the same python when running pip
Constrain rapidfuzz to be less than 0.13.0
Moved grayskull to conda-incubator
Added Github Actions for the tests and also testing on OSX and Windows
Fix 194 - removed empty entry points
Fix version value appearing as unquoted jinja expression
Constrain ruamel.yaml and progressbar2
Added option --strict-conda-forge
, with that enable grayskull will try to generate the recipe to be as close as possible with current conda-forge build.
Fix license discovery on github repositories
Show a better message when the package is missing on PyPI
Add pre-commit hook to sort yaml keys for the pypi configuration file
Add new entries to map different package names on PyPI and conda-forge
Changed CI checkers to run the entire pre-commit in all files and not just the flake8 and plugins
Fix cases where the pypi url was not adding the right filename or right extension to the sdist package
Change grayskull license to Apache-2.0
Fix bare exception to BaseException when handling distutils injection
Add new entry point greyskull
Add LGTM badge
Fix LGTM alerts
Add information about online grayskull
Fix formatting error on
Fix for dependencies which were informed as a sequence of sequences
Fix imports for recipes which do not contain packages and just py_modules
Exclude hidden folders from license discovery