Conductor is the leading open-source orchestration platform allowing developers to build highly scalable distributed applications.
Check out the official documentation for Conductor.
This repository provides a Java client for the Orkes Conductor Server.
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# cdt works with the environment variables to connect to the server
export CONDUCTOR_SERVER_URL=http://server:port/api
### REQUIRED when using Orkes hosted ###
# When using an Orkes server which requires api key/secret, set the following env variables
export CONDUCTOR_AUTH_KEY=api_key
export CONDUCTOR_AUTH_SECRET=api_key_secret
# Optionally, you can copy the auth token from the conductor UI and export it as such (useful for quick testing)
export CONDUCTOR_AUTH_TOKEN=auth_token
# List the workflows on the server
cdt workflow list
# Get the workflows definition - fetches the latest version
cdt workflow get <workflowname>
# add a version with a comma in the name to get the specific version
cdt workflow get <workflowname>,<verion>
# You can use quotes for workflow name if the name contains spaces, comma or special characters
cdt workflow get "<workflowname with spaces>"
# Register a workflow stored in the file
cdt workflow create /path/to/workflow_definition.json --force # use --force to overwrite existing
# Generate a project of type (worker/application) in a particular language from a boilerplate (default is core)
# See for available boilerplates
ccli code generate -n <name> -l <language> -t <type> -b <boilerplate>
ccli code generate -n myapp -l javascript -t worker