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Configure Kubernetes RBAC RoleBindings

To allow a user who does not have cluster-level access to deploy Operator and Confluent Platform in a namespace, perform the following tasks as a Kubernetes cluster admin before deploying Operator and Confluent Platform. The snippets in this section uses the confluent namespace.

Before continuing with the scenario, ensure that you have set up the prerequisites.

  1. Pull the Helm Chart contents to get the CRDs:

    mkdir -p <confluent-operator-contents-dir>
    helm pull confluentinc_earlyaccess/confluent-for-kubernetes \
    --untar --untardir=<confluent-operator-contents-dir>
  2. Pre-install the CRDs with the following command:

    kubectl apply -f <confluent-operator-directory>/crds -n confluent
  3. Create the rolebinding.yaml file with the permissions required for a namespaced deployment.

    The content contains the minimum permissions required. Add any other resource permissions you might additionally require.

    Also, if required to have a custom service-account setup, make sure to pass the custom service-account name when deploying Confluent Operator through helm command: --set serviceAccount.create=false --set<reference-service-account-name>, and update the namespaced-rolebinding.yaml accordingly to reflect the reference-service-account-name.

    The role and role binding should be in the same namespace as Confluent Operator.

    The subject in the role binding must be the user/account existing in the given namespace.

    kubectl apply -f namespaced-rolebinding.yaml

Cluster Role and Role Binding

If you want to install Cluster Role and RoleBinding, then the file to apply is cluster-role-rolebinding.yaml in this directory.

With Narrow permissions for CFK only (non-blueprints)

If you want to install Cluster Role and RoleBinding for only CFK deployment (without cpc-platform), then the file to apply is cfk-only-cluster-role-rolebinding.yaml in this directory.