In this scenario workflow, you'll set up Confluent Platform component clusters with the static host-based routing to enable external clients to access Kafka.
Before you begin this tutorial:
- Set up the prerequisites.
- Create the namespace for the tutorials.
- Configure the Early Access credentials.
- Clone the tutorial repo.
- This tutorial assumes your local machine has a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and
installed. The command line producer tool comes with Confluent Platform TARball under thebin/
To complete this tutorial, you'll follow these steps:
- Set up the Kubernetes cluster for this tutorial.
- Set the current tutorial directory.
- Deploy Confluent Operator.
- Deploy Confluent Platform.
- Deploy the producer application.
- Tear down Confluent Platform.
Set up a Kubernetes cluster for this tutorial, and save the Kubernetes cluster domain name.
In this document, $DOMAIN
will be used to denote your Kubernetes cluster
domain name.
export DOMAIN=<Your Kubernetes cluster domain name>
Set the tutorial directory for this tutorial under the directory you downloaded the tutorial files:
export TUTORIAL_HOME=<Tutorial directory>/external-access-static-host-based
Install Confluent Operator using Helm:
helm upgrade --install operator confluentinc_earlyaccess/confluent-for-kubernetes \ --set
Check that the Confluent Operator pod comes up and is running:
kubectl get pods
This tutorial uses mutual TLS (mTLS) for encryption and authentication between Confluent Servers (inside the Kubernetes cluster) and Kafka clients (outside the Kubernetes cluster). In production, you would need to provide your own valid certificates, but for this tutorial, you will generate your own. Here are the important files you will create:
-- Certificate authority (CA) certificateprivkey.pem
-- Private key for Confluent Serversfullchain.pem
-- Certificate for Confluent Serversprivkey-client.pem
-- Private key for Kafka clientfullchain-client.pem
-- Certificate for Kafka clientclient.truststore.p12
-- Truststore for Kafka clientclient.keystore.p12
-- Keystore for Kafka client
Notice that you will not generate the keystore or truststore for Confluent Servers.
Confluent Operator will generate those for Confluent Server from
, privkey.pem
, and fullchain.pem
Generate a private key called
for the root certificate authority.openssl genrsa -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/rootCAkey.pem 2048
Generate the CA certificate.
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes \ -key $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/rootCAkey.pem \ -days 3650 \ -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/cacerts.pem \ -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=MVT/O=TestOrg/OU=Cloud/CN=TestCA"
Generate a private key called
for Confluent Servers.openssl genrsa -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/privkey.pem 2048
Create a certificate signing request (CSR) called
for Confluent Servers. Note the*
wildcard for theCN
common name. Later, this will allow for Subject Alternate Names (SANs) for all of the brokers.openssl req -new -key $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/privkey.pem \ -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/server.csr \ -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=MVT/O=TestOrg/OU=Cloud/CN=*.$DOMAIN"
Create the
certificate for Confluent Servers. Notice the extension file includes a*
wildcard for SANs.openssl x509 -req \ -in $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/server.csr \ -extensions server_ext \ -CA $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/cacerts.pem \ -CAkey $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/rootCAkey.pem \ -CAcreateserial \ -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/fullchain.pem \ -days 365 \ -extfile \ <(echo "[server_ext]"; echo "extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth"; echo "subjectAltName=DNS:*.$DOMAIN")
Create a Kubernetes secret using the provided PEM files:
kubectl create secret generic tls-group1 \ --from-file=fullchain.pem=$TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/fullchain.pem \ --from-file=cacerts.pem=$TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/cacerts.pem \ --from-file=privkey.pem=$TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/privkey.pem
You install Confluent Platform components as custom resources (CRs).
In this tutorial, you will configure Zookeeper, Kafka, and Control Center in a
single file and deploy the components with one kubectl apply
The CR configuration file contains a custom resource specification for each Confluent Platform component, including replicas, image to use, resource allocations.
Edit the Confluent Platform CR file: $TUTORIAL_HOME/confluent-platform.yaml
Specifically, note that external accesses to Confluent Platform components are configured using host-based static routing.
The Kafka section of the file is set as follow for external access:
spec: listeners: external: externalAccess: type: staticForHostBasedRouting staticForHostBasedRouting: domain: ----- [1] port: 443 tls: enabled: true
[1] Set this to the value of
, your Kubernetes cluster domain.The prefixes are used for external DNS hostnames. In this tutorial, Kafka bootstrap server will use the default prefix,
, and the brokers will use the default prefix,b
.As Kafka is configured with 3 replicas in this tutorial, the access endpoints of Kafka will be:
- kafka.$DOMAIN for the bootstrap server
- b0.$DOMAIN for the broker #1
- b1.$DOMAIN for the broker #2
- b2.$DOMAIN for the broker #3
Deploy Confluent Platform with the above configuration:
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/confluent-platform.yaml
Check that all Confluent Platform resources are deployed:
kubectl get confluent
Get the status of any component. For example, to check Kafka:
kubectl describe kafka
When using staticForHostBasedRouting as externalAccess type, the bootstrap endpoint is not configured to access Kafka.
If you want to have a bootstrap endpoint to access Kafka instead of using each broker's endpoint, you need to provide the bootstrap endpoint, create a DNS record pointing to Ingress controller load balancer's external IP, and define the ingress rule for it.
Create the Kafka bootstrap service to access Kafka:
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/kafka-bootstrap-service.yaml
In many load balancer use cases, the decryption happens at the load balancer, and then unencrypted data is passed along to the endpoint. This is known as SSL termination. With the Kafka protocol, however, the broker expects to perform the SSL handshake directly with the client. To achieve this, SSL passthrough is required. SSL passthrough is the action of passing data through a load balancer to a server without decrypting it. Therefore, whatever Ingress controller you choose must support SSL passthrough to access Kafka using static host-based routing.
In this tutorial, we will use the Nginx Ingress controller. Replace this section with the #appendix-istio-gateway if you would rather use Istio Gateway.
Add the Kubernetes NginX Helm repo and update the repo.
helm repo add ingress-nginx helm repo update
Install the Ngix controller:
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \ --set controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough="true"
Create an Ingress resource that includes a collection of rules that the Ingress controller uses to route the inbound traffic to Kafka.
In the resource file,
, replace$DOMAIN
with the value of your$DOMAIN
.Create the Ingress resource:
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/ingress-service-hostbased.yaml
Create DNS records for Kafka brokers using the ingress controller load balancer externalIP.
Retrieve the external IP addresses of the ingress load balancer:
kubectl get svc
Add DNS records for the Kafka brokers using the IP address and replacing
with the actual domain name of your Kubernetes cluster.In this tutorial, we are using the default prefixes for components and brokers as shown below:
DNS name
IP address
value of the ingress load balancer serviceb0.$DOMAIN
value of the ingress load balancer serviceb1.$DOMAIN
value of the ingress load balancer serviceb2.$DOMAIN
value of the ingress load balancer service
To validate, you will produce data to a topic from a Kafka client outside of the Kubernetes cluster.
The Confluent Servers are configured to authenticate clients with mTLS, so you must create a keystore and truststore for the Kafka client. Here are the important files you will create:
-- Private key for Kafka clientfullchain-client.pem
-- Certificate for Kafka clientclient.keystore.p12
-- Keystore for Kafka clientclient.truststore.p12
-- Truststore for Kafka client
You made the CA certificate earlier when generating the certificates for the Confluent Servers. You will use the same CA certificate to create a certificate for the Kafka client, as well as a keystore and a truststore.
Generate a private key called
for the Kafka client.openssl genrsa -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/privkey-client.pem 2048
Create a certificate signing request (CSR) called
for the Kafka client.openssl req -new -key $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/privkey-client.pem \ -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/client.csr \ -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=MVT/O=TestOrg/OU=Cloud/CN=kafka-client"
Create the
certificate for the Kafka client.openssl x509 -req \ -in $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/client.csr \ -CA $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/cacerts.pem \ -CAkey $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/rootCAkey.pem \ -CAcreateserial \ -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/fullchain-client.pem \ -days 365
Create the Kafka client's keystore. This keystore is used to authenticate to brokers.
mkdir $TUTORIAL_HOME/client && \ openssl pkcs12 -export \ -in $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/fullchain-client.pem \ -inkey $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/privkey-client.pem \ -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/client/client.keystore.p12 \ -name kafka-client \ -passout pass:mystorepassword
Create the Kafka client's truststore from the CA. This truststore allows the client to trust the broker's certificate, which is necessary for transport encryption.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -noprompt \ -alias rootCA \ -file $TUTORIAL_HOME/certs/cacerts.pem \ -keystore $TUTORIAL_HOME/client/client.truststore.p12 \ -deststorepass mystorepassword \ -deststoretype pkcs12
Inspect the
file, which defines theelastic-0
topic as follows:apiVersion: kind: KafkaTopic metadata: name: elastic-0 namespace: confluent spec: replicas: 1 partitionCount: 1 configs: cleanup.policy: "delete"
Create the topic called
for the Kafka producer to write to.kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/topic.yaml
Create a configuration file for the client called
cat <<-EOF > $TUTORIAL_HOME/client/ bootstrap.servers=kafka.$DOMAIN:443 security.protocol=SSL ssl.truststore.location=$TUTORIAL_HOME/client/client.truststore.p12 ssl.truststore.password=mystorepassword ssl.truststore.type=PKCS12 ssl.keystore.location=$TUTORIAL_HOME/client/client.keystore.p12 ssl.keystore.password=mystorepassword ssl.keystore.type=PKCS12 EOF
Remember that in production, all properties files with sensitive credentials should be locked down with elevated permissions and encrypted with Confluent Secret Protection.
Start the
command line utility. Don't enter any messages at the>
prompt yet.kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server kafka.$DOMAIN:443 \ --topic elastic-0 \ --producer.config $TUTORIAL_HOME/client/
In a new terminal window, set up port forwarding to the Confluent Control Center web UI from the local machine:
kubectl port-forward controlcenter-0 9021:9021
Browse to Control Center. Your browser will complain about the self-signed certificate. Bypass this in whatever way your browser requires. For example, in Google Chrome, go to Advanced -> Proceed to localhost (unsafe).
Navigate to Cluster 1 -> Topics -> elastic-0 -> Messages in Control Center.
Back at the console producer
prompt, enter some messages. Look in Confluent Control Center to see those messages show up.Celebrate! Your Confluent deployment can securely serve Kafka clients outside of your Kubernetes cluster!
Shut down Confluent Platform and the data:
on the kafka-console-producer
kubectl delete -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/producer-app-data.yaml
kubectl delete -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/ingress-service-hostbased.yaml
kubectl delete -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/kafka-bootstrap-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/confluent-platform.yaml
kubectl delete secret tls-group1
helm delete nginx-operator
helm delete operator
Download Istio 1.9.4.
(cd $TUTORIAL_HOME && \ curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.9.4 sh -)
Initialize the Custom Resource Definitions with the
tool.$TUTORIAL_HOME/istio-1.9.4/bin/istioctl operator init
Create the
namespace.kubectl create namespace istio-system
definition in$TUTORIAL_HOME/istio/istio-operator.yaml
.spec: ... values: ... gateways: istio-ingressgateway: type: LoadBalancer name: istio-ingressgateway ... # Confluent ports added as an example. # This tutorial only actually uses sni routing. ports: ... # This is the port where sni routing happens. - port: 15443 targetPort: 15443 name: tls protocol: TCP
Deploy the Istio operator.
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/istio/istio-operator.yaml
With Istio installed, we must now create a Gateway
to tell istio's Ingress Gateway which services to send the Kafka traffic.
In the
file, replace$DOMAIN
with the value of your$DOMAIN
.Create the Gateway.
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/istio/istio-gateway.yaml
The services referenced in the confluent-gw
Gateway don't
actually exist yet. Let's look at the VirtualService
that define our Kafka services and then create them.
In the
file, replace$DOMAIN
with the value of your$DOMAIN
.Create the services
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/istio/istio-service.yaml
With the Gateway and services in place, external Kafka clients will now be routed to the appropriate broker pods. Return to the #add-dns-records section.