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Michael Koster edited this page Jan 22, 2016 · 40 revisions

Instructions and HATEOAS Discovery Tutorial

Live Demo instance of a light thing with a discovery index. Read-Only access to the demo, please.

The content formats used are application/link-format+json, application/senml+json (draft-01) and application/collection+senml+json.

link-format+json is used for link operations and senml+json is used for data items and form items. collection+senl+json is for constructing or inspecting items and links together as a collection.

An index has only links but allows adding links with POST and modifying links with PATCH according to CoRE Resource Directory

If you want to follow along, any REST client should be suitable. I use a chrome plugin called "Advanced REST Client".

For example, you can do: GET (accept: application/link-format+json) and get a link to a thing:

    "rt": [
    "href": "/light/"

Then you can use the relative reference returned to construct the URL for the next step"

GET (accept: application/link-format+json) and get links to its (subresource) capabilities:

    "href": "",
    "rel": [
    "rt": [
    "href": "onOff",
    "rel": "sub"
    "rt": [
    "href": "colorHS",
    "rel": "sub"
    "rt": [
    "href": "brightness",
    "rel": "sub"

Then we can GET (accept: application/link-format+json) and receive the following representation which contains links to property subresources and a link which points to a form. The link describes it as a ["form" "item"] that can do a ["change" "action"] on the context resource which is type onoff (self link should have the rt=onoff attrval)

    "href": "",
    "rel": [
    "rt": [
    "href": "change",
    "rel": [
    "rt": [
    "href": "currentState",
    "rel": "sub"
    "rt": [
    "href": "targetState",
    "rel": "sub"
    "rt": [
    "href": "delayTime",
    "rel": "sub"

If you use the schema, you might know ahead of time that you are looking for a "change" ;-) so you could just ask for it: GET and get the link you are seeking:

    "rt": [
    "href": "change",
    "rel": [

So then you GET the form (in SenML draft core-01 content format for now...): GET (accept: application/senml+json)

  "bn": "/light/onOff/",
  "e": [
      "fv": {
        "rel": "action",
        "href": "actuation",
        "template": [
        "type": [
        "method": "POST",
        "ct": "application/collection+senml+json"
      "n": "change"

The form item retrieved describes how to change onoff; which is by performing a method=POST to the resource at href=actuation constructed according to a template (TBD) using the content format ct=application/collection+senml+json

Here is the entire "onOff" resource representation with links and items in collection format.

  "bn": "/light/onOff/",
  "e": [
      "fv": {
        "rel": "action",
        "href": "actuation",
        "template": [     
        "type": [
        "method": "POST",
        "ct": "application/collection+senml+json"
      "n": "change"
  "l": [
      "href": "",
      "rel": [
      "rt": [
      "href": "change",
      "rel": [
      "rt": [
      "href": "currentState",
      "rel": "sub"
      "rt": [
      "href": "targetState",
      "rel": "sub"
      "rt": [
      "href": "delayTime",
      "rel": "sub"

There is a meta-catalog example at that has an entry pointing to this index to bootstrap the discovery:

  "href": "",
  "rt": "index",
  "ct": ["application/link-format+json", "application/collection+senml+json"]
  "comment": "hypermedia demonstrator discovery"

Machine Hypermedia Toolkit

The toolkit is written in python and is Apache 2 licenced. It can be downloaded from the github repository at:

[Machine Hypermedia Toolkit source repository and installation instructions] (

Public resource at

There is a public resource for hosting the schema and JSON-LD context files.

The content of is stored at a github repository: thingschema-content serves a standard JSON-LD context file that can be used by including "@context": "" in your JSON-LD file

In addition there is a WoT interaction model schema and a domain-specific schema for lighting.

In the examples directory there is a model for an instance of a light, and a meta-catalog file with pointers to other resources like IETF Resource Directories, W3C WoT Thingdescriptions, hypercats, or other discovery resources.

Context file:

W3C Interaction Model :

Lighting domain model:


Example light model:

Example IPSO Smart Object constructor:

The JSON-LD Playground resource can be used to evaluate semantic graphs produced by these schemas and models. For example, to view a triples representation of the lighting model example, paste the URL for the light model example json file: into the URL box on the JSON-LD Playground page at: and click the tab for N-Quads and the model is displayed. Note that this is the model for the live example above:

_:b0 <> _:b1 .
_:b0 <> _:b18 .
_:b0 <> "light" .
_:b1 <> "light" .
_:b1 <> _:b2 .
_:b1 <> _:b7 .
_:b1 <> _:b9 .
_:b1 <> <> .
_:b10 <> "change" .
_:b10 <> <> .
_:b11 <> "move" .
_:b9 <> _:b15 .
_:b9 <> _:b16 .
_:b9 <> _:b17 .
_:b9 <> <> .


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