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Rand McKinney edited this page Nov 15, 2024 · 7 revisions

These are notes on developing docs and using the site.

Adding an external repo README to docs

The site includes markdown files from a number of other repos in the contentauth org. To add a markdown file from a new external repo to the doc site:

Edit scripts/fetch-readme.js and add something like

    dest: resolve(__dirname, '../docs/<repo_name>/'),
    repo: 'contentauth/<repo_name>',
    path: '',  

IMPORTANT: If this is the first time you used a file from this repo, manually create new <repo_name> sub-directory of /docs per above. If you don't do this, the local build will fail.

Edit sidebars.js and add something like:

   type: 'doc',
   id: '<repo_name>/readme',

If you need to get the README from a branch other than main, add a branch property like this:

  dest: resolve(__dirname, '../docs/c2pa-python-example/'),
  repo: 'contentauth/c2pa-python',
  path: '',
  branch: 'name-of-your-branch'

Run the script:

$ npm run docs:fetch-readme

Then run npm start as usual to run site locally.

Clone this wiki locally