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264 lines (209 loc) · 17.7 KB

File metadata and controls

264 lines (209 loc) · 17.7 KB

Change Log

You can see the changes made via the commit log for the latest release.

[5.2.0] - 2019-09-03


  • New Hybrid\Attr\Attr\with() method for passing data into the attributes system.
  • Above with() method will auto-handle a 'post' parameter of WP_Post for post attributes.
  • New Hybrid\Comment\render_author_link() and display_author_link() function.


  • .sticky class renamed to .is-sticky.

[5.1.0] - 2019-07-16


  • New Hybrid\View\Engine wrapper class for the view system, which gets passed to view templates as the $engine variable.
  • The View instances gets passed to view templates as the $view variable.

[5.0.3] - 2019-06-16


  • The Template class should not have a defined $subtype by default. Any templates registered should work with all subtypes (post types in most cases) unless otherwise specified.

[5.0.2] - 2019-04-04


  • New link argument to enable/disable the link for Hybrid\Post\render_author().


  • Corrected misspelling of archive in the hybrid/archive/title hook.
  • Use get_comments_number_text() instead of get_comments_number() to get appropriate comments text.
  • Added the missing .wp-embed-responsive body class if supported.
  • Make sure to show $before and $after args for the comment reply link if there's a link.

[5.0.1] - 2018-12-11


  • Corrected inline doc @return value for Hybrid\View\View::locate().
  • Runs the template hierarchy through array_unique() to avoid duplicates when other plugins hook into core WP's template hierarchy.
  • Adds missing datetime attributes to <time> elements.
  • Correctly show .menu__item--ancestor class when viewing single posts of a given post type when that post type archive is the menu item. This fixes the issue with the class incorrectly appearing on normal pages.

[5.0.0] - 2018-09-13

Version 5.0.0 represents a complete break from earlier versions. The framework was essentially rewritten from the ground up to utilize more modern PHP practices. The notes below will be a bit more broad than focusing on the minute details because nearly every line of code in the project has changed.


  • An application class was added to have a formal method of booting the framework from the theme. This solved a lot of problems like auto-loading code that wasn't needed and providing a point of contact between the theme and the framework to work together. This allows theme authors to create service providers and bind things to the container.
  • The framework now has a container for managing class dependencies and dependency injection. For the purposes of theme development, this will allow theme authors to write better classes, avoid globals and singletons, and create shared instances of objects/data.
  • Contracts (interfaces) now play an integral role in how the framework functions. Nearly every class implements one of the available contracts. When used in conjunction with the container, this allows theme authors to plug in custom implementations for features they want to change. Contracts are self-documenting by providing an overview of how any given class works by exposing its public methods.
  • A collection class was created for storing key/value pairs. This class allows you to interact with the collection of data as an object or array, depending on your needs.
  • A pagination class was added for consistent handling of pagination for posts, comments, and multi-page single views.
  • The view system overhauls how template parts are handled. It allows theme authors to utilize sub-folders for housing files, creating a hierarchy, and passing data to templates.
  • Created filters for many front-end features of WordPress to utilize a BEM-style HTML class naming scheme.


  • A minimum of WordPress 4.9.6 is now required.
  • A minimum of PHP 5.6+ is now required for all themes built from the framework. PHP 7.0+ is strongly recommended, and theme authors are encouraged to bump their own minimums up if possible.
  • Using PHP namespaces is perhaps the biggest change of all. Everything within the framework now falls under the Hybrid namespace. Nearly every class and function beyond that is properly categorized in a sub-namespace based on the feature.
  • Composer is required for including the framework with the theme. While it's possible to download and drop the framework into a theme folder and build a custom autoloader, that method is no longer officially supported and will likely be tough to do in the future if dependencies are added.
  • Classes and folder names now follow the PSR-4 autloading standard. This means that the files and folders are named literally based on the class name and sub-namespace, respectively. We no longer prefix class files with class-.
  • Classes are now loaded via the PSR-4 autoloader included with Composer.
  • Hooks are namespaced and closely follow our PHP namespaces (for the most part). Hooks are in the form of hybrid/{$subnamespace}/{$hook}.
  • The framework no longer auto-loads translations for themes. Both parent and child themes should handle this on their own.
  • We no longer auto-enqueue the comment reply script and are leaving this for theme authors to decide what to do on their own.


  • The Breadcrumb Trail extension is now a separate package named Hybrid Breadcrumbs.
  • The Get the Image extension is now a separate packaged named Hybrid Carbon.
  • The customizer controls, settings, and related code were ported to the Hybrid Customize project.
  • The Google font system was ported to the Hybrid Font project.
  • Theme Layouts was removed but will likely return as a separate, add-on repository.
  • Cleaner Gallery was likewise removed. Whether it becomes a new project will depend on feedback.
  • HYBRID_URI constant. The framework no longer ships any assets. Therefore, this is unnecessary.
  • Automatic post format support by filtering the_content. It seems that core WP is never going to address the shortcomings of post formats, so we've just been fighting a losing battle that most theme authors aren't even participating in.

[4.0.0] - 2017-07-31


  • .wp-custom-logo body class.
  • Allow the shortcode, autoembeds, embedded, and attached methods of the media grabber to be enabled/disabled.
  • New Fonts API. This allows developers to register, enqueue, etc. fonts just like scripts and styles. The API natively supports font stylesheets bundled with the theme or the Google Fonts API.
  • Introduces the hybrid_get_theme_mod() wrapper function, which provides a hybrid_theme_mod_{$name}_default filter hook for filtering the default theme mod.
  • Adds a the hybrid_is_layout() conditional tag for checking if the current page has a specific layout.
  • Adds a hybrid_is_script_debug() conditional function for checking if WP_SCRIPT_DEBUG is set.
  • Adds the hybrid_sprintf_theme_dir() and hybrid_sprintf_theme_uri() functions. These functions replace %1$s with the template and %2$s with the stylesheet directory path and URI, respectively.
  • Introduces hybrid_get_embed_template() and an embed template part system. This allows theme authors to create embed templates based on the post type, format, etc.
  • Full admin support for taxonomy term layouts.
  • Added the hybrid() wrapper function for returning the instance of the Hybrid object.
  • Adds the hybrid_widget_exists() conditional function for checking if a widget (by class name) exists.
  • Introduces the hybrid_comment_parent_link() and hybrid_get_comment_parent_link() functions for displaying or getting the comment parent link of a child comment.
  • Creates a new hybrid_get_template_part() function, which is a more robust version of the core WP get_template_part() function.
  • Introduces hybrid_verify_nonce_post() and hybrid_verify_nonce_request() for easier nonce checking in the admin.
  • Adds the hybrid_get_content_hierarchy() helper function for content and embed templates. It retrieves the hierarchy based on post type, format, etc.
  • New .menu-item-parent-archive nav menu item class when viewing a post and the post type archive item is in the menu.
  • New template registration system. This is post templates on steroids while being completely compatible with core WP's post template system. Term and user templates are supported but no UI is yet implemented.
  • New filter on document_title_parts. This is actually a replacement for the old filter on wp_title. This brings us up to date with new doc title hooks and uses less code.
  • Adds the hybrid_post_media() and hybrid_get_post_media() wrapper functions for displaying and getting post media. These are wrappers for the media grabber.
  • New registry system for registering and storing collections of data on the page. This replaces some of the old factory/registry methods from before and combines the functionality into a single class.
  • Added the hybrid_attr hook for a more global filter on attributes.
  • Added the hybrid_attr_{$slug}_class hook for theme authors to filter just the class attribute.


  • Split the archive description filter into two distinct functions: one for filtering changing the text output and a later function for formatting.
  • Registers Hybrid's styles on the front end, embeds, login page, and admin for use.
  • Attribute system now allows for 0 or '0' as valid attribute values. false is for explicit empty values.
  • Overhauled the attributes (hybrid_attr()) system. The framework no longer defines as a default. It leaves this up to theme authors. Additionally, it only sets defaults for the body, post, and comment attributes. The framework is just providing the foundation for theme authors to build what they want without getting in their way.
  • The Hybrid class is now a singleton class. Theme authors should no longer call new Hybrid(). The framework will launch itself.
  • User-selected page templates now overrule the theme author's choice if the theme author included a front-page.php.
  • Adds the Hybrid Core version to its own stylesheets when registering.
  • The template hierarchy system now uses the *_template_hierarchy filter hooks as opposed to the *_template filter hooks. This means that our code runs before looking up templates, which speeds things up.
  • Updated the meta registration calls to be in line with the new WP method of registration.


  • All deprecated functions have been completely removed or added to the "removed" section. Version 4.0.0 is a major release and not concerned with back-compat.
  • Remove old post template admin and functionality since core WP now supports this. It only took WP 7 years to catch up to the awesomeness that Hybrid users have long been enjoying.
  • Mobile toggle script was removed in favor of just letting theme authors handle it.
  • The global $hybrid variable is now dead. Good riddance.
  • Add the render_content() method for JS-based customizer controls to make sure we overwrite the WP_Customize_Control method.
  • The Post Styles feature is now gone. It was rarely used and just added bloat.
  • Old filter on wp_title.
  • Media meta, template, and layout hybrid factory-registry classes.


  • Logic bug with post layout check.
  • Post format body class error check.
  • Make sure filters on hybrid_content_template work correctly.
  • Remove 100% max width default for embeds, which caused the WP visual editor to infinitely grow in height when embedding an audio/video file.
  • Make sure we have a nav menu object before attempting to get its name in hybrid_get_menu_name().
  • Missing href attribute for the hybrid_get_image_size_links() function.
  • Make sure a layout exists before attempting to use it as the layout.
  • Fixed incorrect call when unregistering a theme layout.
  • Load the minified admin CSS file.
  • Use https for the link.
  • Adds the missing .page-template-default body class when no custom template is in use.
  • Change the search results title to Search results for: %s. This avoids double quotation marks.


  • Run wp_kses_post() over the content when splitting media from it in the media grabber.

[3.0.0] - 2015-08-17


  • Media grabber now supports the [gallery] shortcode.
  • Custom attributes can now be passed into hybrid_attr().
  • Fix for core WP issues that doesn't allow users to edit the posts page content.
  • Separated One Five style into one-five.css and one-five-rtl.css.
  • Added color palette customizer control.
  • Added multiple checkbox customizer control.
  • Added dropdown terms customizer control.
  • Added layout customizer control.
  • Added radio image customizer control.
  • Added select customizer control that supports <optgroup>.
  • Added multiple select customizer control.
  • Added array map customizer setting.
  • Added image data customizer setting.
  • Complete overhaul of theme layouts with a new Layouts API and many UI and other improvements.
  • The post class now has the .has-pages class when it's a paged post.
  • New Hybrid_Chat class that better handles chat posts.
  • New hybrid_is_plural() function to go along with core WP's is_singular().
  • New hybrid_get_attachment_type() and hybrid_get_attachment_subtype() functions for getting attachment mime types.
  • and theme URLs now use the translated URLs if available so that translators can link to language-specific pages/sites.
  • Language-specific PHP files are now loaded from the child theme (first) and parent theme.
  • New media metadata class and functions. This makes it easy to get media file metadata for attachments (limited to audio, video, and images).
  • Adds context-based classes to sidebars and menus.
  • Post stylesheets extension now built into the framework. Added extra functions.
  • Added extra functions for working with post templates.
  • Adds support for WP's title-tag feature.


  • Hybrid class now loads a few things at different priorities for more flexibility.
  • Files and folders were renamed and restructured to make a bit more sense.
  • Only load extensions if both the theme supports them and if the file exists.
  • Overhauled the constants.
  • Coding style updates. PHPDoc blocks stay the same. Single-line comments within functions now use // and single-line comments within the file use #.
  • The theme-specific "template" <meta> tag is now a "generator" <meta> tag.
  • All framework constants have a trailing slash.


  • hybrid_loop_title() in favor of WP's the_archive_title().
  • hybrid_loop_description() in favor of WP's the_achive_description().
  • loop_pagination() in favor of WP's the_posts_pagination().
  • hybrid_get_attachment_id_from_url() in favor of WP's attachment_url_to_postid().


  • Dropped the hybrid_is_textdomain_loaded() functionality (wasn't used since 2.0.0).
  • reset.css stylesheet.
  • hybrid-core-styles and hybrid-core-scripts. The specific styles/scripts are now registered, leaving the enqueue to theme authors.
  • Filter on image size names.
  • Filter on id3 keys.
  • Several text strings in an effort to make the framework have as few text strings as possible.
  • hybrid_admin_setup(), which was not really needed.
  • Title attributes for most everything for better accessibility.
  • bbPress theme support filter removal.
  • Atomic hooks functionality.
  • Random Custom Background extension.
  • Featured Header extension.
  • Cleaner Caption extension.
  • Custom background customizer control.
  • Textarea customizer control.
  • Old, unused wrapper for admin theme settings page. Use the customizer!
  • Admin widgets screen CSS file.


  • comment microdata brought up to date.
  • body/content/post errors.
  • Media grabber fix when WP auto-embed returns a shortcode.
  • Fixed invalid itemprop attribute for comment reply link with no space.


  • Many text strings are now escaped on output to harden security.
  • Better escaping over URLs to harden security.

Past change logs

Versions prior to 3.0.0 do not have change logs. However, you can view the commit logs for each version.