This postman collection includes all REST API calls available for Azure Data Manager for Energy (ADME) M12 core services. It is based on the native OSDU APIs, so it could also be used for anyone running a self-managed version of the OSDU M12 release.
Domain Data Management Services are not included.
The services mentioned below are covered, and the API calls are imported from the official ADME documentation.
- CRS Catalog
- CRS Converter
- Dataset
- Entitlements
- File
- Indexer
- Legal
- Notification
- Partition*
- Register
- Schema
- Search
- Storage
- Unit
- Workflow
* The Partition service is locked down on ADME, as data partitions are handled by Azure Resource Manager (ARM) through CLI, PowerShell or Azure Portal.
- Copy the link to the Postman Collection JSON file.
- In Postman select Import.
- Select Link.
- Paste the link copied above.
- Repeat the same for the Postman Environment JSON file.
Variable | Description |
access_token | Value will be automatically populated by running the authenticate API calls |
refresh_token | Value will be automatically populated by running the authenticate API calls |
instance | Hostname of your ADME instance (i.e. |
client_id | The App Registration client ID used to provision ADME |
data_partition | The Data Partition ID from ADME (i.e. eirik-opendes) |
client_secret | A valid App Registration secret for the above client_id |
tenant_id | Azure AD tenant ID |
baseUrl | Do not change |
- Go to the ADME API collection you have imported.
- In the Authenticate folder, run the getRefreshToken call.*
- Make sure the Refresh Token is returned, and that it is now populated in the refresh_token environment variable.
- Run the getAccessToken call.
- Make sure the Access Token is returned, and that it is now populated in the access_token environment variable.
That's it! You should now be able to run all the API calls.
Note that the access_token is added automatically as a Bearer token to all requests (given that the user have authorization to use the APIs), and you do not need to explicitly define the authorization header.
* The authorization code is generated by browsing to{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={client_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a8080&response_mode=query&scope={client_id}%2f.default&state=12345&sso_reload=true. Please note that the App Registration needs to have a web redirect URL set to http://localhost:8080. Please see the official documentation for more information.