- World: G8 Open Data Charter - 2013, International Open Data Charter - 2015
- Europe: Directive Public Sector Information PSI - 2003, Implementation of the PSI Directive by member States
- France: Loi Cada - 1978, Décret Etalab - 2011, Open Licence - 2011, Rapport sur l'ouverture des données publiques - 2013, Circulaire sur l'ouverture et le partage de données publiques - 2013, Loi Gratuité - 2015, Loi pour une République Numérique - 2016, Guide juridique du cadre légal de l'open data par OpenDataFrance - 2016
- United Kingdom: Power of Information Taskforce Report - 2009, Freedom of Information Act - 2010, UK Open Government Licence - 2010
- United States: Freedom of Information Act - 1966, Executive Order Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information - 2013, Project Open Data - 2013, Open Data Policy Guidelines
- Legal Doctrine: The paradoxes of open data and how to get rid of it? Analysing the interplay between open data and sui-generis rights on databases
- Guides: Open Data Getting Started Guide, Open Government Data The Book - 2014 Open Data Handbook, 21 guides from the Open Data Institute, Open Data Glossary by OpenDataFrance, Open Data Portal Requirements
- Elearning: Open Data in a Day, European Data Portal
- France: Data.gouv.fr FAQ, Vade-mecum sur l’ouverture et le partage des données publiques - 2013, Opening Data in Cultural Institutions in France, Rapport Open GLAM (GLAM : Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) : Recommandations pour l’ouverture des données et des contenus culturels
- World: List of 2600+ open data portals by OpenDataSoft, A list of high-quality open datasets in public domains
- Rankings: Open Data Index, Open Data Barometer, OECD OURData Index, US Cities Open Data Census
- France: Data.gouv, Other portals
- United States: Open Data Policy Map
- World: 25 cases of open data impact, 12 value stories, OpenData 500 for open data uses by companies, McKinsey Report on Open Data - 2013, The Economist Out of the Box - 2015
- France: 1400+ reuses of open data, National Addresses Database, La carte de (presque) tous les accidents de la route - 2012
- Denmark: The value of Danish address data - 2010
- United States: College Scorecard, How the Department of Justice used data to hold Baltimore police accountable - 2016
- Canada: Case Study: How Open data saved Canada $3.2 Billion - 2010
- Burkina Faso: Why data was crucial to Burkina Faso’s first election since uprising - 2015
- World: Open Knowledge, Open Data Institute, Web Foundation, The GovLab, Omidyar Network, Open Governement Partnership, GODAN, OpenStreetMap, Publish what you fund, Publish what you pay, Open Contracting, OpenCorporates, Socrata, School of Data
- France: Etalab, CADA, COEPIA, HATVP, Cour des comptes, Regards citoyens, OpenDataSoft, Open Law, Open Data France, Libertic, Démocratie ouverte, Open Knowledge France, FING, OpenFoodFacts
- United Kingdom: Transparency team in the Governement Digital Service, Open Data Institute, Open Knowledge, mySociety
- United States: Office of Science and Technology Policy, United States Digital Service, 18F, Sunlight Foundation, Code for America, What Works Cities - Bloomberg, MapBox, GovEx
- Ensuring quality and accessibility of the data: data.gouv.fr 31 décembre 2015, api.gouv.fr
- Opening up more third party data from corporations and NGOs: OpenAsso, Tesla Motors on Data.gouv.fr
- Combining open data and datascience: 2015 Report of France's CDO
- Shifting from opening data to opening source code: Code.gov, CodeImpot
- Opening the government itself: Open Governement Partnership, OGP Toolbox, Trends in Civic Tech
- TED Talks: Tim Berners-Lee: The year open data went worldwide, Pia Mancini: How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era, David Cameron:The next age of governement, Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a better government, Haley Van Dyck: How a start-up in the White House is changing business as usual, Ben Wellington: How we found the worst place to park in New York City using big data
- Blogs & Newsletter: I Quant NY, Open Heroines, Blog Henri Verdier, Medium Jennifer Pahlka, French KPI, Martin Tisné Blog, Sunlight Foundation Newsletter, Data Colada Newsletter, Data Points Podcast