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Important Differences

The JCA/JCE specification does not completely define all behaviors of a given provider. Although the Amazon Corretto Crypto Provider (ACCP) is fully compliant with the JCE, its behavior differs from the behavior of the default Java providers in several ways. The following list of behavioral differences is not exhaustive, but is intended to capture the most important differences.

Despite these differences, ACCP remains a drop-in replacement for the vast majority of Java applications and doesn't change the application behavior, other than improving its performance.

Behavior Changes

These differences are those most likely to be noticed by a consuming application. You might need to make minor changes to accommodate them.


The official documentation does not fully specify when the Signature object is expected to throw a SignatureException. Having multiple different ways to reject a signature (such as signature.verify() == false and throwing a SignatureException) is an anti-pattern and we should try to avoid it. ACCP throws a SignatureException from Signature.verify() only when not throwing would introduce compatibility issues (such as with the JCK.) Currently, ACCP will throw a SignatureException only when verifying an EDSA signature that is not properly encoded or an RSA signature which is an invalid length. In all other cases, ACCP will return false from Signature.verify() when given an invalid signature. This is different from the default OpenJDK implementation, which also inspects the inner structure of RSA signatures and rejects them with a SignatureException if they are improperly encoded. ACCP follows the guidance provided in PKCS #1 section 8.2.2 in that it does not parse the inner structure but, instead, does a binary comparison against the expected value.

For this reason, regardless of whether you use ACCP or not, we recommend the following structure for signature verification:

    Signature signatureObject = Signature.getInstance(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM);
    boolean signatureValid = false;
    try {
        signatureValid = signatureObject.verify(signature);
    } catch (final SignatureException ex) {
        signatureValid = false;

Default asymmetric key sizes

The result of calling KeyPairGenerator.getInstance() is defined as being configured to generate reasonable asymmetric keys. The exact value of this default configuration is not defined and is permitted to change. (For example, in March of 2022, the OpenJDK changed the default key sizes for several algorithms including RSA and EC for JDK19+. Neither the old nor new sizes match the default that BouncyCastle uses for EC.) ACCP cannot make any promises that its default key sizes match the defaults of any JDK version or other provider.

Because no providers have guarantees around the uninitialized behavior of KeyPairGenerators it is generally fragile for your application to use a KeyPairGenerator without initialization. For this reason, even if you don't use ACCP, we recommend that you always call the KeyPairGenerator.initialize(AlgorithmParameterSpec params) prior to generating a key pair.

Supported RSA key sizes for generation.

Aws-lc (our underlying cryptographic implementation) does not support generating arbitrary RSA key sizes. Specifically, it requires that bit-lengths are a multiple of 128. For better compatibility with applications, when in non-FIPS mode, ACCP will round bit-lengths up to the nearest multiple of 128. This way we will not throw exceptions at runtime and will give our callers at least as much security as requested. This is different from the default JDK provider which will attempt to generate a key of the exact requested bit-length. In FIPS mode will will only return keys of the exact requested length.

Elliptic Curve KeyPairGeneration by curve size

Neither the JCE nor the default OpenJDK provider for Elliptic Curve Cryptography (SunEC) specify the effect of calling KeyPairGenerator.initialize(int keysize) with an arbitrary value. This behavior is fully specified only for values of 192, 224, 256, 384, and 521. This means that applications cannot depend on receiving a specific curve for any other value. Also, the application might encounter compatibility issues if SunEC ever changes its behavior or if the application changes to a different JCE provider. In ACCP (after version 1.5.0), the KeyPairGenerator.initialize(int keysize) method fails with an InvalidParameterException for keysize values other than 192, 224, 256, 384, and 521.

For this reason, even if you don't use ACCP, we recommend that you use only the KeyPairGenerator.initialize(AlgorithmParameterSpec params) method with an ECGenParameterSpec to generate EC keys. This construction is safe for all known JCE providers and is expected to remain safe even if the behavior of a provider changes.

For more information, see the changelog notes for version 1.5.0.

Cipher.getOutputSize() for AES-GCM

ACCP might overestimate the amount of space needed when encrypted with AES/GCM/NoPadding on versions prior to 1.6.0. While this is compliant with the JCE (which permits overestimation) it has caused confusion for some developers.

SecureRandom is never deterministic

Some implementation of SecureRandom (such as SHA1PRNG, provided by the default OpenJDK cryptographic providers) can operate deterministically if SecureRandom.setSeed(byte[]) is called prior to any other methods. This behavior allows for insecure seeding and might make the application less secure if it requires the SecureRandom instance to provide secure entropy (such as for cryptographic use). The SecureRandom implementation provided by ACCP automatically seeds itself upon creation and cannot be used in a deterministic manner. This change is relevant only to systems that need deterministic behavior based on a seed, such as in some simulations. Systems that need deterministic behavior should not use an ACCP implementation of SecureRandom. They should select an implementation/algorithm that specifically meets their needs.

SecureRandom uses thread local state internally

To avoid the costs of both RNG initialization and thread contention, ACCP maintains a single internal instance of SecureRandom for each thread. Any time an instance of SecureRandom is used, ACCP routes the requests to the appropriate backing instance for the calling thread. Because the output of calls to SecureRandom is computationally indistinguishable from actual random data, this implementation detail has no impact on callers other than improving performance.

RSASSA-PSS Signature parameters may not be updated in-flight

To prevent callers from corrupting their signatures, we forbid them from updating a Signature's PSSParameterSpec while they are still updating a Signature object. Once the Signature has been updated, it must be reset, sign()'d, or verify'd before the PSS parameters may be updated. If a caller attempts to call Signature.setParameter(...) while a Signature instance has buffered data, we will throw an IllegalStateException.


Applications are unlikely to directly encounter any of these changes but may choose to take advantage of them.

AES-GCM supports IvParameterSpec

ACCP allows use of IvParameterSpec when calling Cipher.init(). This is equivalent to using a GCMParameterSpec with the same IV value and a tag length of 128 bits. By supporting the same ParameterSpec as other ciphers (such as AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding, which should not be used as it is no longer secure), ACCP makes it easier to migrate to the secure choice of AES/GCM/NoPadding. (This behavior is identical to how BouncyCastle treats IvParameterSpec when used with AES-GCM.)

AES-KWP restricted support for IvParameterSpec

While JCE allows for callers to explicitly specify alternate IV values in AES KWP, AWS-LC does not, so neither does ACCP. AWS-LC is responseible for determing the value of the AIV as described [here in RFC 5649](ACCP restricts KWP's IV to the constant 4-byte value described here.

KeyAgreement supports reuse without reinitialization

ACCP permits reuse of a KeyAgreement object without calling .init() more than once. This results in better performance for Static-Ephemeral key agreement protocols.

AES is supported as a target key type for all KeyAgreement algorithms and supports an explicit size

KeyAgreement.generateSecret(String) can be called with an input of "AES" for all Key Agreement algorithms. (The default Java implementation does not support "AES" as input with "ECDH" key agreement.) If "AES" is passed to this method, ACCP returns the largest possible AES key corresponding to the agreed secret. Alternatively, you can request an AES key of a particular size by appending the size (in bits) surrounded by brackets to this string. (Ex: "AES[128]" or "AES[256]") This returns a key of the requested strength or an InvalidKeyException if the agreed secret is not long enough for the requested AES key length. (This method of specifying key size is identical to the way BouncyCastle specifies key size for KeyAgreement.generateSecret(String).)

EC Key Equality For Truncated Keys on OpenJDK 10

The SunEC provider in OpenJDK10 has a bug that causes EC keys with 0-valued leading or trailing bytes to be truncated below their standard size. This bug is particularly significant for 521-bit EC keys. Because such keys have only a single bit in the most-significant byte, there is a 50% chance of the leading byte being zero. Presumably it also affects other key orders, but with much lower probability. For orders divisible by 8, the probability of a leading or trailing byte being zero is only 2*(1/256) = 1/128. This bug was fixed and backported to OpenJDK11 and to OpenJDK8 (as well as corretto 8 and up). However, it was not backported to JDK10 because JDK10 is End-of-Life'd (EoL'd).

Under this bug, OpenJDK will represent some EC keys' private value s with non-standard byte array lengths. ACCP always uses the standard byte array length (i.e. the maximum number of bytes a key of that order can occupy). Because both ACCP and OpenJDK determine equality by comparing DER encoding byte-by-byte, under this bug some JDK10 keys with an s value numerically equivalent to those of ACCP will be considered unequal. Given that this bug is only present in JDK10 (and notably not in any Corretto version, nor more recent OpenJDK versions), and that OpenJDK10 is EoL'd and should be migrated away from, this incompatibility is acceptable.