It provides a curated list of awesome content by PyLadies and also seeks to collect information to further promote content by awesome PyLadies on Mastodon 🤖
To contribute to the list, please see the contributing guidelines ✨
- Bilge Yucel by Bilge Yucel
- Victoria Slocum’s blog by Victoria Slocum
- Cheuk Ting Ho by Cheuk Ting Ho
- Christy Heaton by Christy Heaton
- Samples of Thoughts by Corrie Bartelheimer
- Cosima Meyer by Cosima Meyer
- Déborah Mesquita by Déborah Mesquita
- Ellens Blog by Ellen Schwartau
- Emily Riederer by Emily Riederer
- Ines Montani by Ines Montani
- Isabel Zimmerman by Isabel Zimmerman
- Jessica Greene (PyLadies Berlin) Medium account by Jessica Greene
- Data in life by Jennifer HY Lin
- Karina Bartolome by Karina Bartolome
- Lacey Henschel’s blog by Lacey Henschel
- Maren’s blog about science and technology by Maren Westermann
- Pamela Fox by Pamela Fox
- Lynn Root by Lynn Root
- Sabrine Bendimerad by Sabrine Bendimerad
- Stefanie Molin by Stefanie Molin
- Always Be Getting Data (ABGD) by Samantha Zeitlin
- Tuana Celik by Tuana Celik
- Valery C. Briz by Valery C. Briz
- whykay @ by Vicky Twomey-Lee
- PyLadies Bengaluru by PyLadies Bengaluru
- PyLadies London by PyLadies London
- PyLadies SoFlo YouTube channel by PyLadies SoFlo
If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to Cosima or open an issue.
This repository relies heavily on the Awesome R-Ladies blogs repository, to whom all credit goes.