A simple rock, paper, scissors game for PocketMine!
- Download the phar here.
- Upload it to your server's plugin directory.
- Restart your server.
usage: /rps <args>
description: A simple rps game.
permission: rps.command
description: Gives access to the rps command.
default: true
All messages are configurable with this plugin:
WinMessage: "&l&a[RPS] -> Opponent has chosen &d {BotMove} &a, You Win!!!"
LoseMessage: "&l&a[RPS] -> Opponent has chosen &d {BotMove} &a, You Lose :C"
TiedMessage: "&l&a[RPS] -> Opponent has chosen &d {BotMove} &a, You both Tied"
NoArgsMessage: "&l&a[RPS] -> please choose one from rock , paper or scissors and enter /rps YOUR_MOVE"
notValidArg: "&l&a[RPS] -> please choose one from rock , paper or scissors ONLY"
You can also configure commands ran when a player wins a game of rock paper scissors:
- "say {PLAYER} has won a rps game do `/rps <args>` to play :)"
- "say You can add more commands on config.yml"
Contact CosmicNebula#2508 or alternatively TPE#1061 on discord if you need any assistance or have any suggestions.