Migration from 1.x.x to 2.x Breaking Changes Named parameters are now required for passing custom data, filename, and delimeter props. Support for the IE navigator.msSaveBlob method was removed from the code (as it was removed in new versions of TypeScript). File name can be provided without .csv extension, it will be added automatically Steps update to the new version (2.x) map arguments on object props. I.e: const props = { data: data, filename: filename, delimiter: delimiter } csvDownload(props); Migration to 3.x Breaking Changes The default delimiter was changed from semicolon (;) to comma (,) to comply with RFC-4180. Steps update to the new version (3.x) if your code is expecting a semicolon delimiter, add delimiter: ";" to the options object provided to csvDownload: csvDownload({ data: someData, filename: "with-semicolons.csv", delimiter: ";", });