yarn add cotter-react
npm install cotter-react --save
Play around in this Codesandbox.
To use the CotterProvider
, you need to wrap your root component with CotterProvder
import React from "react";
import { Router } from "@reach/router";
import LoginPage from "../login";
import { CotterProvider, LoginForm } from "cotter-react"; // 👈 Import Cotter Provider
function App() {
return (
// 👇 1) Wrap CotterProvider around your ROOT COMPONENT
<CotterProvider apiKeyID="<YOUR API KEY ID>"> // 👈 Copy paste your Cotter API Key ID.
<LoginPage path="/" />
export default App;
How to add Context Provider in Gatsby
Update your gatsby-browser.js
file in the root folder of your project
import React from "react"
import { CotterProvider } from "cotter-react"
export const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (
<CotterProvider apiKeyID="<YOUR API KEY ID>">
Using the React SDK, we have included CotterProvider
for authentication state management.
- Adding the
- Using the
- Require authentication using
The LoginForm
component automatically sends a verification email or SMS to the entered email or phone number, and respond with the results.
To use the LoginForm
component, you can import LoginForm
and do the following:
formID={"form_default"} // - Select which form customization to use (check your dashboard)
type="EMAIL" // - EMAIL or PHONE
authMethod="MAGIC_LINK" // - OTP or MAGIC_LINK
onBegin={onSignupBegin} // - A function that runs before verification email/SMS is sent
onSuccess={onSignupSuccess} // - A function that runs after the login/signup is successful
onError={onSignupError} // - A function that runs if the login/signup encountered an error
width={340} // - Width & height of the form
height={300} // Recommended at least 300x300
additionalFields={[ // - The form includes 1 field for email/phone. Use this to add
{ // more fields.
name: "name",
label: "Full Name",
placeholder: "Enter your full name",
styles={loginFormStyles} // - You can style the form on Cotter's Dashboard or pass in CSS here.
To send successful form submission following your config in the dashboard, follow this guide
The onBegin
function receives the user entered fields as a parameter.
- To stop submission and display an error, return a string with the error message.
- To continue submission with no error, return null.
Learn more about
For example:
const myOnBeginFunction = (payload) => {
if (payload.identifier === "[email protected]") {
// If there's an error, return a string with the error message
return "Phone Number is not allowed";
// If there's no error, return null
return null;
// Payload object looks like this
var payload = {
identifier: "[email protected]",
identifier_type: "PHONE",
device_type: "BROWSER",
device_name: "Chrome ...",
client_json: { // This is available if you set up AdditionalFields
"name": "Hello World",
"address": "Street Address"
When the user successfully login or sign up, the onSuccess
function will receive a response from Cotter that includes the user-entered fields an a JWT token to validate the user successfully verified their email or phone number.
Learn more about onSuccess
- To send successful form submission following your config in the dashboard, follow this guide
For example:
const onSuccessFunc = (payload) => {
// Send data to Server
.post("https://slug.brev.dev/login", payload)
.then((resp) => console.log("Response From Server", resp))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
// Payload object looks like this:
var payload {
"email": "[email protected]", // User's email (or phone number),
"name": "Hello World",
"address": "Street Address",
"oauth_token": {
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImt...", // Access Token to validate
"id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1Ni...",
"refresh_token": "27805:CNf76faa8trMhjXM...",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"auth_method": "OTP"
"user": {
"ID": "abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-af6f81fb5432", // Cotter User ID
"issuer": "<YOUR_API_KEY_ID>",
"identifier": "[email protected]"
When there's an error, the onError
function will be invoked. The error returned may differ based on the error, you should display an error message when this is invoked, and try it in console.log
to see the error responses.
The default form includes 1 field which is the email input or phone number input. If you want to collect more information, use this to add more fields.
For example:
const additionalFields = [
label: "Full Name",
name: "name",
placeholder: "Enter your full name"
label: "Address",
name: "address",
placeholder: "Enter your address"
label: "Prefilled Info",
name: "prefilled",
type: "hidden", // availabe types are the same as HTML input type.
initial_value: "autofill value"
There are 2 ways to style your login form.
- Customize the form from the Cotter Dashboard
- Pass in a styles object
To pass in a styles object, you can find each component's class name using inspect element, then add the style for each class name like the following:
const styles = {
input_label: {
fontFamily: "Roboto",
fontSize: 15,
color: "red",
fontWeight: 700,
input_text_container_default: {
backgroundColor: "#fce883",
padding: "20px 60px",
input_text: {
backgroundColor: "#fce883",
fontFamily: "Roboto",
fontSize: 20,
button_container: {
borderRadius: 0,
button_text: {
color: "aqua",
The CotterProvider
provides you with useful authentication state and the current user information. To use it:
const { isLoading, isLoggedIn, user, getAccessToken, logout, getCotter, apiKeyID, checkLoggedIn } = useContext(CotterContext);
(bool): tells you if the CotterProvider is loading the necessary dataisLoggedIn
(bool): tells you if the user is logged-in or notuser
(object): gives you the user object of the currently logged-in user
const user = {
"ID": "abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-67ebae3cdfcf",
"issuer": "abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-5cc8b69051e8",
"client_user_id": "abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-67ebae3cdfcf",
"enrolled": [
"identifier": "[email protected]"
(async function): returns the Cotter Access Token object. To get the string encoded JWT access token to pass to your backend, use
const token = await getAccessToken();
const accessTokenStr = token?.token;
(async function): a function to logout the user
<div onClick={logout}>Log Out</div>
(function): a function to get the Cotter object. Check out the docs on what you can do with the Cotter object.apiKeyID
(string): your API KEY ID that you passed-in to theCotterProvider
(async function): a function to force theCotterProvider
to check if the user's logged-in
This wrapper will check if the user is logged-in, if not, it'll redirect to the loginPagePath
import { withAuthenticationRequired } from "cotter-react";
function DashboardPage() {...}
// Protect this page using the `withAuthenticationRequired` HOC
// If user is not logged-in, they'll be redirected to the `loginPagePath`
export default withAuthenticationRequired(DashboardPage, {
loginPagePath: "/",