Validate Cotter's Identity and Event responses, read and decode jwt tokens generated by Cotter using the classes defined here. To read more about Cotter, get started with our 📚 integration guides and example projects.
npm install cotter-token-js --save
yarn add cotter-token-js
To decode a jwt token:
import { CotterJwtToken } from "cotter-token-js";
const decodedToken = new CotterJwtToken(token);
console.log(decodedToken.payload); // decoded jwt token object
console.log(decodedToken.token); // original token string
// getting payload.exp
const expiredAt = decodedToken.getExpiration();
// getting payload.iat
const issuedAt = decodedToken.getIssuedAt();
// getting payload.aud
const audience = decodedToken.getAudience();
Cotter returns 2 types of jwt token, CotterAccessToken
and CotterIDToken
This access token should be passed to your backend server, and used to authorize users to access your API. Validate the access token passed to your backend server using this example.
To decode a the access token:
import { CotterAccessToken } from "cotter-token-js";
const decodedToken = new CotterAccessToken(accessToken);
console.log(decodedToken.payload); // decoded jwt token object
console.log(decodedToken.token); // original token string
have the following attributes
class CotterAccessToken {
token: string; // This is the original token string
payload: {
client_user_id: string;
authentication_method: string;
type: string;
scope: string;
identifier: string;
// standard claims
aud: string;
exp: number;
jti: string;
iat: number;
iss: string;
nbf: number;
sub: string; // Cotter User ID
getAuthMethod(): string // Get Authentication method (OTP/MAGIC_LINK/TRUSTED_DEVICE/WEBAUTHN)
getScope(): string // Get Scope
getID(): string // Get Cotter User ID
getIdentifier(): string // Get user's identifier (email/phone/username)
getClientUserID(): string // DEPRECATED: Get client_user_id
also extends all the methods available for CotterJWTToken
The ID token is following OpenID specifications, and is provided to get more information about the user.
To decode a the id token:
import { CotterIDToken } from "cotter-token-js";
const decodedToken = new CotterIDToken(accessToken);
console.log(decodedToken.payload); // decoded jwt token object
console.log(decodedToken.token); // original token string
have the following attributes
class CotterIDToken {
token: string; // This is the original token string
payload: {
client_user_id: string;
auth_time: string; // authentication time
identifier: string; // User's email/phone/username
type: string;
// standard claims
aud: string;
exp: number;
jti: string;
iat: number;
iss: string;
nbf: number;
sub: string; // Cotter User ID
getAuthTime(): string // Get authentication time
getIdentifier(): string // Get user's identifier (email/phone/username)
getID(): string // Get Cotter User ID
getClientUserID(): string // DEPRECATED: Get client_user_id
also extends all the methods available for CotterJWTToken
When you want to request access tokens from cotter, add a query paramater ?oauth_token=true
at the end of your request.
For reference, current base url for Cotter:
There are several endpoints where you can request access tokens from:
POST /user/create?oauth_token=true
PUT /user/:client_user_id?oauth_token=true
POST /event/create?oauth_token=true
GET /event/get/:event_id?oauth_token=true
GET /verify/get_identity?oauth_token=true
When using these endpoints, you'll get an additional field called oauth_token
"oauth_token": {
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1sInR5cC...",
"auth_method": "TRUSTED_DEVICE",
"expires_in": 3600,
"id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUz...",
"refresh_token": "60:79hbLxl3aTjWWgCcIRnn...",
"token_type": "Bearer"
When your access token expires, you can get a new one using the refresh token that was given.
POST /token
Content-Type: application/json
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": "3:8xhGfVzGa91WOZ1eDk..."
Note that you don't get a refresh token back.
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOsInR5cCI6...",
"auth_method": "OTP",
"expires_in": 3600,
"id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiI...",
"token_type": "Bearer"
To validate the access or identity token, you can use Cotter's package cotter-node
import { CotterValidateJWT } from "cotter-node";
try {
var valid = await CotterValidateJWT(token);
} catch (e) {
To validate the jwt token, you need Cotter's JWT Public Key. The Public Key is specified in this endpoint:
GET /token/jwks
There's only one key for now, so use that key.
To Validate jwt token using this key, check the example
A simple example to validate the jwt token:
var jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
var jwkToPem = require("jwk-to-pem");
var axios = require("axios");
const validateToken = async (token) => {
const publicKeys = await axios.default.get(
const jwk =[0];
const pem = jwkToPem(jwk);
jwt.verify(token, pem, { algorithms: ["ES256"] }, function (err, decodedToken) {
validateToken(accessToken); // 👈 pass in access token here