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02-02-2019 Full Totem Analysis based on RDataFrame and distributed on a big Spark cluster with PyRDF! Milosz Blaszkiewicz and Aleksandra Mnich (AGH University of Science and Technology - Poland) wanted to evaluate a set of Big Data tools for the analysis of the data from the TOTEM experiment which will enable interactive or semi-interactive work with large amounts of data. They ended up re-implementing a full Totem analysis in a declarative fashion using RDataFrame and distributing their calculations over a big Spark cluster with PyRDF. Check it out on CDS!
30-01-2019 More tests, more benchmarks! ROOT relies on testing, including performance testing - and we need to improve both.
30-01-2019 Better argument parsing Use a C++ command line argument library for defining and parsing ROOT's options.
30-01-2019 Transform GNU-makefile tests to CMake ROOT's test suite has several crucial tests that still try on GNU-Makefile. We need to integrate them with CMake.
11-07-2018 RDataFrame session at CHEP 2018 Join the CHEP 2018 BOF to discuss bout the Future of ROOT Based Analysis: sign up here and visit the indico agenda.
Too much data? Too many cores? TTree analysis is tedious? Come and enjoy an intro plus discussion of RDataFrame, ROOT's current-generation way of writing super-efficient analyses! It moves all the intricacies into ROOT's responsibility, leaving you simply with a declarative formulation of the filters and computations that make up your analysis.
17-01-2018 ROOT Users' Workshop 2018 The ROOT team would like to invite you to the 11th ROOT Users' Workshop.
This time we meet in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina - a buzzing melting pot of cultures since centuries. The workshop features four days of presentations and discussions on everything ROOT: what works for you, what doesn't and how ROOT evolves to address future challenges. ROOT is changing; this is your chance to influence what happens and to interact with all its developers! Our way of saying "thank you for participating" is to make sure that you have a great time in a unique location!
03-08-2017 The ROOT Docker container (alpha version) Do you like Docker? Would you like to use ROOT? We provide an alpha version of the ROOT Docker container!
08-03-2017 Development release 6.09/02 is out! This is the first ROOT development release of the 6.09 series! It is meant to offer a preview of the many features which will be included in the 6.10 production release.
05-09-2016 Get the most out of the ROOT tutorials! All ROOT tutorials are now available as ROOTBooks which can be statically visualized via NBViewer or interactively explored with SWAN.
06-07-2016 CERN Summer Students' Course The CERN Summer Student program is in full swing and ROOT is part of it.
05-01-2016 Wanted: A tool to 'warn' user of inefficient (for I/O) construct in data model A tool to 'warn' user of inefficient (for I/O) construct in data model
16-12-2015 Try the new ROOTbooks on Binder (beta) Try the new ROOTbooks on Binder (Beta)! Use ROOT interactively in notebooks and explore to the examples.
05-12-2015 ROOT has its Jupyter Kernel! ROOT has its Jupyter kernel! More information here.
15-09-2015 ROOT Users' Workshop 2015 The next ROOT Users' Workshop will celebrate ROOT's 20th anniversary. It will take place on 15-18 Sept 2015 in Saas-Fee, Switzerland
03-09-2015 The New ROOT Website is Online! The new ROOT website is online!
02-09-2015 Wanted: Storage of HEP data via key/value storage solutions Interface the ROOT I/O to key/value stores.
16-08-2015 ROOT Tutorial for Summer Students Four instances of the summer student tutorial took place this year: more than 140 people attended.
28-03-2015 Commandline tools for ROOT files inspection, modification and automated plotting Create a unix-like set of Python command line tools to explore, modify and display the content of ROOT files. Subscribe to Other News