layout | lineage | version | v | pv | timestamp | today | description | snps | min_snps | max_snps | threshold | import_data | detected | source |
global_report_page |
P.1 |
2.0 |
4.2 |
2022-07-09 |
2024-10-16, 14:27 GMT |
2024-10-16 |
A lineage first identified in Brazil with variants of biological significance E484K, N501Y and K417T, described in a recent virological post: <a href='' style='color:#86b0a6'>here</a>. P.1 lineage is an alias of lineage B. As described in <a href='' style='color:#86b0a6'>Rambaut et al., 2020</a> when the lineage heirarchy reaches a certain depth (length of 5) lineage names are given an alias to prevent them from becoming infinitely long. |
aa:orf1ab:S1188L<br> aa:orf1ab:K1795Q<br> del:11288:9<br> aa:S:L18F<br> aa:S:T20N<br> aa:S:P26S<br> aa:S:D138Y<br> aa:S:R190S<br> aa:S:K417T<br> aa:S:E484K<br> aa:S:N501Y<br> aa:S:H655Y<br> aa:S:T1027I<br> aa:orf3a:G174C<br> aa:orf8:E92K<br> aa:N:P80R |
10 |
17 |
5 |
Y |
Brazil |