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Jumptable. is a data structure of [256]operation. Each subscript corresponds to an instruction, using operation to store the processing logic corresponding to the instruction, gas consumption, stack verification method, memory usage and other functions.


The data structure operation stores the required functions of an instruction.

type operation struct {
	// op is the operation function
	execute executionFunc
	// gasCost is the gas function and returns the gas required for execution gas
	gasCost gasFunc
	// validateStack validates the stack (size) for the operation
	validateStack stackValidationFunc
	// memorySize returns the memory size required for the operation
	memorySize memorySizeFunc

	halts   bool // indicates whether the operation shoult halt further execution
	jumps   bool // indicates whether the program counter should not increment
	writes  bool // determines whether this a state modifying operation
	valid   bool // indication whether the retrieved operation is valid and known
	reverts bool // determines whether the operation reverts state (implicitly halts)
	returns bool // determines whether the opertions sets the return data content

The instruction set, which defines three instruction sets for three different Ethereum versions,

var (
	frontierInstructionSet  = NewFrontierInstructionSet()
	homesteadInstructionSet = NewHomesteadInstructionSet()
	byzantiumInstructionSet = NewByzantiumInstructionSet()

NewByzantiumInstructionSet The Byzantine version first calls NewHomesteadInstructionSet to create the previous version of the instruction, then adds its own unique directives. STATICCALL ,RETURNDATASIZE ,RETURNDATACOPY ,REVERT

// NewByzantiumInstructionSet returns the frontier, homestead and
// byzantium instructions.
func NewByzantiumInstructionSet() [256]operation {
	// instructions that can be executed during the homestead phase.
	instructionSet := NewHomesteadInstructionSet()
	instructionSet[STATICCALL] = operation{
		execute:       opStaticCall,
		gasCost:       gasStaticCall,
		validateStack: makeStackFunc(6, 1),
		memorySize:    memoryStaticCall,
		valid:         true,
		returns:       true,
	instructionSet[RETURNDATASIZE] = operation{
		execute:       opReturnDataSize,
		gasCost:       constGasFunc(GasQuickStep),
		validateStack: makeStackFunc(0, 1),
		valid:         true,
	instructionSet[RETURNDATACOPY] = operation{
		execute:       opReturnDataCopy,
		gasCost:       gasReturnDataCopy,
		validateStack: makeStackFunc(3, 0),
		memorySize:    memoryReturnDataCopy,
		valid:         true,
	instructionSet[REVERT] = operation{
		execute:       opRevert,
		gasCost:       gasRevert,
		validateStack: makeStackFunc(2, 0),
		memorySize:    memoryRevert,
		valid:         true,
		reverts:       true,
		returns:       true,
	return instructionSet


// NewHomesteadInstructionSet returns the frontier and homestead
// instructions that can be executed during the homestead phase.
func NewHomesteadInstructionSet() [256]operation {
	instructionSet := NewFrontierInstructionSet()
	instructionSet[DELEGATECALL] = operation{
		execute:       opDelegateCall,
		gasCost:       gasDelegateCall,
		validateStack: makeStackFunc(6, 1),
		memorySize:    memoryDelegateCall,
		valid:         true,
		returns:       true,
	return instructionSet


Because there are a lot of instructions, so I won't list them one by one. Just a few examples. Although the combined functions can be complicated, it is quite intuitive for a single instruction.

func opPc(pc *uint64, evm *EVM, contract *Contract, memory *Memory, stack *Stack) ([]byte, error) {
	return nil, nil

func opMsize(pc *uint64, evm *EVM, contract *Contract, memory *Memory, stack *Stack) ([]byte, error) {
	return nil, nil


Gas_table returns the function of gas consumed by various instructions.
The return value of this function is basically only the error of errGasUintOverflow integer overflow.

func gasBalance(gt params.GasTable, evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
	return gt.Balance, nil

func gasExtCodeSize(gt params.GasTable, evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
	return gt.ExtcodeSize, nil

func gasSLoad(gt params.GasTable, evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
	return gt.SLoad, nil

func gasExp(gt params.GasTable, evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
	expByteLen := uint64(([stack.len()-2].BitLen() + 7) / 8)

	var (
		gas      = expByteLen * gt.ExpByte // no overflow check required. Max is 256 * ExpByte gas
		overflow bool
	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, GasSlowStep); overflow {
		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
	return gas, nil

interpreter.go interpreter

data structure

// Config are the configuration options for the Interpreter
type Config struct {
	// Debug enabled debugging Interpreter options
	Debug bool
	// EnableJit enabled the JIT VM
	EnableJit bool
	// ForceJit forces the JIT VM
	ForceJit bool
	// Tracer is the op code logger
	Tracer Tracer
	// NoRecursion disabled Interpreter call, callcode,
	// delegate call and create.
	NoRecursion bool
	// Disable gas metering
	DisableGasMetering bool
	// Enable recording of SHA3/keccak preimages
	EnablePreimageRecording bool
	// JumpTable contains the EVM instruction table. This
	// may be left uninitialised and will be set to the default
	// table.
	JumpTable [256]operation

// Interpreter is used to run Ethereum based contracts and will utilise the
// passed evmironment to query external sources for state information.
// The Interpreter will run the byte code VM or JIT VM based on the passed
// configuration.
type Interpreter struct {
	evm      *EVM
	cfg      Config
	gasTable params.GasTable   // Gas price that identifies a lot of operations
	intPool  *intPool

	readOnly   bool   // Whether to throw on stateful modifications
	returnData []byte // Last CALL's return data for subsequent reuse


// NewInterpreter returns a new instance of the Interpreter.
func NewInterpreter(evm *EVM, cfg Config) *Interpreter {
	// We use the STOP instruction whether to see
	// the jump table was initialised. If it was not
	// we'll set the default jump table.
	if !cfg.JumpTable[STOP].valid {
		switch {
		case evm.ChainConfig().IsByzantium(evm.BlockNumber):
			cfg.JumpTable = byzantiumInstructionSet
		case evm.ChainConfig().IsHomestead(evm.BlockNumber):
			cfg.JumpTable = homesteadInstructionSet
			cfg.JumpTable = frontierInstructionSet

	return &Interpreter{
		evm:      evm,
		cfg:      cfg,
		gasTable: evm.ChainConfig().GasTable(evm.BlockNumber),
		intPool:  newIntPool(),

The interpreter has a total of two methods, the enforceRestrictions method and the Run method.

func (in *Interpreter) enforceRestrictions(op OpCode, operation operation, stack *Stack) error {
	if in.evm.chainRules.IsByzantium {
		if in.readOnly {
			// If the interpreter is operating in readonly mode, make sure no
			// state-modifying operation is performed. The 3rd stack item
			// for a call operation is the value. Transferring value from one
			// account to the others means the state is modified and should also
			// return with an error.
			if operation.writes || (op == CALL && stack.Back(2).BitLen() > 0) {
				return errWriteProtection
	return nil

// Run loops and evaluates the contract's code with the given input data and returns
// the return byte-slice and an error if one occurred.
// It's important to note that any errors returned by the interpreter should be
// considered a revert-and-consume-all-gas operation. No error specific checks
// should be handled to reduce complexity and errors further down the in.
func (in *Interpreter) Run(snapshot int, contract *Contract, input []byte) (ret []byte, err error) {
	// Increment the call depth which is restricted to 1024
	defer func() { in.evm.depth-- }()

	// Reset the previous call's return data. It's unimportant to preserve the old buffer
	// as every returning call will return new data anyway.
	in.returnData = nil

	// Don't bother with the execution if there's no code.
	if len(contract.Code) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	codehash := contract.CodeHash // codehash is used when doing jump dest caching
	if codehash == (common.Hash{}) {
		codehash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(contract.Code)

	var (
		// current opcode
		op    OpCode
		mem   = NewMemory() // bound memory
		stack = newstack()  // local stack
		// For optimisation reason we're using uint64 as the program counter.
		// It's theoretically possible to go above 2^64. The YP defines the PC
		// to be uint256. Practically much less so feasible.
		pc   = uint64(0) // program counter
		cost uint64
		// copies used by tracer
		stackCopy = newstack() // stackCopy needed for Tracer since stack is mutated by 63/64 gas rule
		// needed for the deferred Tracer
		pcCopy uint64
		// for Tracer to log gas remaining before execution
		gasCopy uint64
		// deferred Tracer should ignore already logged steps
		logged bool
	contract.Input = input

	defer func() {
		if err != nil && !logged && in.cfg.Debug {
			in.cfg.Tracer.CaptureState(in.evm, pcCopy, op, gasCopy, cost, mem, stackCopy, contract, in.evm.depth, err)

	// The Interpreter main run loop (contextual). This loop runs until either an
	// explicit STOP, RETURN or SELFDESTRUCT is executed, an error occurred during
	// the execution of one of the operations or until the done flag is set by the
	// parent context.
	for atomic.LoadInt32(&in.evm.abort) == 0 {
		// Get the memory location of pc
		op = contract.GetOp(pc)

		if in.cfg.Debug {
			logged = false
			pcCopy = uint64(pc)
			gasCopy = uint64(contract.Gas)
			stackCopy = newstack()
			for _, val := range {

		// get the operation from the jump table matching the opcode
		operation := in.cfg.JumpTable[op]
		// This check the read-only mode can not execute the writes command
		// staticCall will be set to readonly mode
		if err := in.enforceRestrictions(op, operation, stack); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// if the op is invalid abort the process and return an error
		if !operation.valid { // check illegal
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid opcode 0x%x", int(op))

		// validate the stack and make sure there enough stack items available
		// to perform the operation
		if err := operation.validateStack(stack); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		var memorySize uint64
		// calculate the new memory size and expand the memory to fit
		// the operation
		if operation.memorySize != nil { // Calculate memory usage, charge
			memSize, overflow := bigUint64(operation.memorySize(stack))
			if overflow {
				return nil, errGasUintOverflow
			// memory is expanded in words of 32 bytes. Gas
			// is also calculated in words.
			if memorySize, overflow = math.SafeMul(toWordSize(memSize), 32); overflow {
				return nil, errGasUintOverflow

		if !in.cfg.DisableGasMetering { // This parameter is useful when the local simulation is executed, and can not consume or check the GAS execution transaction and get the return result.
			// consume the gas and return an error if not enough gas is available.
			// cost is explicitly set so that the capture state defer method cas get the proper cost
			// Calculate the cost of gas and use it. If it is not enough, it will return an OutOfGas error.
			cost, err = operation.gasCost(in.gasTable, in.evm, contract, stack, mem, memorySize)
			if err != nil || !contract.UseGas(cost) {
				return nil, ErrOutOfGas
		if memorySize > 0 { // Expand memory range

		if in.cfg.Debug {
			in.cfg.Tracer.CaptureState(in.evm, pc, op, gasCopy, cost, mem, stackCopy, contract, in.evm.depth, err)
			logged = true

		// execute the operation
		res, err := operation.execute(&pc, in.evm, contract, mem, stack)
		// verifyPool is a build flag. Pool verification makes sure the integrity
		// of the integer pool by comparing values to a default value.
		if verifyPool {
		// if the operation clears the return data (e.g. it has returning data)
		// set the last return to the result of the operation.
		if operation.returns { // If there is a return value, then set the return value. Note that only the last one returns an effect.
			in.returnData = res

		switch {
		case err != nil:
			return nil, err
		case operation.reverts:
			return res, errExecutionReverted
		case operation.halts:
			return res, nil
		case !operation.jumps:
	return nil, nil