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Cooking with CQL Q&A Index Measure Representation Category

rhondaschwartz edited this page May 23, 2020 · 5 revisions
  • Measure Representation Questions from Cooking with CQL Sessions
Category Question Session # and Date
Measure Representation If you have overlapping depression periods with no end-date in the measurement period, do you get a query with all the diagnoses? 30 - 12.6.18
Measure Representation What value is returned in risk adjustment? Is it different between EP measures vs. EH measures? 30 - 12.6.18
Measure Representation For the calculate age in years expression, do we have to add the date from patient birth time and the date from start of measurement period? 29 - 10.5.18
Measure Representation Which is recommended; use patient directly or patient.birthdatetime? 29 - 10.5.18
Measure Representation Is blood pressure identified as an observation or as a component of an observation? 28 - 9.27.18
Measure Representation In calculating methods for determining doses per day using the QDM medication elements, can active medications be used instead of ordered, assuming the patient is taking the medication as directed? 28 - 9.27.18
Measure Representation In the ED encounter observation expression, can the union be used with both option 1 (use of an Encounter code to model observation) and option 2 (use of an Encounter facility location to model observation)? 27 - 7.26.18
Measure Representation Does the logic shown cover a scenario where the patient goes from outpatient status directly to inpatient? 27 - 7.26.18
Measure Representation Can the "define function" pattern be used to customize measures where an outpatient visit is not to be considered as an episode of care? 27 - 7.26.18
Measure Representation "Most or Moderately Effective Contraception Provided" Contraception

Return Contraception.code

This will return different types of contraceptives including counseling. Do they need to be listed independently or can a definition be used in the supplemental element?
26 - 6.28.18
Measure Representation I see there is an attribute result. How does this differ from the attribute component? 25 - 5.31.18
Measure Representation In the specifications, is it necessary to specify that the boundary is closed or open? 24 - 4.26.18
Measure Representation When the "where" clause is used in the example; does it mean that the "let…" statement can only be assigned one line of code? 24 - 4.26.18
Measure Representation Is the statement, "The denominator is always a subset of the initial population, so the criteria entered to define "Initial Population" does not have to be duplicated for define "Denominator"" only true for patient-based measures? 24 - 4.26.18
Measure Representation Is the Hepatitis B immunizations procedure a value set or definition? 21 -2/22/18
Measure Representation Did you have to use Coalesce since you are using two different data types or are the attributes the same? 23 - 2.22.18
Measure Representation Is there a preferred pattern to use if not using Coalesce? 23 - 2.22.18
Measure Representation Are occurrences still a concept that will be used? 20 - 11.30.17
Measure Representation When using within to make the range clearer, does that mean the 60 days can be either side? 19 - 10.26.17
Measure Representation What is the difference between using definitions vs. parameters when expressing a measure? 19 - 10.26.17
Measure Representation If the Enc1 is in June, the previous one is still in the measurement period. Could you move the age to separate statement instead of a where? 19 - 10.26.17
Measure Representation In the Encounter Diagnoses example below, can "or" be changed to "and" and still provide the two diagnoses? 18 - 9.21.17
Measure Representation What unit is returned in this example? Define function "Arrival and Departure Time" (Encounter "Encounter, Performed"): 18 - 9.21.17
Measure Representation Referring to the example that uses the code of each component within a Diagnostic Study to identify different results, would this mean an additional setup/implementation will be required for healthcare systems to "map" to these additional codes around a newly created component1 or component 2? 18 - 9.21.17
Measure Representation What is the recommendation for measure developers regarding the QDM length of stay attribute? Should they use the attribute or should they indicate length of stay using CQL expression without invoking the attribute? 16 - 7.20.17
Measure Representation What does the hospitalization function mean? 16 - 7.20.17
Measure Representation In the hospitalization function where it says, "if null," does it mean that if there is no ED encounter, it will start counting from the inpatient encounter? 16 - 7.20.17
Measure Representation Why are we using diagnosis to represent allergy instead of allergy intolerance? 16 - 7.20.17
Measure Representation You used the definition called "Inpatient Encounters" throughout the measure, but I thought it only had the length of stay and end string measurement period? 15 -6.15.17
Measure Representation We tried to use "Inpatient Encounters" and intersect it with something else, but it would not work. Why is that? 15 -6.15.17
Measure Representation What is the difference in the query order between: Define "Encounter With ED Visit Less Than Two Days" and ED Visit Less Than Two Days"? 14 - 5.18.17
Measure Representation In the example below, does using exist have any impact when also using the union to define the numerator? "Encounter With Antithrombotic Therapy" 14 - 5.18.17
Measure Representation Explain why, if the timing is less than 30 days, 29 days is used in the CQL expression? 12 - 3.16.17
Measure Representation To estimate due date, do you take the return of a record, within physical exam performed estimated due date codes that would have access to all the actual fields and cast it to datetime? 10 - 1.26.17
Measure Representation How are time durations calculated in CQL? 10 - 1.26.17
Measure Representation When define "gestational age at birth": 280 – (days between "Estimated Due Date" and "Time of Delivery") div 7 is entered into the MAT, is it entered as a function or a definition? 10 - 1.26.17
Measure Representation When using "with" in the "such that" expression, do you have to put it before all the such that"s or is there a significance to the order? 10 - 1.26.17
Measure Representation Does union return a unique code for both diagnosis of asthma and other illness? 9 - 11.17.16
Measure Representation Is measure 72, which defines exceptions for antithrombotic therapy, an example that could be simplified in logic to reference an episode of care? 9 - 11.17.16

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Authoring Patterns - QICore v4.1.1

Authoring Patterns - QICore v5.0.0

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