Releases: cquiroz/scala-java-time
Releases · cquiroz/scala-java-time
Release 2.0.0-M10
- Updated to scala.js 0.6.15
- Updated time zone db to 2017b
- Updated to scala-java-locales 0.3.3
- Improved detection of the default timezone in browsers
Release 2.0.0-M9
- Provide source map mappings
- Fixed missing compareTo methods
- Updated to scala-java-locales 0.3.2
- Don't include the java.time package on the jvm bundle
- Update time zone db to 2017a
- Attempts to discover the default timezone on browsers
Release 2.0.0-M8
Added support for timezones
Release 2.0.0-M7
Downgrade to scala-java-locales 0.3.1-cldr30
Release 2.0.0-M6
First release on the new organization and contains exports in both org.threeten.bp
and java.time