Lists the equipment used to collect the various observations.
Each file represents an equipment type and is listed with the following attributes:
- Make - Equipment manufacturer or commercial brand name.
- Model - Equipment model name or general identification label.
- Serial - Equipment serial number, needs to be unique within its set of equipment make & model.
- Number - Equipment asset number, this is optional and is used primarily for cross-checking
- Notes - Any extra details which may be relevant to the piece of equipment.
- GNSS Antennas.cameras.csv
- Network Cameras used for volcano and building monitoring.dataloggers.csv
- Dataloggers for recording analogue signals.metsensors.csv
- Meteorological Sensors used primarily with GNSS systems.radomes.csv
- GNSS Antenna Radomes.receivers.csv
- GNSS Satellite Receiversrecorders.csv
- Combined datalogger and sensors used primarily for strong motion recording.sensors.csv
- Analogue sensors which are usually attached to dataloggers.
Pre-commit checks will be made on these files to ensure:
- No duplicated asset numbers - if given these need to be globally unique
- No duplicated serial numbers - these need to be unique within each equipment make & model set.