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Office Space using Cloud Run and Knative



office space architecture

This repo contains a set of sample microservices that can be used to demonstrate Cloud Run, Cloud Run on GKE, and Knative. The microservices comprise a faux "banking" application.

The application allows you to generate a series of banking transactions – each time a transaction occurs, interest is computed and added to the original amount. The total amount is rounded down to the nearest penny and deposited into the banks holdings. The remaining fractional pennies are deposited into another account.

Refer to Superman III or Office Space to learn more 🙃. This project was inspired by, and owes a debt of gratitude to jzaccone/office-space-dockercon2017.

See below for instructions on how to build and deploy the services.

Project setup

  • Install the Google Cloud SDK
  • Create a Google Cloud project (with billing)
  • Enable the following APIs:
    • Cloud Build
    • Container Registry
    • Cloud Run
    • Kubernetes Engine
    • Cloud Firestore
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \

Building container images

  • Start by building the container images for each of the four microservices account-balance, bank-holdings, compute-transaction, and transaction-generator
for d in account-balance bank-holdings compute-transaction transaction-generator; \
  do gcloud builds submit $d/ \
    --tag[PROJECT]/$d-firestore \
    --project [PROJECT] \
    --async; done

Infrastructure setup

  • Use the following instructions to setup the deployment targets, specifically Cloud Run on GKE and Knative on GKE

Cloud Run on GKE

  • Create a GKE cluster with Cloud Run
gcloud beta container clusters create rungke \
  --addons=HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,Istio,CloudRun \
  --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
  --cluster-version=latest --zone=[ZONE] \
  --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \
  --enable-ip-alias \
  --scopes cloud-platform
  • Grab the cluster credentials so you can run kubectl commands

gcloud container clusters get-credentials rungke

  • Find the istio-ingressgateway external IP address
INGRESS=$(kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress..ip})
  • Update the internal Knative domain configuration with the IP address from the previous step, using as the dynamic DNS provider
  • Note: this is for demo purposes only. For production deployments, refer to Using a custom domain for Cloud Run on GKE
kubectl patch configmap config-domain --namespace knative-serving --patch \
  '{"data": {"": null, "[INGRESS]": ""}}'

Knative on GKE

  • Create a GKE cluster with Istio
gcloud beta container clusters create knative \
  --addons=HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,Istio \
  --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
  --cluster-version=latest --zone=[ZONE] \
  --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \
  --enable-ip-alias \
  --scopes cloud-platform
  • Grab the cluster credentials so you can kubectl commands to deploy and configure Knative

gcloud container clusters get-credentials knative

  • Create a cluster-admin role binding so you can deploy and configure Knative
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin \
  --user=$(gcloud config get-value core/account)
  • Install the Knative container resource definitions (CRDs)
kubectl apply --selector \
   -f \
   -f \
  • Install the Knative serving and eventing components
kubectl apply \
  -f \
  -f \
  • Find the istio-ingressgateway external IP address
INGRESS=$(kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress..ip})
  • Update the internal Knative domain configuration with the IP address from the previous step, using as the dynamic DNS provider
  • Note: this is for demo purposes only. For production deployments, refer to Setting up a custom domain for Knative on GKE
kubectl patch configmap config-domain --namespace knative-serving --patch \
  '{"data": {"": null, "[INGRESS]": ""}}'




Compute Transactions

gcloud beta run deploy compute-transaction --region [REGION] \
  --platform managed --allow-unauthenticated \
  • Be sure to note the URL of the compute-transaction service

Transaction Generator

  • To deploy transaction-generator, confirm that kubectl is pointing to the knative GKE cluster
  • Update the COMPUTE_API environement variable in transaction-generator/service.yaml to the URL of the compute-transaction service

kubectl apply -f transaction-generator/service.yaml

Account Balance & Bank Holdings

for service in account-balance bank-holdings; \
  do gcloud beta run deploy $service \
    --image[PROJECT]/$service-firestore:latest \
    --cluster rungke --cluster-location [ZONE] \
    --platform gke --connectivity external; \


  • Run kubectl get kservice transaction-generator
  • Navigate to http://transaction-generator.default.[IPADDRESS]
  • Generate a series of transactions
  • Use the following gcloud command to show the URLs for account-balance and bank-holdings
gcloud beta run services list \
  --platform gke --cluster rungke \
  --cluster-location [ZONE]
  • Open http://bank-holdings.default.[IPADDRESS] to see how much money is in the bank
  • Open http://account-balance.default.[IPADDRESS] to see how much money is in your personal account


gcloud container clusters delete rungke

gcloud container clusters delete knative

gcloud beta run services delete compute-transaction \
  --region [REGION] --platform managed