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Code for the MICCAI2022 paper "Reinforcement learning for active modality selection during diagnosis", available under the license CeCILL-B

Hierarchy reinforcement learning

This document contains instructions on how to reproduce the results of the submitted paper "Reinforcement learning for active modality selection during diagnosis", as well as a small description of the different files and code on the implementation of the reinforcement learning method for selecting modalities during diagnosis proposed in the manuscript.


To install a conda environment to reproduce the experiments or try the framework with new data, use the following instructions:

conda create -n hierarchyRL --file requirements.txt 
conda activate hierarchyRL 
pip install -e .

The principal dependencies are the scikit-learn and numpy libraries, and dash and matplotlib for visualisation.


We use the public Heart Disease dataset (including the different centers), available at the UCI dataset

Hardware environment and computational footprint:

  • The experiments had an approximate maximal memory footprint of 500 MB
  • The training time of a policy is ~15s the proposed datasets, in a MacBook Pro 2020 (2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5)

Code description:


The main classes are *Powerset( (in ) and policy (in ), which include respectively the handling of the powerset of measurements, and the training and prediction of the policy.

Powerset is a class used to obtain different subsets of features. It is initialised by a dictionary including the measurement names and its values, of {modalityName: measurements} , where measurements is a numpy array of size (Nsamples x dimensionality). Each subset is identified by an integer “k”, where each bit of its binary representation indicates whether a modality is present or not in the subset. In the powerset are also encoded the classification estimators at each subset, that take the decision using the available data.

The policy class includes the training of the state-action value estimators, as well as the predictors. The training is done in the train function, which calls the train_iteration function that includes the ordered visit of the superstates. simulateEvaluateInPolicy function evaluates the policy in a new dataset, acquiring at each step a modality as proposed by the policy. For each individual it returns the final prediction, the final superstate, indicating the acquired modalities, and also the sequence of decisions taken.

Note: our formulation allows the use and estimation of sample weights, associated to each individual and superstate (combination of measurements), representing the probability that the individual reaches such superstate, even if it is not described nor used in the paper. The idea is to use weighted classifiers/value estimators at each superstate, assigning higher weight to the samples that are likely to visit it. It can be implemented by iteratively training the policy, and then evaluating the policy to . Our preliminary experiments have not found an influence in the result, but further examinations are needed to confirm it and they belong to future work. To avoid their use, simply keep the argument nIts = 1 in the train function. The offPolicyEpsilon argument of the train function is also related to the sample weights, and has to be ignored for this version. Note 2: The hyperparemeter $\lambda$ in the manuscript corresponds to $t$ in the code


Utilities for experiments, mainly data reading and saving results of executions and visualisation

  • dataReading : utilities for loading datasets and generating Powerset classes that can be used to train a policy

  • tools Data structures to store results of experiments 1 and 2, trying multiple $\lambda$ and samples of train/test splits with different algorithms.

  • graphStructure Given paths of actions, generates a graph counting the number of individuals that reach every combination of measurements, and also of the actions that are taken from every node.

  • viewGraphFromFile dash application that allows visualising the graphs generated with the previous class.

Reproduction of experiments and figures

Figures 1 and 2

To generate the first two figures, run the following commands: python --parallel python --parallel. Given the high computational time, since it needs to test different seeds for the train/test split, and different values of $\lambda$ , we provide precomputed results stored in the pkl format. You can use the –readOnly flag to use that data to generate the plots.

Figures 3 and 4

Figures 3 and 4, regarding the interpretation of a policy in the hypertense dataset, are lighter to compute, and can be done with thecommand: python And, to visualise the resulting graph (Figure 3), we used dash and cytoscape. A small web app that reads the results of the execution paths (generated in the previous experiment, exp3_4) is provided. Use the following instruction to start the dash server:

 python experiments/ FiguresMICCAI/paths5em2Graph.pkl –showOnlyVisited 

After running the instruction, you will need to open a browser and visit the url localhost:8050 to find the visual representation of the graph.

Figure 3 and 4 were edited to add a colour bar and annotations respectively.