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File metadata and controls

29 lines (20 loc) · 2.42 KB

Pretty Starship Config is a cross-shell prompt which allows you to configure the appearance of a lot of common shells through config settings in a TOML file.

I've based mine on @TarunDaCoder's script and other bits and bobs I found online (I'd recommend exploring starships' discord for inspo!). I'll also include below the steps I followed to install and use starship in Windows cmd as I struggled to do so on my own.


Installation Guide

I worked on this over a few days so I might have skipped some critical steps, please raise an issue / comment if you spot something!
  1. Install Windows Terminal. I was using cmd.exe but unfortunately it does not render Unicode emojis correctly. You can run cmd from Windows Terminal.
  2. Download a Nerd Font. I went for DejaVuSansMono. Unzip and install the font.
  3. Activate the font in Windows Terminal (left click > settings > Profiles (Command Prompt) > Additional Settings (Apearance) > Select the font you have just installed
  4. At this point you should restart your computer to ensure changes have been made
  5. Install clink either through the .zip or .exe
  6. Install starship through scoop or other package managers as listed here or through .msi or .zip files
  7. Create starship.lua as a new file at this path: AppData\Local\clink (if you can't find AppData folder, it might be hidden -> Inside File Exporer top ribbon > View > Show > toggle Hidden Items)
  8. Insert this into the starship.lua file
load(io.popen('starship init cmd'):read("*a"))()
os.setenv('STARSHIP_CONFIG', 'C:\\Users\\[YOURUSER]\\AppData\\Local\\clink\\.config\\starship.toml')
  1. Find the starship.toml file in AppData\Local\clink.config and copy in my .toml script or create your own! Happy starshipping 🚀

Notes: my .lua file has a commented-out moduled called custom.emoji. I haven't had time to implement it but you can find the instructions to activate it here