Local *.jar
dependencies repository.
You can add here local dependencies if there are not available on the Maven central repository or you are not willing to use those.
If there is a test.jar
file you can add it as a dependency
by adding the following line to the dependencies {}
compile name: 'test'
This works only for JAR files placed right in the /libs
directory (flat hierarchy).
The artifact group is ignored, artifact is searched just by the name.
For subdirectories you have to use the files()
or fileTree
as demonstrated below.
Java 8+ is required.
If you want to use custom JCardSim version place your jar in the libs
directory, e.g., as
Then modify project gradle file build.gradle
, in particular section dependencies
as follows:
dependencies {
testCompile 'org.testng:testng:6.1.1'
testCompile group: 'com.klinec', name: 'javacard-tools', version: '0.0.1', transitive: false
// Previously, the jcardsim record:
// jcardsim 'com.licel:jcardsim:3.0.5'
// Now using custom version.
jcardsim ':jcardsim:3.0.6'
// Or you can include jcardsim directly:
// jcardsim files(libs + '/jcardsim-3.0.5.jar')
Globalplatform libraries
compile fileTree(dir: rootDir.absolutePath + '/libs/globalplatform-2_1_1', include: '*.jar')
Or if you use predefined gradle file with libs
compile fileTree(dir: libs + '/globalplatform-2_1_1', include: '*.jar')
License: no idea
compile fileTree(dir: rootDir.absolutePath + '/libs/visa_openplatform-2_0', include: '*.jar')
License: no idea