Pkcs11Interop source code contains unit tests covering all methods of PKCS#11 API. Unit tests are documented and they also serve as official code samples.
WARNING: Our documentation and code samples do not cover the theory of security/cryptography or the strengths/weaknesses of specific algorithms. You should always understand what you are doing and why. Please do not simply copy our code samples and expect it to fully solve your usage scenario. Cryptography is an advanced topic and one should consult a solid and preferably recent reference in order to make the best of it.
Note: New objects/keys with "Pkcs11Interop" label are created/generated for every test method that needs to work with objects. They are always deleted at the end of the test method but they might not when the test fails. Any left-over objects with "Pkcs11Interop" label can be safely deleted e.g. with Pkcs11Admin application.
Following source files contains artifacts reused in all unit tests:
Source file: Settings.cs
Static class with general test settings such as path to unmanaged PKCS#11 library, PINs etc. -
Source file: HighLevelAPI/Helpers.cs
Static class with utility methods that help to increase the readability of unit tests.
Following source files contain valuable code samples:
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_01_InitializeTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_Initialize
Demonstrates how to initialize and release PKCS#11 library in single-threaded or multi-threaded applications. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_02_GetInfoTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_GetInfo
Demonstrates how to get basic information about PKCS#11 library. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_03_SlotListInfoAndEventTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_GetSlotList
Demonstrates how to get the list of available slots and basic information about the slot. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_04_TokenInfoTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_GetTokenInfo
Demonstrates how to get basic information about the token. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_05_MechanismListAndInfoTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_GetMechanismList
Demonstrates how to get the list of supported mechanisms and more details about one of them. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_06_SessionTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_OpenSession
Demonstrates how to open and close read-only or read-write session with the token. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_07_OperationStateTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_GetOperationState
Demonstrates how to save and restore the state of cryptographic operation. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_08_LoginTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_Login
Demonstrates how to login and logout as normal user or security officer. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/x_09_InitTokenAndPinTestx.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_InitToken
Demonstrates how to initialize token and PIN. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_10_SetPinTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_SetPIN
Demonstrates how to change PIN. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_11_SeedAndGenerateRandomTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_SeedRandom
Demonstrates how to seed RNG and generate random bytes. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_12_DigestTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_DigestInit
Demonstrates how to compute digest of arbitrary data. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_13_ObjectAttributeTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions: None
Demonstrates how to create and dispose object attributes holding data of various types. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_14_MechanismTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions: None
Demonstrates how to create and dispose mechanisms with parameters of various types. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_15_CreateCopyDestroyObjectTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_CreateObject
Demonstrates how to create, destroy and copy data objects. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_16_GetAndSetAttributeValueTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_GetAttributeValue
Demonstrates how to get and set values of object attributes. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_17_ObjectFindingTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_FindObjectsInit
Demonstrates how to search for objects (keys, certificates, ...). -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_18_GenerateKeyAndKeyPairTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_GenerateKey
Demonstrates how to generate symmetric keys or asymmetric key pairs. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_19_EncryptAndDecryptTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_EncryptInit
Demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt arbitrary data. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_20_SignAndVerifyTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_SignInit
Demonstrates how to create and verify signature of arbitrary data. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_21_SignAndVerifyRecoverTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_SignRecoverInit
Demonstrates how to create and verify signature of arbitrary data where the data can be recovered from the signature. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_22_DigestEncryptAndDecryptDigestTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_DigestEncryptUpdate
Demonstrates how to digest and encrypt arbitrary data simultaneously and then decrypt and digest simultaneously. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_23_SignEncryptAndDecryptVerifyTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_SignEncryptUpdate
Demonstrates how to encrypt and create signature of arbitrary data simultaneously and then decrypt and verify signature simultaneously. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_24_WrapAndUnwrapKeyTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_WrapKey
Demonstrates how to wrap and unwrap key. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_25_DeriveKeyTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_DeriveKey
Demonstrates how to perform key derivation. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_26_LegacyParallelFunctionsTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions:C_GetFunctionStatus
Demonstrates how to call legacy parallel functions. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_27_Pkcs11UriUtilsTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions: None
Demonstrates how to use PKCS#11 URI in a signature creation application. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_28_VendorExtensionsTest.cs
Involved vendor specific PKCS#11 functions:C_GetUnmanagedStructSizeList
Demonstrates how to use Pkcs11Interop.Mock library with vendor specific extensions of PKCS11-MOCK module. -
Test file: HighLevelAPI/_29_LoggingTest.cs
Involved PKCS#11 functions: None
Demonstrates how to use managed logging of Pkcs11Interop library.