Symbolic tests looks similar to fuzz tests, but there are certain differences that need to be understood. This guide will walk you through the process of writing symbolic tests, highlighting the differences compared to fuzz tests. It is intended for those who are already familiar with Dapptools-/Foundry-style fuzz tests. If you haven't experienced fuzz tests before, please refer to the Foundry document to grasp the basic concepts.
Halmos is available as a Python package, and can be installed using pip
pip install halmos
If you want to try out the nightly build version, you can install it from the Github repository:
pip install git+
If you're not familiar with managing Python packages, we recommend using
. Create a virtual environment and install Halmos within it:python3 -m venv <venv-dir> source <venv-dir>/bin/activate pip install halmos
You can activate or deactivate the virtual environment before or after using Halmos:
# to activate: source <venv-dir>/bin/activate # to deactivate: deactivate
Similar to foundry tests, you can provide the setUp()
function that will be executed before each test. In the setup function, you can create an instance of the target contracts, and initialize their state. These initialized contracts will then be accessible for every test.
Furthermore, you are also allowed to call the constructor with symbolic arguments, initializing the contract state to be symbolic. You can create those symbols using Halmos cheatcodes.
For example, consider a basic ERC20 token contract as shown below:
import {ERC20} from "openzeppelin/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
contract MyToken is ERC20 {
constructor(uint256 initialSupply) ERC20("MyToken", "MT") {
_mint(msg.sender, initialSupply);
Then you can write a setUp()
function that creates a new token contract with a symbolic initial supply, as follows:
import {SymTest} from "halmos-cheatcodes/SymTest.sol";
contract MyTokenTest is SymTest {
MyToken token;
function setUp() public {
uint256 initialSupply = svm.createUint256('initialSupply');
token = new MyToken(initialSupply);
In the above example, svm.createUint256()
is a symbolic cheatcode that generates a new symbol of type uint256
. It's important to understand that the created symbol represents a set of all integers within the range of [0, 2^256 - 1]
, rather than being a random value selected from the range.
By using the symbolic initial supply, you can check if the given tests pass for all possible initial supply configurations, rather than just a randomly selected supply setup.
The Halmos cheatcodes can be installed like any other Solidity dependencies:
forge install a16z/halmos-cheatcodes
The current list of available Halmos cheatcodes can be found here.
Symbolic tests are structured similarly to fuzz tests. In most cases, they follow the pattern outlined below:
function check_<function-name>_<behavior-description> ( <parameters> ) {
// specify input conditions
// call target contracts
// check output states
Below is an example symbolic test for the token transfer function:
function check_transfer(address sender, address receiver, uint256 amount) public {
// specify input conditions
vm.assume(receiver != address(0));
vm.assume(token.balance(sender) >= amount);
// record the current balance of sender and receiver
uint256 balanceOfSender = token.balanceOf(sender);
uint256 balanceOfReceiver = token.balanceOf(receiver);
// call target contract
token.transfer(receiver, amount);
// check output state
assert(token.balanceOf(sender) == balanceOfSender - amount);
assert(token.balanceOf(receiver) == balanceOfReceiver + amount);
We will explain each component using the above test as a running example.
Similar to fuzz tests, you can specify input parameters for each test.
For instance, our example test declares three input parameters: sender
, receiver
, and amount
, as follows:
function check_transfer(address sender, address receiver, uint256 amount) ...
Unlike fuzz tests, however, in symbolic tests, each input parameter is assigned a symbol that represents all possible values of the given type. In our example, sender
and receiver
are assigned an address symbol that ranges from 0x0
to 0xffff...ffff
, and amount
is assigned an integer symbol ranging over [0, 2^256-1]
Conceptually, each symbolic test represents a large number of test cases generated by replacing the symbols with every possible input combination. In other words, it's analogous to running an extensive loop as follows:1
// conceptual effect of symbolic testing of `check_transfer()`
for (uint160 sender = 0; sender < type(uint160).max; sender++) {
for (uint160 receiver = 0; receiver < type(uint160).max; receiver++) {
for (uint256 amount = 0; amount < type(uint256).max; amount++) {
check_transfer(address(sender), address(receiver), amount);
Instead of declaring symbolic input parameters, you can dynamically create symbols inside the test using the Halmos cheatcodes. For instance, our running example can be rewritten as follows:
function check_transfer() { address sender = svm.createAddress("sender"); address receiver = svm.createAddress("receiver"); uint256 amount = svm.createUint256("amount"); ... }
Halmos requires dynamically-sized arrays (including
) to be given with a fixed size. Thus they cannot be declared as input parameters, but need to be programmatically constructed. For example, a byte array can be generated using thesvm.createBytes()
cheatcode as follows:bytes memory data = svm.createBytes(96, 'data');
Similarly, a dynamic array of integers can be created as shown below:
uint256[] memory arr = new uint256[3]; for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) { arr[i] = svm.createUint256('element'); }
We are planning to implement more cheatcodes and features that can make it easier to declare or create dynamic arrays.
Recall that symbolic tests take into account all possible input combinations. However, not all input combinations are relevant or valid for every test scenario. Similar to fuzz tests, you can use vm.assume()
to specify the conditions for valid inputs.
In our example, the conditions for the valid sender and receiver addresses are specified as follows:
vm.assume(receiver != address(0));
vm.assume(token.balance(sender) >= amount);
Like fuzz tests, any input combinations that don't satisfy the assume()
conditions are disregarded. This means that, after executing the above assume()
statements, only the input combinations in which the receiver is non-zero and the sender has sufficient balance are considered. Other input combinations that violate these conditions are ignored.
You need to be careful not to exclude valid inputs by setting too strong input conditions.
In symbolic tests, avoid using
as it tends to perform poorly. Instead, usevm.assume()
which is more efficient and enhances readability:uint256 tokenId = svm.createUint256("tokenId"); // ❌ don't do this tokenId = bound(tokenId, 1, MAX_TOKEN_ID); // ✅ do this vm.assume(1 <= tokenId && tokenId <= MAX_TOKEN_ID);
Now you can invoke the target contracts with the prepared input symbols.
In our example, the transfer function is called with the symbolic receiver address and amount. The prank()
cheatcode is also used to set msg.sender
to the symbolic sender address, as shown below:
token.transfer(receiver, amount);
- If your goal is to check whether the target contract reverts under the expected conditions, a low-level call should be used. This allows the execution to continue even if the external call fails. Below is an example of a low-level call to the token transfer function. Note that the return value
can be subsequently used to check the reverting conditions.vm.prank(sender); (bool success,) = address(token).call( abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, receiver, amount) ); if (!success) { // check conditions for transfer failure }
After calling the target contracts, you can write assertions against the output state of the contracts.
In our example, the following assertions against the output state of the token contract are provided:
assert(token.balanceOf(sender) == balanceOfSender - amount);
assert(token.balanceOf(receiver) == balanceOfReceiver + amount);
If there are any inputs that violate these assertions, Halmos will reports those inputs, referred to as counterexamples.
For our example, Halmos will identify an input combination where the sender address is identical to the receiver address. This is because self-transfers do not alter the balance, leading to scenarios where the above assertions are not satisfied.
Halmos focuses solely on assertion violations (i.e., revert with
), disregarding other revert cases. This means that Halmos doesn't report any inputs that lead to other types of revert. For instance, in our example, any inputs that trigger an overflow inbalanceOfReceiver + amount
, or inputs causing the external contract call to fail will be ignored. To avoid disregarding such inputs, you can utilize anunchecked
block or a low-level call. -
If you're using an older compiler version (
< 0.8.0
) that uses theINVALID
opcode for assertion violation, rather than thePanic(1)
error code, then Halmos will not report any counterexamples. In that case, you will need to use a custom assertion that reverts withPanic(1)
upon failure, as shown below:function myAssert(bool cond) internal pure { if (!cond) { assembly { mstore(0x00, 0x4e487b71) // Panic() mstore(0x20, 0x01) // 1 revert(0x1c, 0x24) // revert Panic(1) } } }
Similar to fuzz tests, symbolic tests are structured as follows:
- Declaration of test input parameters.
- Specification of conditions for valid inputs.
- Invocation of the target contracts.
- Assertions regarding the expected output states.
However, since symbolic tests are performed symbolically, certain behavioral differences need to be considered:
- Test inputs are assigned symbolics, rather than random values.
- Only assertion violations, that is,
errors, are reported, whereas other errors such as arithmetic overflows are disregarded. - The
cheatcode performs better thanbound()
For further insights, refer to examples of symbolic tests.
Join the Halmos Telegram Group for any inquiries or further discussions.
Note that the number of possible input combinations in our example is
2^160 * 2^160 * 2^256
, and it is computationally infeasible to actually run all of them individually. As a solution, symbolic testing employs the symbolic execution technique, which enables testing all the input combinations without actually running them individually. ↩