diff --git a/mpi/docs/10-further-mpi-topics.md b/mpi/docs/10-further-mpi-topics.md
index 9fb3a8186..645c56fbd 100644
--- a/mpi/docs/10-further-mpi-topics.md
+++ b/mpi/docs/10-further-mpi-topics.md
@@ -63,6 +63,322 @@ MPI_Request_free (&recv_req); MPI_Request_free (&send_req);
# One-sided communication {.section}
+# One-sided communication
+- Two components of message-passing: sending and receiving
+ - Sends and receives need to match
+- One-sided communication:
+ - Only single process calls data movement functions - remote memory
+ access (RMA)
+ - Communication patterns specified by only a single process
+ - Always non-blocking
+# Why one-sided communication?
+- Certain algorithms featuring irregular and/or dynamic communication
+ patterns easier to implement
+ - A priori information of sends and receives is not needed
+- Potentially reduced overhead and improved scalability
+- Hardware support for remote memory access has been restored in most
+ current-generation architectures
+# Origin and target
+- Key terms of one-sided communication:
+ Origin
+ : a process which calls data movement function
+ Target
+ : a process whose memory is accessed
+# Remote memory access window
+- Window is a region in process's memory which is made available
+ for remote operations
+- Windows are created by collective calls
+- Windows may be different in different processes
+# Data movement operations
+- PUT data to the memory in target process
+ - From local buffer in origin to the window in target
+- GET data from the memory of target process
+ - From the window in target to the local buffer in origin
+- ACCUMULATE data in target process
+ - Use local buffer in origin and update the data (e.g. add the data
+ from origin) in the window of the target
+ - One-sided reduction
+# Synchronization
+- Communication takes place within *epoch*s
+ - Synchronization calls start and end an *epoch*
+ - There can be multiple data movement calls within epoch
+ - An epoch is specific to particular window
+- Active synchronization:
+ - Both origin and target perform synchronization calls
+- Passive synchronization:
+ - No MPI calls at target process
+# One-sided communication in a nutshell
+- Define memory window
+- Start an epoch
+ - Target: exposure epoch
+ - Origin: access epoch
+- GET, PUT, and/or ACCUMULATE data
+- Complete the communications by ending the epoch
+# Key MPI functions for one-sided communication {.section}
+# Creating an window {.split-definition}
+`MPI_Win_create(base, size, disp_unit, info, comm, win)`
+ : `base`{.input}
+ : (pointer to) local memory to expose for RMA
+ `size`{.input}
+ : size of a window in bytes
+ `disp_unit`{.input}
+ : local unit size for displacements in bytes
+ `info`{.input}
+ : hints for implementation
+ `comm`{.input}
+ : communicator
+ `win`{.output}
+ : handle to window
+- The window object is deallocated with `MPI_Win_free(win)`
+# Starting and ending an epoch
+`MPI_Win_fence(assert, win)`
+ : `assert`{.input}
+ : optimize for specific usage. Valid values are "0", `MPI_MODE_NOSTORE`,
+ `win`{.input}
+ : window handle
+- Used both for starting and ending an epoch
+ - Should both precede and follow data movement calls
+- Collective, barrier-like operation
+# Data movement: Put {.split-definition}
+`MPI_Put(origin, origin_count, origin_datatype, target_rank, target_disp, target_count, target_datatype, win)`
+ : `origin`{.input}
+ : (pointer to) local data to be sent to target
+ `origin_count`{.input}
+ : number of elements to put
+ `origin_datatype`{.input}
+ : MPI datatype for local data
+ `target_rank`{.input}
+ : rank of the target task
+ `target_disp`{.input}
+ : starting point in target window
+ `target_count`{.input}
+ : number of elements in target
+ `target_datatype`{.input}
+ : MPI datatype for remote data
+ `win`{.input}
+ : RMA window
+# Data movement: Get {.split-definition}
+`MPI_Get(origin, origin_count, origin_datatype, target_rank, target_disp, target_count, target_datatype, win)`
+ : `origin`{.input}
+ : (pointer to) local buffer in which to receive the data
+ `origin_count`{.input}
+ : number of elements to get
+ `origin_datatype`{.input}
+ : MPI datatype for local data
+ `target_rank`{.input}
+ : rank of the target task
+ `target_disp`{.input}
+ : starting point in target window
+ `target_count`{.input}
+ : number of elements from target
+ `target_datatype`{.input}
+ : MPI datatype for remote data
+ `win`{.input}
+ : RMA window
+# Data movement: Accumulate {.split-def-3}
+`MPI_Accumulate(origin, origin_count, origin_datatype, target_rank, target_disp, target_count, target_datatype, win)`
+ : `origin`{.input}
+ : (pointer to) local data to be accumulated
+ `origin_count`{.input}
+ : number of elements to put
+ `origin_datatype`{.input}
+ : MPI datatype for local data
+ `target_rank`{.input}
+ : rank of the target task
+ `target_disp`{.input}
+ : starting point in target window
+ `target_count`{.input}
+ : number of elements for target
+ `target_datatype`{.input}
+ : MPI datatype for remote data
+ `op`{.input}
+ : accumulation operation (as in `MPI_Reduce`)
+ `win`{.input}
+ : RMA window
+# Simple example: Put
+int data;
+MPI_Win window;
+data = rank;
+MPI_Win_create(&data, sizeof(int), sizeof(int), MPI_INFO_NULL,
+ MPI_COMM_WORLD, &window);
+MPI_Win_fence(0, window);
+if (rank == 0)
+ /* transfer data to rank 8 */
+ MPI_Put(&data, 1, MPI_INT, 8, 0, 1, MPI_INT, window);
+MPI_Win_fence(0, window);
+# Limitations for data access
+- Compatibility of local and remote operations when multiple processes
+ access a window during an epoch
+# Advanced synchronization:
+- Assert argument in `MPI_Win_fence`:
+ : The local window was not updated by local stores (or local get or
+ receive calls) since last synchronization
+ : The local window will not be updated by put or accumulate calls after
+ the fence call, until the ensuing (fence) synchronization
+ : The fence does not complete any sequence of locally issued RMA calls
+ : The fence does not start any sequence of locally issued RMA calls
+# Advanced synchronization
+- More control on epochs can be obtained by starting and ending the
+ exposure and access epochs separately
+- Target: Exposure epoch
+ - Start: `MPI_Win_post`
+ - End: `MPI_Win_wait`
+- Origin: Access epoch
+ - Start: `MPI_Win_start`
+ - End: `MPI_Win_complete`
+# Enhancements in MPI-3
+- New window creation function: `MPI_Win_allocate`
+ - Allocate memory and create window at the same time
+- Dynamic windows: `MPI_Win_create_dynamic`, `MPI_Win_attach`,
+ `MPI_Win_detach`
+ - Non-collective exposure of memory
+# Enhancements in MPI-3
+- New data movement operations: `MPI_Get_accumulate`, `MPI_Fetch_and_op`,
+ `MPI_Compare_and_swap`
+- New memory model `MPI_Win_allocate_shared`
+ - Allocate memory which is shared between MPI tasks
+- Enhancements for passive target synchronization
+# Performance considerations
+- Performance of the one-sided approach is highly implementation-dependent
+- Maximize the amount of operations within an epoch
+- Provide the assert parameters for `MPI_Win_fence`
+# OSU benchmark example
+# Summary
+- One-sided communication allows communication patterns to be specified
+ from a single process
+- Can reduce synchronization overheads and provide better performance
+ especially on recent hardware
+- Basic concepts:
+ - Origin and target process
+ - Creation of the memory window
+ - Communication epoch
+ - Data movement operations
# Process topologies {.section}
# Communicators