Term | Definition |
CO | Container Orchestration system that communicates with plugins using CSI service RPCs. |
SP | Storage Provider, the vendor of a CSI plugin implementation. |
DR | Disaster Recovery. |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call. |
Define a standard that will enable storage providers (SP) to perform node level fencing using corresponding CIDR blocks.
The new extension will define a procedure that allows SP to block access to any client using corresponding CIDR blocks, and unblock as per the requirement.
If multiple COs are accessing a shared resource provided by the SP, and a node failure takes place, this procedure will allow the SP to block access from any node of CO, and thus preventing further access and corruption of data.
- Application level fencing, i.e blocklisting by maintaining a list of applications that are to be denied access.
This specification defines an interface along with the minimum operational and packaging recommendations for a storage provider (SP) to implement fencing operation. The interface declares the RPCs that a plugin MUST expose.
Since the fencing is network based, the fencing mechanism will be most aptly implemented by the CSI Controller.
- FenceController Service: The Controller plugin MUST implement these sets of RPCs.
syntax = "proto3";
package fence;
import "github.com/container-storage-interface/spec/lib/go/csi/csi.proto";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
option go_package = "github.com/csi-addons/spec/lib/go/fence";
// FenceController holds the RPC method for performing fencing operations.
service FenceController {
// FenceClusterNetwork RPC call to perform a fencing operation.
rpc FenceClusterNetwork (FenceClusterNetworkRequest)
returns (FenceClusterNetworkResponse) {}
// UnfenceClusterNetwork RPC call to remove a list of CIDR blocks from the
// list of blocklisted/fenced clients.
rpc UnfenceClusterNetwork (UnfenceClusterNetworkRequest)
returns (UnfenceClusterNetworkResponse) {}
// ListClusterFence RPC call to provide a list of blocklisted/fenced clients.
rpc ListClusterFence(ListClusterFenceRequest)
returns (ListClusterFenceResponse){}
// GetFenceClients RPC calls to get the client information to use in a
// FenceClusterNetwork or UnfenceClusterNetwork RPC.
rpc GetFenceClients(GetFenceClientsRequest)
returns (GetFenceClientsResponse){}
// FenceClusterNetworkRequest contains the information needed to identify
// the storage cluster so that the appropriate fencing operation can be
// performed.
message FenceClusterNetworkRequest {
// Plugin specific parameters passed in as opaque key-value pairs.
map<string, string> parameters = 1;
// Secrets required by the plugin to complete the request.
map<string, string> secrets = 2 [(csi.v1.csi_secret) = true];
// list of CIDR blocks on which the fencing operation is expected to be
// performed.
repeated CIDR cidrs = 3;
// FenceClusterNetworkResponse is returned by the CSI-driver as a result of
// the FenceClusterNetworkRequest call.
message FenceClusterNetworkResponse {
// Intentionally empty.
// UnfenceClusterNetworkRequest contains the information needed to identify
// the cluster so that the appropriate fence operation can be
// disabled.
message UnfenceClusterNetworkRequest {
// Plugin specific parameters passed in as opaque key-value pairs.
map<string, string> parameters = 1;
// Secrets required by the plugin to complete the request.
map<string, string> secrets = 2 [(csi.v1.csi_secret) = true];
// list of CIDR blocks on which the fencing operation is expected to be
// performed.
repeated CIDR cidrs = 3;
// UnfenceClusterNetworkResponse is returned by the CSI-driver as a result of
// the UnfenceClusterNetworkRequest call.
message UnfenceClusterNetworkResponse {
// Intentionally empty.
// ListClusterFenceRequest contains the information needed to identify
// the cluster so that the appropriate fenced clients can be listed.
message ListClusterFenceRequest {
// Plugin specific parameters passed in as opaque key-value pairs.
map<string, string> parameters = 1;
// Secrets required by the plugin to complete the request.
map<string, string> secrets = 2 [(csi.v1.csi_secret) = true];
// ListClusterFenceResponse holds the information about the result of the
// ListClusterFenceResponse call.
message ListClusterFenceResponse {
// list of IPs that are blocklisted by the SP.
repeated CIDR cidrs = 1;
// CIDR holds a CIDR block.
message CIDR {
// CIDR block
string cidr = 1;
// GetFenceClientsRequest contains the necessary information to identify
// the clients that need fencing.
message GetFenceClientsRequest {
// Plugin-specific parameters passed in as opaque key-value pairs.
map<string, string> parameters = 1;
// Secrets required by the plugin to complete the request.
map<string, string> secrets = 2 [(csi.v1.csi_secret) = true];
// GetFenceClientsResponse holds the information about clients that require
// fencing.
message GetFenceClientsResponse {
// List of clients that need to be fenced.
repeated ClientDetails clients = 1;
// ClientDetails holds the information about the client that requires fencing.
message ClientDetails {
// id represents the unique identifier of the client.
// Required field.
string id = 1;
// list of IP addresses that represent the client's local addresses.
// Required field.
repeated CIDR addresses = 2;
Condition | gRPC Code | Description | Recovery Behavior |
Missing required field | 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT | Indicates that a required field is missing from the request. | Caller MUST fix the request by adding the missing required field before retrying. |
Invalid or unsupported field in the request | 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT | Indicates that the one or more fields in this field is either not allowed by the CSI-driver or has an invalid value. | Caller MUST fix the field before retrying. |
Call not implemented | 12 UNIMPLEMENTED | The invoked RPC is not implemented by the CSI-driver or disabled in the driver's current mode of operation. | Caller MUST NOT retry. |
Not authenticated | 16 UNAUTHENTICATED | The invoked RPC does not carry secrets that are valid for authentication. | Caller SHALL either fix the secrets provided in the RPC, or otherwise regalvanize said secrets such that they will pass authentication by the CSI-driver for the attempted RPC, after which point the caller MAY retry the attempted RPC. |
Error is Unknown | 2 UNKNOWN | Indicates that a unknown error is generated | Caller MUST study the logs before retrying |