- nodejs
- git (obviously)
- sass - (sudo gem install sass on OSX)
- bower - (requires node, sudo npm install -g bower)
- go to your projects folder
- clone this project (git clone https://github.com/csjoblom/designer-sandbox <project_name>)
- if you want material design run: git checkout --track origin/material
- cd into new project folder
- run npm install
- run bower install
- bootstrap-sass
- material-design-lite (commented out on this branch)
- fontawesome
- gulp watch project folder
- gulp will auto compile a new css to public/css/style.css whenever we make a change
- At this point you are ready to build. Any HTML changes need to happen in index.html, and any css changes in resources/sass/style.css
- cd to your project folder
- install plugin via bower install
- add new bower plugin to loadPath in gulpfile.js
- import in resources/sass/style.scss
- add any css changes below import