The punisher is gonna get started in class. First we need a function that randomizes all the posibly punishments and returns one:
var punishment = function(){
<<<<<<< HEAD
var x = Math.random() * 9;
if(x < 1) {
return "Buy/make coffee and serve everyone."
else if(x<2) {
return "Write a blog post."
else if(x<3) {
return "Come to next class in formal attire."
else if(x<4) {
return "Sing/dance in front of class."
else if(x<5) {
return "Stand in the corner for one hour."
else if(x<6) {
return "Bow to everyone and apologize seriously."
else if(x<7) {
return "Push up *2 for every min late."
else if(x<8) {
return "Jog to ferry pier during lunch and take a selfie."
else {
return "End convo with 'lunch is coming' until lunchtime."
// Your magic here
>>>>>>> 7ecd311aef6bb19a9ca378c712b678c1348d9577
console.log("The punishment is: ", punishment());
- For the repo official thePunisher repository
- Implement a
function as above - Commit your changes and push them to your fork
- Submit a pull request to our class repo
- Create an html page, style it with bootstrap and integrate the function so that the website shows a random punishment every time it's loaded
- Add any magic you can think of
- Submit a pull request to our class repo with the changes you came up with