diff --git a/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/en.md b/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f61aa6806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+title: Using the built-in function "matchN" as a field validator
+tags: [commented cue]
+authors: [jpluscplusm]
+toc_hide: true
+{{{with _script_ "en" "HIDDEN: access to cue tip"}}}
+This guide demonstrates a CUE feature that isn't yet available in a release.
+It is only available in the `cue` command and Go API when they are
+[installed from source]({{< relref "/docs/introduction/installation" >}}#install-from-source)
+using the `@master` version selector.
+This [Commented CUE]({{< relref "docs/howto#commented-cue-guides" >}})
+demonstrates how to use the
+[built-in]({{< relref "docs/reference/glossary#built-in-functions" >}})
+function `matchN()` as a field validator. This flexible function allows CUE
+constraints to be bound together in a wide range of combinations, including
+"one of", "any of", "all of", and "none of"/"not".
+This guide uses the following unreleased version of CUE:
+{{{with script "en" "cue version"}}}
+#ellipsis 1
+cue version
+## Basic use
+The `matchN()` function takes two arguments:
+1. a **number constraint**;
+2. a **list of constraints**.
+The function validates a field's value by unifying the value with each item in
+the **list of constraints** in turn, and keeping count of how many list items
+the field's value is able to unify with. A field's value is valid if the count
+unifies successfully with the **number constraint**:
+{{{with upload "en" "basic"}}}
+-- basic.cue --
+package basic
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(1, [int])
+A: matchN(2, [int, >10])
+A: matchN(2, [int, >10, >100])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(1, [int, >10])
+B: matchN(3, [int, >10, >100])
+{{{with script "en" "basic"}}}
+! cue vet .:basic
+## "One of"
+With its **number constraint** set to `1` the `matchN()` function checks that a
+field's value unifies successfully with just one of the **list of
+{{{with upload "en" "one of"}}}
+-- one-of.cue --
+package oneOf
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(1, [int])
+A: matchN(1, [>10, >100, string])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(1, [int, >10])
+B: matchN(1, [string, >100])
+{{{with script "en" "one of"}}}
+! cue vet .:oneOf
+## "Any of"
+If the **number constraint** is set to `>0`, the function checks that at least
+one of the **list of constraints** unifies with the field's value:
+{{{with upload "en" "any of"}}}
+-- any-of.cue --
+package anyOf
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(>0, [>10])
+A: matchN(>0, [int, >0, >100, string])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(1, [int, >0])
+B: matchN(>0, [string, >100])
+{{{with script "en" "any of"}}}
+! cue vet .:anyOf
+## "All of"
+To check that a field's value unifies successfully with all of the **list of
+constraints**, set the **number constraint** to a value matching the number of
+items in the list:
+{{{with upload "en" "all of"}}}
+-- all-of.cue --
+package allOf
+import "math"
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(1, [int])
+A: matchN(2, [int, >10])
+A: matchN(4, [int, >10, <100, math.MultipleOf(2)])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(3, [int, >10, >100])
+B: matchN(4, [int, >10, <100, math.MultipleOf(41)])
+{{{with script "en" "all of"}}}
+! cue vet .:allOf
+## "Not"
+If you set the **number constraint** to `0` then `matchN()` checks that a
+field's value doesn't unify successfully with any of the **list of
+{{{with upload "en" "not"}}}
+-- not.cue --
+package not
+import (
+ "strings"
+ "struct"
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(0, [string])
+A: matchN(0, [bytes, struct.MinFields(0)])
+A: matchN(0, [>100, strings.HasPrefix("4")])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(0, [int])
+B: matchN(0, [string, number])
+B: matchN(0, [42, >100, strings.HasSuffix(2)])
+{{{with script "en" "not"}}}
+! cue vet .:not
+## More complex uses
+### References
+Either argument to `matchN()` can be resolved through a reference:
+{{{with upload "en" "all but one"}}}
+-- all-but-one.cue --
+package allButOne
+// A validates successfully.
+A: 42
+A: matchN(len(#C)-1, #C)
+// B fails to validate.
+B: 42.0
+B: matchN(len(#C)-1, #C)
+#C: [number, int, >100]
+{{{with script "en" "all but one"}}}
+! cue vet .:allButOne
+### Composite data structures
+The `matchN()` function can validate composite data structures, not just
+primitive values. Use it with both structs and lists:
+{{{with upload "en" "composite"}}}
+-- composite.cue --
+package composite
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(>0, [#C1, #C2]) & {
+ x: 42
+ y: "42"
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(>0, [#C1, #C2]) & {
+ x: "4.2"
+ y: "4.2"
+ z: "4.2"
+#C1: {x: int, ...}
+#C2: {
+ z: float
+ y: string
+ ...
+// D validates successfully.
+D: [1, 2, 3] & matchN(1, [#F1, #F2, #F3])
+// E fails to validate.
+E: [11, 12, 13] & matchN(1, [#F1, #F2, #F3])
+#F1: [...>0]
+#F2: [...>10]
+#F3: [...>100]
+{{{with script "en" "composite"}}}
+! cue vet .:composite
+The sub-optimal error reporting for field `E` is tracked in {{}}.
diff --git a/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/gen_cache.cue b/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/gen_cache.cue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a79e87330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/gen_cache.cue
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+package site
+ content: {
+ docs: {
+ howto: {
+ "use-the-built-in-function-matchn": {
+ page: {
+ cache: {
+ upload: {
+ basic: "pgKy7ZjgCtqS8DgsHmRsK2nBYeSjoOcdRjq7UmRXwOQ="
+ "one of": "yDaX7Fb0+gk3jQdRfEEbEk02wW1H+hg0Z1jj1HYPBVE="
+ "any of": "165Tc+q1AeA6opEPagvsLc5/IamRMiypLlHULC0jPw0="
+ "all of": "pEr9Rh3V5+oYsvqeSR9yl5N9Rw+YSgc4lZ2Q6WAh+j0="
+ not: "IECXMjtkVDxqyNERUWzBzE5lKeYCVMhOyeeZhvNsEgI="
+ "all but one": "XseOBFuulZdMc7zkzoiySQex9kJs3Y5D2GYncddt7c8="
+ composite: "IrMJLK5IergqI2YDo/S1xmQUqsIrM7ExisoQAbHPxW0="
+ }
+ multi_step: {
+ scriptHash: "DL630JFRN3O5DC698D9VGH8I0JD9E68M3E94FN3M3TU14GCR96K0===="
+ steps: [{
+ doc: ""
+ cmd: "export PATH=/cues/v0.11.0-0.dev.0.20240820111527-0a41a20985d3:$PATH"
+ exitCode: 0
+ output: ""
+ }, {
+ doc: "#ellipsis 1"
+ cmd: "cue version"
+ exitCode: 0
+ output: """
+ cue version v0.11.0-0.dev.0.20240820111527-0a41a20985d3
+ ...
+ """
+ }, {
+ doc: ""
+ cmd: "cue vet .:basic"
+ exitCode: 1
+ output: """
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(1, [int,>10])): 2 matched, expected 1:
+ ./basic.cue:11:4
+ ./basic.cue:9:4
+ ./basic.cue:11:11
+ ./basic.cue:12:4
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(3, [int,>10,>100])): 2 matched, expected 3:
+ ./basic.cue:12:4
+ ./basic.cue:9:4
+ ./basic.cue:11:4
+ ./basic.cue:12:11
+ """
+ }, {
+ doc: ""
+ cmd: "cue vet .:oneOf"
+ exitCode: 1
+ output: """
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(1, [string,>100])): 0 matched, expected 1:
+ ./one-of.cue:11:4
+ ./one-of.cue:8:4
+ ./one-of.cue:10:4
+ ./one-of.cue:11:11
+ """
+ }, {
+ doc: ""
+ cmd: "cue vet .:anyOf"
+ exitCode: 1
+ output: """
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(1, [int,>0])): 2 matched, expected 1:
+ ./any-of.cue:10:4
+ ./any-of.cue:8:4
+ ./any-of.cue:10:11
+ ./any-of.cue:11:4
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(>0, [string,>100])): 0 matched, expected >0:
+ ./any-of.cue:11:4
+ ./any-of.cue:8:4
+ ./any-of.cue:10:4
+ ./any-of.cue:11:11
+ """
+ }, {
+ doc: ""
+ cmd: "cue vet .:allOf"
+ exitCode: 1
+ output: """
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(3, [int,>10,>100])): 2 matched, expected 3:
+ ./all-of.cue:13:4
+ ./all-of.cue:11:4
+ ./all-of.cue:13:11
+ ./all-of.cue:14:4
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(4, [int,>10,<100,math.MultipleOf(41)])): 3 matched, expected 4:
+ ./all-of.cue:14:4
+ ./all-of.cue:11:4
+ ./all-of.cue:13:4
+ ./all-of.cue:14:11
+ """
+ }, {
+ doc: ""
+ cmd: "cue vet .:not"
+ exitCode: 1
+ output: """
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(0, [int])): 1 matched, expected 0:
+ ./not.cue:16:4
+ ./not.cue:14:4
+ ./not.cue:16:11
+ ./not.cue:17:4
+ ./not.cue:18:4
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(0, [string,number])): 1 matched, expected 0:
+ ./not.cue:17:4
+ ./not.cue:14:4
+ ./not.cue:16:4
+ ./not.cue:17:11
+ ./not.cue:18:4
+ B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(0, [42,>100,strings.HasSuffix(2)])): 1 matched, expected 0:
+ ./not.cue:18:4
+ ./not.cue:14:4
+ ./not.cue:16:4
+ ./not.cue:17:4
+ ./not.cue:18:11
+ """
+ }, {
+ doc: ""
+ cmd: "cue vet .:allButOne"
+ exitCode: 1
+ output: """
+ B: invalid value 42.0 (does not satisfy matchN(2, [number,int,>100])): 1 matched, expected 2:
+ ./all-but-one.cue:9:4
+ ./all-but-one.cue:8:4
+ ./all-but-one.cue:9:11
+ """
+ }, {
+ doc: ""
+ cmd: "cue vet .:composite"
+ exitCode: 1
+ output: """
+ B: invalid value {x:"4.2",y:"4.2",z:"4.2"} (does not satisfy matchN(>0, [{x:int},{z:float,y:string}])): 0 matched, expected >0:
+ ./composite.cue:9:4
+ ./composite.cue:9:11
+ E: invalid value [11,12,13] (does not satisfy matchN(1, [[],[],[]])): 2 matched, expected 1:
+ ./composite.cue:24:19
+ ./composite.cue:24:4
+ ./composite.cue:24:26
+ """
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/page.cue b/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/page.cue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1b59cb948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/page.cue
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+package site
+content: docs: howto: "use-the-built-in-function-matchn": page: _
diff --git a/content/docs/introduction/installation/en.md b/content/docs/introduction/installation/en.md
index 83f2e782be..2528ebb4c3 100644
--- a/content/docs/introduction/installation/en.md
+++ b/content/docs/introduction/installation/en.md
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ that's appropriate for your operating system.
On Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS, the `cue` command can be downloaded from the
[official CUE releases](https://github.com/cue-lang/cue/releases/).
-These releases include *prereleases*, which are cutting-edge versions of `cue`
+These releases include *pre-releases*, which are cutting-edge versions of `cue`
made available to help expose bugs and flush out unintended behaviours.
#### Install using Homebrew
@@ -64,16 +64,32 @@ docker pull cuelang/cue:latest
[platforms supported by Go](https://go.dev/dl/#stable),
-`cue` can be installed from source using any of its released versions.
+`cue` can be installed from source using any of its
+release, pre-release, or as-yet-unreleased versions.
+Installing from source requires that you already have
+installed and available.
-For example, to fetch the latest version:
+For example, to fetch the `latest` version:
-{{{with script "en" "go install"}}}
+{{{with script "en" "go install cmd/cue@latest"}}}
#ellipsis 0
go install cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue@latest
-This method requires that you already have [Go](https://go.dev) installed.
+[This page](https://pkg.go.dev/cuelang.org/go?tab=versions)
+lists the installable releases and pre-releases that you can specify instead of
+You can also install the tip version of `cue` by specifying `master`:
+{{{with script "en" "go install cmd/cue@master"}}}
+#ellipsis 0
+go install cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue@master
+The capabilities of the tip version change frequently because it contains the
+most recent, unreleased code.
#### Install on Arch Linux
diff --git a/content/docs/introduction/installation/gen_cache.cue b/content/docs/introduction/installation/gen_cache.cue
index 15a09e5061..fc160a190e 100644
--- a/content/docs/introduction/installation/gen_cache.cue
+++ b/content/docs/introduction/installation/gen_cache.cue
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ package site
page: {
cache: {
multi_step: {
+ hash: "9KNFG0L44SGMJ4BSGBOD55AU4467B42KN35H3D1G6TRQAMUCIU0G===="
steps: [{
doc: ""
cmd: "export GOMODCACHE=/caches/gomodcache"
@@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ package site
}, {
+ doc: "#ellipsis 0"
+ cmd: "go install cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue@master"
+ exitCode: 0
+ output: """
+ ...
+ """
+ }, {
doc: ""
cmd: "go mod init go.example"
exitCode: 0
diff --git a/hugo/content/en/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/index.md b/hugo/content/en/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09b633c9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hugo/content/en/docs/howto/use-the-built-in-function-matchn/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+title: Using the built-in function "matchN" as a field validator
+tags: [commented cue]
+authors: [jpluscplusm]
+toc_hide: true
+This guide demonstrates a CUE feature that isn't yet available in a release.
+It is only available in the `cue` command and Go API when they are
+[installed from source]({{< relref "/docs/introduction/installation" >}}#install-from-source)
+using the `@master` version selector.
+This [Commented CUE]({{< relref "docs/howto#commented-cue-guides" >}})
+demonstrates how to use the
+[built-in]({{< relref "docs/reference/glossary#built-in-functions" >}})
+function `matchN()` as a field validator. This flexible function allows CUE
+constraints to be bound together in a wide range of combinations, including
+"one of", "any of", "all of", and "none of"/"not".
+This guide uses the following unreleased version of CUE:
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Y3VlIHZlcnNpb24=" }
+$ cue version
+cue version v0.11.0-0.dev.0.20240820111527-0a41a20985d3
+## Basic use
+The `matchN()` function takes two arguments:
+1. a **number constraint**;
+2. a **list of constraints**.
+The function validates a field's value by unifying the value with each item in
+the **list of constraints** in turn, and keeping count of how many list items
+the field's value is able to unify with. A field's value is valid if the count
+unifies successfully with the **number constraint**:
+{{< code-tabs >}}
+{{< code-tab name="basic.cue" language="cue" area="top-left" >}}
+package basic
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(1, [int])
+A: matchN(2, [int, >10])
+A: matchN(2, [int, >10, >100])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(1, [int, >10])
+B: matchN(3, [int, >10, >100])
+{{< /code-tab >}}{{< /code-tabs >}}
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Y3VlIHZldCAuOmJhc2lj" }
+$ cue vet .:basic
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(1, [int,>10])): 2 matched, expected 1:
+ ./basic.cue:11:4
+ ./basic.cue:9:4
+ ./basic.cue:11:11
+ ./basic.cue:12:4
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(3, [int,>10,>100])): 2 matched, expected 3:
+ ./basic.cue:12:4
+ ./basic.cue:9:4
+ ./basic.cue:11:4
+ ./basic.cue:12:11
+## "One of"
+With its **number constraint** set to `1` the `matchN()` function checks that a
+field's value unifies successfully with just one of the **list of
+{{< code-tabs >}}
+{{< code-tab name="one-of.cue" language="cue" area="top-left" >}}
+package oneOf
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(1, [int])
+A: matchN(1, [>10, >100, string])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(1, [int, >10])
+B: matchN(1, [string, >100])
+{{< /code-tab >}}{{< /code-tabs >}}
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Y3VlIHZldCAuOm9uZU9m" }
+$ cue vet .:oneOf
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(1, [string,>100])): 0 matched, expected 1:
+ ./one-of.cue:11:4
+ ./one-of.cue:8:4
+ ./one-of.cue:10:4
+ ./one-of.cue:11:11
+## "Any of"
+If the **number constraint** is set to `>0`, the function checks that at least
+one of the **list of constraints** unifies with the field's value:
+{{< code-tabs >}}
+{{< code-tab name="any-of.cue" language="cue" area="top-left" >}}
+package anyOf
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(>0, [>10])
+A: matchN(>0, [int, >0, >100, string])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(1, [int, >0])
+B: matchN(>0, [string, >100])
+{{< /code-tab >}}{{< /code-tabs >}}
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Y3VlIHZldCAuOmFueU9m" }
+$ cue vet .:anyOf
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(1, [int,>0])): 2 matched, expected 1:
+ ./any-of.cue:10:4
+ ./any-of.cue:8:4
+ ./any-of.cue:10:11
+ ./any-of.cue:11:4
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(>0, [string,>100])): 0 matched, expected >0:
+ ./any-of.cue:11:4
+ ./any-of.cue:8:4
+ ./any-of.cue:10:4
+ ./any-of.cue:11:11
+## "All of"
+To check that a field's value unifies successfully with all of the **list of
+constraints**, set the **number constraint** to a value matching the number of
+items in the list:
+{{< code-tabs >}}
+{{< code-tab name="all-of.cue" language="cue" area="top-left" >}}
+package allOf
+import "math"
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(1, [int])
+A: matchN(2, [int, >10])
+A: matchN(4, [int, >10, <100, math.MultipleOf(2)])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(3, [int, >10, >100])
+B: matchN(4, [int, >10, <100, math.MultipleOf(41)])
+{{< /code-tab >}}{{< /code-tabs >}}
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Y3VlIHZldCAuOmFsbE9m" }
+$ cue vet .:allOf
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(3, [int,>10,>100])): 2 matched, expected 3:
+ ./all-of.cue:13:4
+ ./all-of.cue:11:4
+ ./all-of.cue:13:11
+ ./all-of.cue:14:4
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(4, [int,>10,<100,math.MultipleOf(41)])): 3 matched, expected 4:
+ ./all-of.cue:14:4
+ ./all-of.cue:11:4
+ ./all-of.cue:13:4
+ ./all-of.cue:14:11
+## "Not"
+If you set the **number constraint** to `0` then `matchN()` checks that a
+field's value doesn't unify successfully with any of the **list of
+{{< code-tabs >}}
+{{< code-tab name="not.cue" language="cue" area="top-left" >}}
+package not
+import (
+ "strings"
+ "struct"
+A: 42
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(0, [string])
+A: matchN(0, [bytes, struct.MinFields(0)])
+A: matchN(0, [>100, strings.HasPrefix("4")])
+B: 42
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(0, [int])
+B: matchN(0, [string, number])
+B: matchN(0, [42, >100, strings.HasSuffix(2)])
+{{< /code-tab >}}{{< /code-tabs >}}
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Y3VlIHZldCAuOm5vdA==" }
+$ cue vet .:not
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(0, [int])): 1 matched, expected 0:
+ ./not.cue:16:4
+ ./not.cue:14:4
+ ./not.cue:16:11
+ ./not.cue:17:4
+ ./not.cue:18:4
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(0, [string,number])): 1 matched, expected 0:
+ ./not.cue:17:4
+ ./not.cue:14:4
+ ./not.cue:16:4
+ ./not.cue:17:11
+ ./not.cue:18:4
+B: invalid value 42 (does not satisfy matchN(0, [42,>100,strings.HasSuffix(2)])): 1 matched, expected 0:
+ ./not.cue:18:4
+ ./not.cue:14:4
+ ./not.cue:16:4
+ ./not.cue:17:4
+ ./not.cue:18:11
+## More complex uses
+### References
+Either argument to `matchN()` can be resolved through a reference:
+{{< code-tabs >}}
+{{< code-tab name="all-but-one.cue" language="cue" area="top-left" >}}
+package allButOne
+// A validates successfully.
+A: 42
+A: matchN(len(#C)-1, #C)
+// B fails to validate.
+B: 42.0
+B: matchN(len(#C)-1, #C)
+#C: [number, int, >100]
+{{< /code-tab >}}{{< /code-tabs >}}
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Y3VlIHZldCAuOmFsbEJ1dE9uZQ==" }
+$ cue vet .:allButOne
+B: invalid value 42.0 (does not satisfy matchN(2, [number,int,>100])): 1 matched, expected 2:
+ ./all-but-one.cue:9:4
+ ./all-but-one.cue:8:4
+ ./all-but-one.cue:9:11
+### Composite data structures
+The `matchN()` function can validate composite data structures, not just
+primitive values. Use it with both structs and lists:
+{{< code-tabs >}}
+{{< code-tab name="composite.cue" language="cue" area="top-left" >}}
+package composite
+// A validates successfully.
+A: matchN(>0, [#C1, #C2]) & {
+ x: 42
+ y: "42"
+// B fails to validate.
+B: matchN(>0, [#C1, #C2]) & {
+ x: "4.2"
+ y: "4.2"
+ z: "4.2"
+#C1: {x: int, ...}
+#C2: {
+ z: float
+ y: string
+ ...
+// D validates successfully.
+D: [1, 2, 3] & matchN(1, [#F1, #F2, #F3])
+// E fails to validate.
+E: [11, 12, 13] & matchN(1, [#F1, #F2, #F3])
+#F1: [...>0]
+#F2: [...>10]
+#F3: [...>100]
+{{< /code-tab >}}{{< /code-tabs >}}
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Y3VlIHZldCAuOmNvbXBvc2l0ZQ==" }
+$ cue vet .:composite
+B: invalid value {x:"4.2",y:"4.2",z:"4.2"} (does not satisfy matchN(>0, [{x:int},{z:float,y:string}])): 0 matched, expected >0:
+ ./composite.cue:9:4
+ ./composite.cue:9:11
+E: invalid value [11,12,13] (does not satisfy matchN(1, [[],[],[]])): 2 matched, expected 1:
+ ./composite.cue:24:19
+ ./composite.cue:24:4
+ ./composite.cue:24:26
+The sub-optimal error reporting for field `E` is tracked in {{}}.
diff --git a/hugo/content/en/docs/introduction/installation/index.md b/hugo/content/en/docs/introduction/installation/index.md
index a14346548e..7489ea3d19 100644
--- a/hugo/content/en/docs/introduction/installation/index.md
+++ b/hugo/content/en/docs/introduction/installation/index.md
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ that's appropriate for your operating system.
On Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS, the `cue` command can be downloaded from the
[official CUE releases](https://github.com/cue-lang/cue/releases/).
-These releases include *prereleases*, which are cutting-edge versions of `cue`
+These releases include *pre-releases*, which are cutting-edge versions of `cue`
made available to help expose bugs and flush out unintended behaviours.
#### Install using Homebrew
@@ -57,16 +57,32 @@ $ docker pull cuelang/cue:latest
[platforms supported by Go](https://go.dev/dl/#stable),
-`cue` can be installed from source using any of its released versions.
+`cue` can be installed from source using any of its
+release, pre-release, or as-yet-unreleased versions.
+Installing from source requires that you already have
+installed and available.
-For example, to fetch the latest version:
+For example, to fetch the `latest` version:
```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Z28gaW5zdGFsbCBjdWVsYW5nLm9yZy9nby9jbWQvY3VlQGxhdGVzdA==" }
$ go install cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue@latest
-This method requires that you already have [Go](https://go.dev) installed.
+[This page](https://pkg.go.dev/cuelang.org/go?tab=versions)
+lists the installable releases and pre-releases that you can specify instead of
+You can also install the tip version of `cue` by specifying `master`:
+```text { title="TERMINAL" type="terminal" codeToCopy="Z28gaW5zdGFsbCBjdWVsYW5nLm9yZy9nby9jbWQvY3VlQG1hc3Rlcg==" }
+$ go install cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue@master
+The capabilities of the tip version change frequently because it contains the
+most recent, unreleased code.
#### Install on Arch Linux