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base repository: culqi/culqi-php
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v1.1.0
Choose a base ref
head repository: culqi/culqi-php
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
Choose a head ref
Showing with 4,484 additions and 3,020 deletions.
  1. +168 −0 .gitignore
  2. +2 −0 .travis.yml
  3. +86 −4
  4. +2 −2 LICENSE →
  5. +371 −515
  6. +1 −1 VERSION
  7. +12 −13 composer.json
  8. +45 −0 examples/01-create-token.php
  9. +29 −0 examples/02-create-token-yape.php
  10. +42 −0 examples/04-create-refund.php
  11. +46 −0 examples/06-create-customer.php
  12. +40 −0 examples/07-create-card.php
  13. +54 −0 examples/09-create-order.php
  14. +27 −0 examples/10-confirm-order-type.php
  15. +38 −0 examples/11-update-token.php
  16. +38 −0 examples/13-update-order.php
  17. +22 −0 examples/14-get-token.php
  18. +22 −0 examples/15-get-order.php
  19. +40 −0 examples/charge/01-create-charge-with-custom-headers.php
  20. +57 −0 examples/charge/03-create-charge.php
  21. +41 −0 examples/charge/12-update-charge.php
  22. +0 −78 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/css/main.css
  23. +0 −251 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/culqi.php
  24. +0 −447 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/culqiValidar.php
  25. BIN examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/img/btn_culqi_a.png
  26. BIN examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/img/btn_culqi_b.png
  27. BIN examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/img/tarjetas_culqi.png
  28. +0 −3 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/index.php
  29. +0 −61 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/js/culqi-helpers.js
  30. +0 −3 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/mostrarTerminosYCondiciones.php
  31. +0 −44 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/mostrarVentaRealizada.php
  32. +0 −13 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/prueba.php
  33. +0 −49 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/public/validarCliente.php
  34. +0 −52 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/views/formulario.php
  35. +0 −125 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/views/resumen.php
  36. +0 −19 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/views/terminosYCondiciones.php
  37. +0 −27 examples/culqi-php-checkout-propio/views/ventaRealizada.php
  38. +0 −69 examples/culqi-php/public/css/main.css
  39. +0 −251 examples/culqi-php/public/culqi.php
  40. +0 −447 examples/culqi-php/public/culqiValidar.php
  41. BIN examples/culqi-php/public/img/btn_culqi_a.png
  42. BIN examples/culqi-php/public/img/btn_culqi_b.png
  43. BIN examples/culqi-php/public/img/tarjetas_culqi.png
  44. +0 −3 examples/culqi-php/public/index.php
  45. +0 −61 examples/culqi-php/public/js/culqi-helpers.js
  46. +0 −24 examples/culqi-php/public/mostrarVentaRealizada.php
  47. +0 −13 examples/culqi-php/public/prueba.php
  48. +0 −50 examples/culqi-php/public/validarCliente.php
  49. +0 −51 examples/culqi-php/views/formulario.php
  50. +0 −71 examples/culqi-php/views/resumen.php
  51. +0 −23 examples/culqi-php/views/ventaRealizada.php
  52. +39 −0 examples/plan/01-get-all-plan.php
  53. +42 −0 examples/plan/02-create-plan.php
  54. +27 −0 examples/plan/03-get-plan-id.php
  55. +27 −0 examples/plan/04-delete-plan-id.php
  56. +34 −0 examples/plan/05-update-plan.php
  57. +33 −0 examples/subscription/01-create-subscription.php
  58. +37 −0 examples/subscription/02-get-all-subscription.php
  59. +26 −0 examples/subscription/03-get-subscription-id.php
  60. +26 −0 examples/subscription/04-delete-subscription-id.php
  61. +32 −0 examples/subscription/05-update-subscription.php
  62. +87 −0 lib/Culqi/Cards.php
  63. +86 −0 lib/Culqi/Charges.php
  64. +90 −0 lib/Culqi/Client.php
  65. +73 −0 lib/Culqi/Culqi.php
  66. +87 −0 lib/Culqi/Customers.php
  67. +84 −0 lib/Culqi/Error/Errors.php
  68. +32 −0 lib/Culqi/Events.php
  69. +32 −0 lib/Culqi/Iins.php
  70. +2 −0 lib/Culqi/Lang/messages/en.php
  71. +2 −0 lib/Culqi/Lang/messages/es.php
  72. +115 −0 lib/Culqi/Orders.php
  73. +98 −0 lib/Culqi/Plans.php
  74. +73 −0 lib/Culqi/Refunds.php
  75. +26 −0 lib/Culqi/Resource.php
  76. +98 −0 lib/Culqi/Subscriptions.php
  77. +82 −0 lib/Culqi/Tokens.php
  78. +32 −0 lib/Culqi/Transfers.php
  79. +33 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Constant/Request/Plan.php
  80. +4 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Constant/Request/Subscription.php
  81. +44 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Constant/Response/Plan.php
  82. +16 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Constant/Response/Subscription.php
  83. +49 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Encryption/RsaAes/encoder.php
  84. +36 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/card_validation.php
  85. +72 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/charge_validation.php
  86. +5 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/country_codes.php
  87. +56 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/customer_validation.php
  88. +235 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/helpers.php
  89. +68 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/order_validation.php
  90. +276 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/plan_validation.php
  91. +37 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/refund_validation.php
  92. +167 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/subscription_validation.php
  93. +78 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/token_validation.php
  94. +180 −0 lib/Culqi/Utils/Validation/validation.php
  95. +35 −250 lib/culqi.php
  96. +12 −0 phpunit.xml
  97. +61 −0 tests/CaptureTest.php
  98. +105 −0 tests/DeleteTest.php
  99. +88 −0 tests/ListTest.php
  100. +189 −0 tests/Test.php
  101. +4 −0 tests/TestAutoLoad.php
  102. +29 −0 tests/TestPatch.php
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
## Eclipse


# External tool builders

# Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"

# CDT-specific

# PDT-specific

## Visual Studio

## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.

# User-specific files

# Build results

## TODO: If you have NuGet Package Restore enabled, uncomment this

# Visual C++ cache files

# Visual Studio profiler

# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in

# Installshield output folder

# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in

# Click-Once directory

# Others
#added for RIA/Silverlight projects

# Backup & report files from converting an old project file to a newer
# Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, because we have git ;-)

## Windows

# Windows image file caches

# Folder config file

## Python


# Packages

# Installer logs

# Unit test / coverage reports


#Mr Developer

# Mac crap

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ php:
- 5.6
- 7.0
- hhvm
install: composer install
script: phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml
90 changes: 86 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,95 @@
### v2.0.4 03-12-2024
* Control bad request
* Add validations recurrent

### 1.0.0 17-08-2015
### v2.0.3 20-03-2024
* Change require by require_once

* Primera versión de la librería, soporta las operaciones de Anulación, Consulta, Autorización.
### v2.0.2 15-02-2024
* Add new Api plans y suscriptions

### 1.0.1 10-09-2015
### v2.0.1 20-08-2023
* Add HTTP status code
* Add RSA encrypt

* Segunda versión de la librería, mejoras en las validaciones.
### v2.0.0 13-12-2022
* Add Request 3DS
* Add Confirm type Orden

### v1.3.5 12-04-2019
* Se actualiza la URL base para creación de tokens.

### v1.3.4 10-10-2018
* Se agrega recurso de Orders

### v1.3.3 17-03-2017
* Actualización de composer.json

### v1.3.2 15-03-2017
* Se cambia el metodo getCapture de Cargo por capture
* Corección en el composer.json.

### v1.3.1 16-02-2017
* Se corrige el metodo DELETE
* Se cambia el nombre del metodo "getList" por "all"
* Se corrige Transfers
* Se agrega el metodo update a Tokens

### 1.3.0 16-02-2017
* Se utiliza API v2.0
* Cambios en Cargos.php a Charges.php
* Cambios en Client.php
* Cambios en Culqi.php
* Cambios en Devoluciones.php a Refunds.php
* Cambios en Planes.php a Plan.php
* Cambios en Suscripciones.php a Subscriptions.php
* Se agrega Cards.php
* Se agrega Events.php
* Se agrega Iins.php
* Se agrega Customers.php
* Cambios en Tokens.php
* Cambios en /examples/
* Cambios en /tests/

### 1.2.5 16-11-2016
* Cambios en Client.php
* Cambios en /examples/

### 1.2.4 03-11-2016
* Ejemplo de Planes añadido.

### 1.2.3 08-10-2016
* Cambio en el timeout de la conexión a 120 segundos.

### 1.2.2 23-09-2016
* Cambios en los ejemplos.
* Nuevo método: setEnv() para definir entorno.

### 1.2.1 05-09-2016
* Añadidos ejemplos de "Crear Cargo" y "Crear Suscripción".
* Correcciones menores en el composer.json.

### 1.2.0 31-08-2016
* Conexión con la API v1.2.
* Reescritura completa de la biblioteca.
* Ya no usa cURL, gracias a la dependencia "Requests".

### 1.1.1 26-07-2016
* Desofuscación de la librería.
* Nuevos ejemplos
* Pequeños fixes en las rutas de los ejemplos.

### 1.1.0 15-10-2015

* Actualización de las rutas del nuevo API(v1) de Culqi.
* Nuevos parámetros de envío para la creación de una venta.

### 1.0.1 10-09-2015

* Segunda versión de la librería, mejoras en las validaciones.

### 1.0.0 17-08-2015

* Primera versión de la librería, soporta las operaciones de Anulación, Consulta, Autorización.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions LICENSE →
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Culqi
Copyright (c) 2016 CULQI

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal