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File metadata and controls

423 lines (338 loc) · 18.4 KB

PP architecture

The architecture consists of a large pipeline, consisting of a number of vector and scalar units which can be enabled and disabled by the control word. In particular, there are two vector ALU's, one of which can do addition, another which can do multiplication. There are also two similar scalar ALU's, and the "combiner" capable of executing scalar-vector multiplies as well as various complex/transcdental functions (sqrt, rcp, sin, cos, exp2, etc.). Furthermore, there are varying, uniform/temporary, and texture load units, a temporary store unit, and a branching unit for implementing jumps. Each unit can affect/produce results which are used by all later units, as if all 6 registers are passed between each unit in the pipeline (see "Lima Fragment Pipeline" below). The only exception is that each vector ALU unit is executed in parallel with its scalar counterpart - so the vector and scalar multiply ALU's run in parallel, and so do the vector and scalar addition ALU's. Furthermore, to reduce register pressure, there are a number of "pipeline registers". A pipeline register is a direct connection between two units in the pipeline, in addition to the normal registers which are passed between every unit. For more details on registers (including pipeline registers), see the "Registers" section below. To overcome the pipeline stall issues inherent in such a long pipeline (128 stages for Mali-200, see this page), the architecture is likely barrelled and interleaves execution of a large number of fragments at once, and scheduling is done by the machine in order to minimize stalls. The instruction stream is compressed down from a maximum of 18-words per instruction dependant on what units are in use. The remaining bits give each unit individual instructions and constants.

The encodings are variable length 32-bit aligned.

Control Word Encoding

Fragment shaders begin with a 32-bit control word. The control word dictates what units will be used in each instruction. The lowest 5 bits of the control word determines the number 32-bit DWORDs in the entire instruction "word" (including the control word).

Speculation on derivatives

Apparently, most GPU's processes fragments in groups of 2x2; I suspect ours does this as well. Normally, each shader in the group is contained from one another, except for derivatives. Derivatives are an extension in gles 2.0 (OES_standard_derivatives), however Mali does support it. Usually, derivatives are accomplished by each pixel swapping the value passed into the function with either it's vertical (dFdy) or horizontal (dFdx) neighbor in the group, and then computing the difference with it's own value. Furthermore, all 4 shaders have to execute this swap-and-difference instruction at once; I believe control bit 6 synchronizes the shaders (I'm not sure what happens when each shader takes a different side of a branch). Bit 6 is enabled for texture fetching because the processor computes the level of detail by computing the screen-space derivative of the texture coordinates, and therefore needs to compute derivatives as part of fetching the texture.

Bitfield Description

 0...4: {  } Instruction Length
 5:     {0 } Output to gl_FragColor and end program.
 6:     {0 } Inter-thread synchronization?
 7:     {34} Varying Fetch
 8:     {62} Texture Sampler
 9:     {41} Uniform/Temporary Fetch
10:     {43} Vec4 Multiply ALU
11:     {30} Scalar Multiply ALU
12:     {44} Vec4 Addition ALU
13:     {31} Scalar Addition ALU
14:     {30} Vec4-Scalar Multiply/Transcendental Scalar ALU
15:     {41} Temporary Write/Framebuffer Read
16:     {73} Branch/Discard
17:     {64} Vec4 Constant Fetch 0
18:     {64} Vec4 Constant Fetch 1
19..24: {  } Next Instruction Length (prefetch)
25:     {  } Prefetch enable
28..31  {  } Unknown (=0)

{n} means this bit set adds n bits to the instruction 

Prefetch enable is set for all instructions which can possibly reach the next instruction, i.e. all instructions except for the last instruction and discard instructions. For all instructions, the next instruction length is set to the instruction length of the next instruction (duh) except for the last instruction where it's set to 0; presumably this is for prefetching, since it will work if you set a too high value for this field but it will crash if you set a value too low. If you add the n's together for each enabled unit, and then round upward to the nearest 32-bit word, (+1 word for the control word) they should equal the bottom 5 bits.

Vector Swizzling

These 8 bits encode how to swizzle a 4-component vector in the vec4 addition and multiplication opcodes.The bits are grouped into 4 groups of 2. Bits 0 and 1 tell what goes in the first element, 2 and 3 what goes in the second element, etc. For example:

 00 = 00 00 00 00 = .xxxx
 04 = 00 00 01 00 = .xyxx
 10 = 00 01 00 00 = .xxyx
 14 = 00 01 01 00 = .xyyx
 24 = 00 10 01 00 = .xyzx
 40 = 01 00 00 00 = .xxxy
 44 = 01 00 01 00 = .xyxy
 50 = 01 01 00 00 = .xxyy
 54 = 01 01 01 00 = .xyyy
 E4 = 11 10 01 00 = .xyzw (identity)

Opcode formatting

The opcodes are placed in the order of the bits in the control word: Varying loading (bit 5) will always come first if enabled, followed by texture sampling (bit 6), then uniform loading (bit 7), etc.

To encode the opcode for each enabled unit in the control word, start with bit 0 of the first word. Then, for each unit, append the opcode to the current word. If the opcode overflows the current word, then start at bit 0 the next one.

Note that, because the bits are numbered right-to-left but the words are numbered left-to-right, this means that the opcodes usually look "broken" when looking at the instruction word-for-word. For example, a varying load followed by some other opcode might look like this:

aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb bbAA ...

where the varying load opcode is actually: AA aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa

Note that bits 32-33 of the opcode "overflowed" into bits 0-1 of the next word.


It appears there are 6 vec4 registers actually used out of up to 12 possible, which are encoded as four bits in a control field. The last 4 registers are read-only, "pipeline registers" and are hardcoded as:

12 - Vec4 constant 0
13 - Vec4 constant 1
14 - Texture sampler result
15 - Uniform fetch result

Also, each of these registers can be divided into 4 scalar registers when used as scalar inputs or outputs, for 24 scalar registers and 16 read-only special registers, which are encoded as six bits in a control field. Furthermore, when these registers run out there is a larger number of "temporary variables", which can be read using the uniform/temporary fetch (bit 9) and written using the temporary write (bit 15). When writing to a vector register, you can specify a "write mask" or "output mask". Conceptually, all 4 components of the result are calculated, but only the components specified by the write mask are actually written to the register.

There also exists various "pipeline registers" (four of them listed above) which are only used within one particular instruction (i.e. within the pipeline) and are used as the inputs/outputs of various units. The pipeline registers can be grouped into:

  • Constants
  • Texture Sample registers
  • Uniform fetch register
  • ALU registers (^vmul, ^fmul or ^v0, ^s0)

Deciphered Opcodes

control[7], Varying Fetch

00 mmmm dddd iiii iiOO 00oo oo00 0aa0 ssss
Or, for loading from a register (used for loading texture coordinates from a register):
00 mmmm dddd SSSS SSSS ANrr rr00 0000 01pp
Or, for normalizing a vec3 input register (uses most of the same fields as loading from a register):
00 mmmm dddd SSSS SSSS ANrr rr00 1000 1010

m - Mask, (0001 = float, 0011 = vec2, 0111 = vec3, 1111 = vec4)
d - Destination Register
    Note: writing to register 15 discards the output (used for loading texture coordinates)
i - Varying Index
a - alignment
    It seems that varyings (floats) can be loaded in aligned groups of 1, 2, or 4.
    This specifies how many to load at once. Note that the alignment affects the addressing;
    for example, loading from an index of x at an alignment of 4 is equivalent to loading from 2*x
     and 2*x+1 at an alignment of 2.
    00 - no alignment (load 1 float)
    01 - alignment by 2 (load 2 floats)
    11 - alignment by 4 (load 4 floats)
A - absolute value input modifier
N - negate input modifier
r - input register
o - Offset register - vector part
    1111: no offset (0)
O - Offset register - scalar part
    Note: it seems the offset register is formed by ooooOO.
    However, I haven't been able to test this theory because I haven't gotten the compiler
    to produce a value for O other than 11. 
s - source:
    00pp - normal varying
    01pp - register (see second instruction format)
    1000 - varying, input to textureCube()
    1001 - register, input to textureCube()
    1010 - vec3 normalize (see third instruction format)
    1011 - gl_FragCoord
    1100 - gl_PointCoord
    1101 - gl_FrontFacing
S - swizzle descriptor for source
p - perspective (used for texture2DProj)
    00 - normal
    10 - divide by z
    11 - divide by w

Note: for gl_FragCoord and gl_PointCoord, the shader has to apply some transforms to get the right value.
For gl_FragCoord, it looks like this in pseudocode: =;
gl_FragCoord.w = 1.0 / gl_FragCoord_orig.w;

And for gl_PointCoord:
uniform vec4 gl_mali_PointCoordScaleBias; //created by the compiler
gl_PointCoord = + gl_mali_PointCoordScaleBias.xy * gl_PointCoord_orig;

control[8], Texture fetch

00 1110 0100 0000 0000 01ss ssss ssss ssot tttt 0000 0lb0 0000 cccc ccrr rrrr

The coordinates for the texture fetch are always the output of the varying load.

s - sampler index
o - sampler index register offset enable
c - sampler index offset register
t - sampler type
    00000 - sampler2D
    11111 - samplerCube
l - lod register enable
b - explicit lod
    If true, the LOD register specifies the actual LOD.
    If false, the LOD register specifies an offset applied to the normally-calculated LOD.
r - lod register

control[9], Uniform/Temporary Fetch

i iiii iiii iiii iiio rrrr rr00 0000 aa00 0000 00ss

i - source index
a - alignment
    00 - 1-aligned
    01 - 2-aligned
    10 - 4-aligned
s - source
    00 - uniform
    11 - temporary
o - register offset enable
r - offset register

control[10], Vec4 Multiply ALU

ooo ooMM mmmm dddd CCaa aaaa aaAA AADD bbbb bbbb BBBB

Everything except the opcode is the same as the vec4 addition ALU.

    00xxx - arg0 * arg1 * 2^x, where x is in two's-complement format
    01000 - not(arg0)
    01001 - and(arg0, arg1)
    01010 - or(arg0, arg1)
    01011 - xor(arg0, arg1)
    01100 - notEqual(arg0, arg1)
    01101 - lessThan(arg0, arg1)
    01110 - lessThanEqual(arg0, arg1)
    01111 - equal(arg0, arg1)
    10000 - min(arg0, arg1)
    10001 - max(arg0, arg1)
    11111 - arg1 (passthough)

control[11], Scalar Multiply ALU

oo oooM Medd dddd AAaa aaaa BBbb bbbb

o - opcode:
    00xxx - arg0 * arg1 * 2^x where x is in two's complement format
    01000 - not(arg0)
    01001 - and(arg0, arg1)
    01010 - or(arg0, arg1)
    01011 - xor(arg0, arg1)
    01100 - notEqual(arg0, arg1)
    01101 - lessThan(arg0, arg1)
    01110 - lessThanEqual(arg0, arg1)
    10001 - max(arg0, arg1)
    10000 - min(arg0, arg1)
    11111 - arg1 (passthough)
e - output enable, set to 0 when outputting to scalar accumulate (above)   
d - destination register
A - argument 0 modifiers, bit 0 is abs() and bit 1 is negate
a - argument 0 register
B - argument 1 modifiers
b - argument 1 register
M - output modifier:
    00 - passthrough
    01 - saturate - clamp(output, 0.0, 1.0)
    10 - max(0.0, output)
    11 - round to integer

control[12], Vec4 Addition ALU

iooo ooMM mmmm dddd CCaa aaaa aaAA AADD bbbb bbbb BBBB

i - whether to get Argument 1 from the vector multiplication ALU (above)
o - opcode:
    00000 - arg0 + arg1
    00100 - fract(arg1)
    01000 - notEqual(arg0, arg1)
    01100 - floor(arg1)
    01101 - ceil(arg1)
    01011 - equal(arg0, arg1)
    01001 - lessThan(arg0, arg1)
    01010 - lessThanEqual(arg0, arg1)
    01111 - max(arg0, arg1)
    01110 - min(arg0, arg1)
    10000 - sum3 - dest.xyzw = sum of first 3 components of arg1
    10001 - sum4 - dest.xyzw = sum of all components of arg1
        Note: for sum3 and sum4, the output is broadcast to all channels - 
        you can use the write mask to select which component to write to
    10100 - dFdx(arg0, arg1)
    10101 - dFdy(arg0, arg1)
        Note: dFdx(x) is actually implemented as dFdx(-x, x) (same for dFdy)
        See "Speculation on derivatives" above
    11111 - arg1 (passthrough)
m - Mask, same as varying fetch opcode
d - Destination register
C - Argument 0 modifier
a - Argument 0 Swizzle descriptor
A - Argument 0 Source
D - Argument 1 modifier
b - Argument 1 Swizzle descriptor
B - Argument 1 Source
M - output modifier:
    00 - don't round
    01 - saturate - clamp(output, 0.0, 1.0)
    10 - max(0.0, output)
    11 - round to integer

bit 0 - absolute value
bit 1 - negate

control[13], Scalar Addition ALU

ioo ooor r1dd dddd AAaa aaaa BBbb bbbb

i - whether to get Argument 1 from Scalar Multiply (above)
o - opcode:
    00000 - arg0 + arg1
    00100 - fract(arg1)
    01100 - floor(arg1)
    01101 - ceil(arg1)
    10100 - dFdx(arg0, arg1)
    10101 - dFdy(arg0, arg1)
        Note: dFdx(x) is actually implemented as dFdx(-x, x) (same for dFdy)
        See "Speculation on derivatives" above
    10111 - sel
        Seems to select between two input values based on ^fmul: (^fmul ? arg1 : arg0).
    11111 - arg1 (passthrough)
d - destination
A - argument 0 modifiers, bit 0 is abs() and bit 1 is negate
a - argument 0 register
B - argument 1 modifiers
b - argument 1 register
M - output modifier:
    00 - passthrough
    01 - saturate - clamp(output, 0.0, 1.0)
    10 - max(0.0, output)
    11 - round to integer

control[14], Vec4-Scalar Multiply/Transcendental Scalar ALU

dd dddd MMss ssss na00 0000 00oo oo00

d - destination
M - output modifier
s - source
n - negate source
a - take absolute value of source
o - operation:
    0x0 - 0000 - reciprocal (1.0 / x)
    0x1 - 0001 - nop/passthrough?
    0x2 - 0010 - sqrt
    0x3 - 0011 - inversesqrt
    0x4 - 0100 - exp2
    0x5 - 0101 - log2
    0x6 - 0110 - sin
    0x7 - 0111 - cos
    0x8 - 1000 - atan_pt1 (see below)
    0x9 - 1001 - atan2_pt1 (see below)

Or, for float * vec4:
dd ddmm mmaa aaaa AAbb bbBB BBBB BB11

d - destination
m - mask (for destination)
a - scalar source
A - scalar modifier (negative, absolute value)
b - vec4 source
B - vec4 source swizzle descriptor

Note - for sin and cos, the input is multiplied by the constant 1/(2*pi), presumably to
simplify the hardware.

atan is divided into two instructions, which we'll call atan_pt1 and atan_pt2.
atan_pt1 takes the (scalar) input and produces a 3-component vector.
atan_pt2 takes the vector and produces the final output.

Unlike atan_pt1, you need to do an additional multiply between atan2_pt1 and atan_pt2:
$ = atan2_pt1 y, x;
$temp.x *= $temp.y;
result = atan_pt2 $temp;

asin and acos are implemented using atan2, as follows:
asin(x) = atan2(x, sqrt(1 - x^2))
acos(x) = atan2(sqrt(1 - x^2), x)


dd ddmm mmaa aaaa AAbb bbbb BBoo oo01
d - destination (vector)
m - write/output mask (always 0111 in this case)
a - scalar 0 source
A - scalar 0 modifier
b - scalar 1 source
B - scalar 1 modifier
o - opcode
    0x8 - 1000 - atan_pt1(src0)
    0x9 - 1001 - atan2_pt1(src0, src1)


dd dddd 0000 0000 00aa aaAA AAAA AA10
d - destination (scalar)
a - source (vector)
A - swizzle descriptor

control[15], Temporary Write/Framebuffer Read

Temporary Write:

i iiii iiii iiii iiio rrrr rr00 0000 aass ssss 00dd

i - destination index
a - alignment
    0 - float
    1 - vec2
    2 - vec4
s - source register
    If the alignment is set to vec4, then only the upper 4 bits are used.
d - destination
    11 - temporary
o - register offset enable
r - offset register

Framebuffer Read:

0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 10dd dd00 11ss

d - destination register
s - source
    11 - gl_FBColor
    10 - gl_FBDepth
    Note: since gl_FBDepth is a float, and the alignment is set to 1,
    this instr will always set the x component of the specified destination register.

control[16], Branch/Discard

0 0011 tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt ttt0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0ccc aaaa aabb bbbb 0000

0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0011

c - condition:
    bit 0 - jump if a > b
    bit 1 - jump if a = b
    bit 2 - jump if a < b
   The jump will happen if any of the conditions signaled by the appropriate bit is true.
   For example, a condition code of 011 means "jump if a >= b" and 111 is an unconditional jump.

t - target address, relative to the start of the current instruction

control[17] and control[18], Vec4 constant fetch

This opcode simply consists of 4 
to be loaded. bits 0-15 store the first argument, bits 16-31 the second one, etc.

Lima Fragment Pipeline