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File metadata and controls

1180 lines (1001 loc) · 58.1 KB

1.2.0 / 2021/05/10

This release brings the long awaited HTTP2 capabilities to requestAsBrowser. It could make HTTP2 requests even before, but it was not very helpful in making browser-like ones. This is very important for disguising as a browser and reduction in the number of blocked requests. requestAsBrowser now uses got-scraping.

The most important new feature is that the full set of headers requestAsBrowser uses will now be generated using live data about browser headers that we collect. This means that the "header fingeprint" will always match existing browsers and should be indistinguishable from a real browser request. The header sets will be automatically rotated for you to further reduce the chances of blocking.

We also switched the default HTTP version from 1 to 2 in requestAsBrowser. We don't expect this change to be breaking, and we took precautions, but we're aware that there are always some edge cases, so please let us know if it causes trouble for you.

Full list of changes:

  • Replace the underlying HTTP client of utils.requestAsBrowser() with got-scraping.
  • Make useHttp2 true by default with utils.requestAsBrowser().
  • Fix failing with empty OUTPUT.
  • Update puppeteer to 8.0.0 and playwright to 1.10.0 with Chromium 90 in Docker images.
  • Update @apify/ps-tree to support Windows better.
  • Update @apify/storage-local to support Node.js 16 prebuilds.

1.1.2 / 2021/04/10

  • DEPRECATED: utils.waitForRunToFinish please use the apify-client package and its waitForFinish functions. Sorry, forgot to deprecate this with v1 release.
  • Fix internal require that broke the SDK with underscore 1.13 release.
  • Update @apify/storage-local to v2 written in TypeScript.

1.1.1 / 2021/03/23

  • Fix SessionPoolOptions not being correctly used in BrowserCrawler.
  • Improve error messages for missing puppeteer or playwright installations.

1.1.0 / 2021/03/19

In this minor release we focused on the SessionPool. Besides fixing a few bugs, we added one important feature: setting and getting of sessions by ID.

// Now you can add specific sessions to the pool,
// instead of relying on random generation.
await sessionPool.addSession({
    id: 'my-session',
    // ... some config

// Later, you can retrieve the session. This is useful
// for example when you need a specific login session.
const session = await sessionPool.getSession('my-session');

Full list of changes:

  • Add sessionPool.addSession() function to add a new session to the session pool (possibly with the provided options, e.g. with specific session id).
  • Add optional parameter sessionId to sessionPool.getSession() to be able to retrieve a session from the session pool with the specific session id.
  • Fix SessionPool not working properly in both PuppeteerCrawler and PlaywrightCrawler.
  • Fix and Apify.callTask() output - make it backwards compatible with previous versions of the client.
  • Improve handling of browser executable paths when using the official SDK Docker images.
  • Update browser-pool to fix issues with failing hooks causing browsers to get stuck in limbo.
  • Removed proxy-chain dependency because now it's covered in browser-pool.

1.0.2 / 2021/03/05

  • Add the ability to override ProxyConfiguration status check URL with the APIFY_PROXY_STATUS_URL env var.
  • Fix inconsistencies in cookie handling when SessionPool was used.
  • Fix TS types in multiple places. TS is still not a first class citizen, but this should improve the experience.

1.0.1 / 2021/02/03

  • Fix dataset.pushData() validation which would not allow other than plain objects.
  • Fix PuppeteerLaunchContext.stealth throwing when used in PuppeteerCrawler.

1.0.0 / 2021/01/25

After 3.5 years of rapid development and a lot of breaking changes and deprecations, here comes the result - Apify SDK v1. There were two goals for this release. Stability and adding support for more browsers - Firefox and Webkit (Safari).

The SDK has grown quite popular over the years, powering thousands of web scraping and automation projects. We think our developers deserve a stable environment to work in and by releasing SDK v1, we commit to only make breaking changes once a year, with a new major release.

We added support for more browsers by replacing PuppeteerPool with browser-pool. A new library that we created specifically for this purpose. It builds on the ideas from PuppeteerPool and extends them to support Playwright. Playwright is a browser automation library similar to Puppeteer. It works with all well known browsers and uses almost the same interface as Puppeteer, while adding useful features and simplifying common tasks. Don't worry, you can still use Puppeteer with the new BrowserPool.

A large breaking change is that neither puppeteer nor playwright are bundled with the SDK v1. To make the choice of a library easier and installs faster, users will have to install the selected modules and versions themselves. This allows us to add support for even more libraries in the future.

Thanks to the addition of Playwright we now have a PlaywrightCrawler. It is very similar to PuppeteerCrawler and you can pick the one you prefer. It also means we needed to make some interface changes. The launchPuppeteerFunction option of PuppeteerCrawler is gone and launchPuppeteerOptions were replaced by launchContext. We also moved things around in the handlePageFunction arguments. See the migration guide for more detailed explanation and migration examples.

What's in store for SDK v2? We want to split the SDK into smaller libraries, so that everyone can install only the things they need. We plan a TypeScript migration to make crawler development faster and safer. Finally, we will take a good look at the interface of the whole SDK and update it to improve the developer experience. Bug fixes and scraping features will of course keep landing in versions 1.X as well.

Full list of changes:

  • BREAKING: Removed puppeteer from dependencies. If you want to use Puppeteer, you must install it yourself.
  • BREAKING: Removed PuppeteerPool. Use browser-pool.
  • BREAKING: Removed PuppeteerCrawlerOptions.launchPuppeteerOptions. Use launchContext.
  • BREAKING: Removed PuppeteerCrawlerOptions.launchPuppeteerFunction. Use PuppeteerCrawlerOptions.preLaunchHooks and postLaunchHooks.
  • BREAKING: Removed args.autoscaledPool and args.puppeteerPool from handle(Page/Request)Function arguments. Use args.crawler.autoscaledPool and args.crawler.browserPool.
  • BREAKING: The useSessionPool and persistCookiesPerSession options of crawlers are now true by default. Explicitly set them to false to override the behavior.
  • BREAKING: Apify.launchPuppeteer() no longer accepts LaunchPuppeteerOptions. It now accepts PuppeteerLaunchContext.

New deprecations:

  • DEPRECATED: PuppeteerCrawlerOptions.gotoFunction. Use PuppeteerCrawlerOptions.preNavigationHooks and postNavigationHooks.

Removals of earlier deprecated functions:

  • BREAKING: Removed Apify.utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinks(). Deprecated in 01/2019. Use Apify.utils.enqueueLinks().
  • BREAKING: Removed autoscaledPool.(set|get)MaxConcurrency(). Deprecated in 2019. Use autoscaledPool.maxConcurrency.
  • BREAKING: Removed CheerioCrawlerOptions.requestOptions. Deprecated in 03/2020. Use CheerioCrawlerOptions.prepareRequestFunction.
  • BREAKING: Removed Launch.requestOptions. Deprecated in 03/2020. Use CheerioCrawlerOptions.prepareRequestFunction.

New features:

  • Added Apify.PlaywrightCrawler which is almost identical to PuppeteerCrawler, but it crawls with the playwright library.
  • Added Apify.launchPlaywright(launchContext) helper function.
  • Added browserPoolOptions to PuppeteerCrawler to configure BrowserPool.
  • Added crawler to handle(Request/Page)Function arguments.
  • Added browserController to handlePageFunction arguments.
  • Added crawler.crawlingContexts Map which includes all running crawlingContexts.

0.22.4 / 2021/01/10

  • Fix issues with Apify.pushData() and keyValueStore.forEachKey() by updating @apify/storage-local to 1.0.2.

0.22.3 / 2021/01/09

  • Fix puppeteerPool missing in handle page arguments.

0.22.2 / 2020/12/22

  • Pinned cheerio to 1.0.0-rc.3 to avoid install problems in some builds.
  • Increased default maxEventLoopOverloadedRatio in SystemStatusOptions to 0.6.
  • Updated packages and improved docs.

0.22.1 / 2020/12/09

This is the last major release before SDK v1.0.0. We're committed to deliver v1 at the end of 2020 so stay tuned. Besides Playwright integration via a new BrowserPool, it will be the first release of SDK that we'll support for an extended period of time. We will not make any breaking changes until 2.0.0, which will come at the end of 2021. But enough about v1, let's see the changes in 0.22.0.

In this release we've changed a lot of code, but you may not even notice. We've updated the underlying apify-client package which powers all communication with the Apify API to version 1.0.0. This means a completely new API for all internal calls. If you use Apify.client calls in your code, this will be a large breaking change for you. Visit the client docs to see what's new in the client, but also note that we removed the default client available under Apify.client and replaced it with Apify.newClient() function. We think it's better to have separate clients for users and internal use.

Until now, local emulation of Apify Storages has been a part of the SDK. We moved the logic into a separate package @apify/storage-local which shares interface with apify-client. RequestQueue is now powered by SQLite3 instead of file system, which improves reliability and performance quite a bit. Dataset and KeyValueStore still use file system, for easy browsing of data. The structure of apify_storage folder remains unchanged.

After collecting common developer mistakes, we've decided to make argument validation stricter. You will no longer be able to pass extra arguments to functions and constructors. This is to alleviate frustration, when you mistakenly pass useChrome to PuppeteerPoolOptions instead of LaunchPuppeteerOptions and don't realize it. Before this version, SDK wouldn't let you know and would silently continue with Chromium. Now, it will throw an error saying that useChrome is not an allowed property of PuppeteerPoolOptions.

Based on developer feedback, we decided to remove --no-sandbox from the default Puppeteer launch args. It will only be used on Apify Platform. This gives you the chance to use your own sandboxing strategy.

LiveViewServer and puppeteerPoolOptions.useLiveView were never very user-friendly or performant solutions, due to the inherent performance issues with rapidly taking many screenshots in Puppeteer. We've decided to remove it. If you need similar functionality, try the devtools-server NPM package, which utilizes the Chrome DevTools Frontend for screen-casting live view of the running browser.

Full list of changes:

  • BREAKING: Updated apify-client to 1.0.0 with a completely new interface. We also removed the Apify.client property and replaced it with an Apify.newClient() function that creates a new ApifyClient instance.

  • BREAKING: Removed --no-sandbox from default Puppeteer launch arguments. This will most likely be breaking for Linux and Docker users.

  • BREAKING: Function argument validation is now more strict and will not accept extra parameters which are not defined by the functions' signatures.

  • DEPRECATED: puppeteerPoolOptions.useLiveView is now deprecated. Use the devtools-server NPM package instead.

  • Added postResponseFunction to CheerioCrawlerOptions. It allows you to override properties on the HTTP response before processing by CheerioCrawler.

  • Added HTTP2 support to utils.requestAsBrowser(). Set useHttp2 to true in RequestAsBrowserOptions to enable it.

  • Fixed handling of XML content types in CheerioCrawler.

  • Fixed capitalization of headers when using utils.puppeteer.addInterceptRequestHandler.

  • Fixed utils.puppeteer.saveSnapshot() overwriting screenshots with HTML on local.

  • Updated puppeteer to version 5.4.1 with Chrom(ium) 87.

  • Removed RequestQueueLocal in favor of @apify/storage-local API emulator.

  • Removed KeyValueStoreLocal in favor of @apify/storage-local API emulator.

  • Removed DatasetLocal in favor of @apify/storage-local API emulator.

  • Removed the userData option from Apify.utils.enqueueLinks (deprecated in Jun 2019). Use transformRequestFunction instead.

  • Removed instanceKillerIntervalMillis and killInstanceAfterMillis (deprecated in Feb 2019). Use instanceKillerIntervalSecs and killInstanceAfterSecs instead.

  • Removed the memory option from options which was (deprecated in 2018). Use memoryMbytes instead.

  • Removed delete() methods from Dataset, KeyValueStore and RequestQueue (deprecated in Jul 2019). Use .drop().

  • Removed utils.puppeteer.hideWebDriver() (deprecated in May 2019). Use LaunchPuppeteerOptions.stealth.

  • Removed utils.puppeteer.enqueueRequestsFromClickableElements() (deprecated in 2018). Use utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinksByClickingElements.

  • Removed request.doNotRetry() (deprecated in June 2019) Use request.noRetry = true.

  • Removed RequestListOptions.persistSourcesKey (deprecated in Feb 2020) Use persistRequestsKey.

  • Removed the The function passed to Apify.main() threw an exception error message, because it was confusing to users.

  • Removed automatic injection of charset=utf-8 in keyValueStore.setValue() to the contentType option.

0.22.0 / 2020/12/07

  • Technical release, see 0.22.1

0.21.11 / 2020/12/22

  • Pinned cheerio to 1.0.0-rc.3 to avoid install problems in some builds.

0.21.10 / 2020/12/07

  • Bump Puppeteer to 5.5.0 and Chrom(ium) 88.

0.21.9 / 2020/11/03

  • Fix various issues in stealth.
  • Fix SessionPool not retiring sessions immediately when they become unusable. It fixes a problem where PuppeteerPool would not retire browsers wit bad sessions.

0.21.8 / 2020/10/07

  • Make PuppeteerCrawler safe against malformed Puppeteer responses.
  • Update default user agent to Chrome 86
  • Bump Puppeteer to 5.3.1 with Chromium 86

0.21.7 / 2020/10/03

  • Fix an error in PuppeteerCrawler caused by page.goto() randomly returning null.

0.21.6 / 2020/10/02

It appears that CheerioCrawler was correctly retiring sessions on timeouts and blocked status codes (401, 403, 429), whereas PuppeteerCrawler did not. Apologies for the omission, this release fixes the problem.

  • Fix sessions not being retired on blocked status codes in PuppeteerCrawler.
  • Fix sessions not being marked bad on navigation timeouts in PuppeteerCrawler.
  • Update apify-shared to version 0.5.0.

0.21.5 / 2020/09/30

This is a very minor release that fixes some issues that were preventing use of the SDK with Node 14.

  • Update the request serialization process which is used in RequestList to work with Node 10+.
  • Update some TypeScript types that were preventing build due to changes in typed dependencies.

0.21.4 / 2020/09/02

The statistics that you may remember from logs are now persisted in key-value store, so you won't lose count when your actor restarts. We've also added a lot of useful stats in there which can be useful to you after a run finishes. Besides that, we fixed some bugs and annoyances and improved the TypeScript experience a bit.

  • Add persistence to Statistics class and automatically persist it in BasicCrawler.
  • Fix issue where inaccessible Apify Proxy would cause ProxyConfiguration to throw a timeout error.
  • Update default user agent to Chrome 85
  • Bump Puppeteer to 5.2.1 which uses Chromium 85
  • TypeScript: Fix RequestAsBrowserOptions missing some values and add RequestQueueInfo as a return value from requestQueue.getInfo()

0.21.3 / 2020/07/27

  • Fix useless logging in Session.

0.21.2 / 2020/07/27

  • Fix cookies with leading dot in domain (as extracted from Puppeteer) not being correctly added to Sessions.

0.21.1 / 2020/07/21

We fixed some bugs, improved a few things and bumped Puppeteer to match latest Chrome 84.

  • Allow Apify.createProxyConfiguration to be used seamlessly with the proxy component of Actor Input UI.
  • Fix integration of plugins into CheerioCrawler with the crawler.use() function.
  • Fix a race condition which caused RequestQueueLocal to fail handling requests.
  • Fix broken debug logging in SessionPool.
  • Improve ProxyConfiguration error message for missing password / token.
  • Update Puppeteer to 5.2.0
  • Improve docs, update packages and so on.

0.21.0 / 2020/06/06

This release comes with breaking changes that will affect most, if not all of your projects. See the migration guide for more information and examples.

First large change is a redesigned proxy configuration. Cheerio and Puppeteer crawlers now accept a proxyConfiguration parameter, which is an instance of ProxyConfiguration. This class now exclusively manages both Apify Proxy and custom proxies. Visit the new proxy management guide

We also removed Apify.utils.getRandomUserAgent() as it was no longer effective in avoiding bot detection and changed the default values for empty properties in Request instances.

  • BREAKING: Removed Apify.getApifyProxyUrl(). To get an Apify Proxy url, use proxyConfiguration.newUrl([sessionId]).
  • BREAKING: Removed useApifyProxy, apifyProxyGroups and apifyProxySession parameters from all applications in the SDK. Use proxyConfiguration in crawlers and proxyUrl in requestAsBrowser and Apify.launchPuppeteer.
  • BREAKING: Removed Apify.utils.getRandomUserAgent() as it was no longer effective in avoiding bot detection.
  • BREAKING: Request instances no longer initialize empty properties with null, which means that:
    • empty errorMessages are now represented by [], and
    • empty loadedUrl, payload and handledAt are undefined.
  • Add Apify.createProxyConfiguration() async function to create ProxyConfiguration instances. ProxyConfiguration itself is not exposed.
  • Add proxyConfiguration to CheerioCrawlerOptions and PuppeteerCrawlerOptions.
  • Add proxyInfo to CheerioHandlePageInputs and PuppeteerHandlePageInputs. You can use this object to retrieve information about the currently used proxy in Puppeteer and Cheerio crawlers.
  • Add click buttons and scroll up options to Apify.utils.puppeteer.infiniteScroll().
  • Fixed a bug where intercepted requests would never continue.
  • Fixed a bug where Apify.utils.requestAsBrowser() would get into redirect loops.
  • Fix Apify.utils.getMemoryInfo() crashing the process on AWS Lambda and on systems running in Docker without memory cgroups enabled.
  • Update Puppeteer to 3.3.0.

0.20.4 / 2020-05-11

  • Add Apify.utils.waitForRunToFinish() which simplifies waiting for an actor run to finish.
  • Add standard prefixes to log messages to improve readability and orientation in logs.
  • Add support for async handlers in Apify.utils.puppeteer.addInterceptRequestHandler()
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Add cheerioCrawler.use() function to enable attaching CrawlerExtension to the crawler to modify its behavior. A plugin that extends functionality.
  • Fix bug with cookie expiry in SessionPool.
  • Fix issues in documentation.
  • Updated @apify/http-request to fix issue in the proxy-agent package.
  • Updated Puppeteer to 3.0.2

0.20.3 / 2020-04-14

  • DEPRECATED: CheerioCrawlerOptions.requestOptions is now deprecated. Please use CheerioCrawlerOptions.prepareRequestFunction instead.
  • Add limit option to Apify.utils.enqueueLinks() for situations when full crawls are not needed.
  • Add suggestResponseEncoding and forceResponseEncoding options to CheerioCrawler to allow users to provide a fall-back or forced encoding of responses in situations where websites serve invalid encoding information in their headers.
  • Add a number of new examples and update existing ones to documentation.
  • Fix duplicate file extensions in Apify.utils.puppeteer.saveSnapshot() when used locally.
  • Fix encoding of multi-byte characters in CheerioCrawler.
  • Fix formatting of navigation buttons in documentation.

0.20.2 / 2020-03-09

  • Fix an error where persistence of SessionPool would fail if a cookie included invalid expires value.
  • Jumping a patch version because of an error in publishing via CI.

0.20.0 / 2020-03-03

  • BREAKING: Apify.utils.requestAsBrowser() no longer aborts request on status code 406 or when other than text/html type is received. Use options.abortFunction if you want to retain this functionality.
  • BREAKING: Added useInsecureHttpParser option to Apify.utils.requestAsBrowser() which is true by default and forces the function to use a HTTP parser that is less strict than default Node 12 parser, but also less secure. It is needed to be able to bypass certain anti-scraping walls and fetch websites that do not comply with HTTP spec.
  • BREAKING: RequestList now removes all the elements from the sources array on initialization. If you need to use the sources somewhere else, make a copy. This change was added as one of several measures to improve memory management of RequestList in scenarios with very large amount of Request instances.
  • DEPRECATED: RequestListOptions.persistSourcesKey is now deprecated. Please use RequestListOptions.persistRequestsKey.
  • RequestList.sources can now be an array of string URLs as well.
  • Added sourcesFunction to RequestListOptions. It enables dynamic fetching of sources and will only be called if persisted Requests were not retrieved from key-value store. Use it to reduce memory spikes and also to make sure that your sources are not re-created on actor restarts.
  • Updated stealth hiding of webdriver to avoid recent detections.
  • Apify.utils.log now points to an updated logger instance which prints colored logs (in TTY) and supports overriding with custom loggers.
  • Improved Apify.launchPuppeteer() code to prevent triggering bugs in Puppeteer by passing more than required options to puppeteer.launch().
  • Documented BasicCrawler.autoscaledPool property, and added CheerioCrawler.autoscaledPool and PuppeteerCrawler.autoscaledPool properties.
  • SessionPool now persists state on teardown. Before, it only persisted state every minute. This ensures that after a crawler finishes, the state is correctly persisted.
  • Added TypeScript typings and typedef documentation for all entities used throughout SDK.
  • Upgraded proxy-chain NPM package from 0.2.7 to 0.4.1 and many other dependencies
  • Removed all usage of the now deprecated request package.

0.19.1 / 2020-01-30

  • BREAKING (EXPERIMENTAL): session.checkStatus() -> session.retireOnBlockedStatusCodes().
  • Session API is no longer considered experimental.
  • Updates documentation and introduces a few internal changes.

0.19.0 / 2020-01-20

  • BREAKING: APIFY_LOCAL_EMULATION_DIR env var is no longer supported (deprecated on 2018-09-11). Use APIFY_LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR instead.
  • SessionPool API updates and fixes. The API is no longer considered experimental.
  • Logging of system info moved from require time to Apify.main() invocation.
  • Use native RegExp instead of xregexp for unicode property escapes.

0.18.1 / 2020-01-06

  • Fix SessionPool not automatically working in CheerioCrawler.
  • Fix incorrect management of page count in PuppeteerPool.

0.18.0 / 2020-01-06

  • BREAKING CheerioCrawler ignores ssl errors by default - options.ignoreSslErrors: true.
  • Add SessionPool implemenation to CheerioCrawler.
  • Add SessionPool implementation to PuppeteerPool and PupeteerCrawler.
  • Fix Request constructor not making a copy of objects such as userData and headers.
  • Fix desc option not being applied in local dataset.getData().

0.17.0 / 2019-11-25

  • BREAKING: Node 8 and 9 are no longer supported. Please use Node 10.17.0 or higher.
  • DEPRECATED: Apify.callTask() body and contentType options are now deprecated. Use input instead. It must be of content-type: application/json.
  • Add default SessionPool implementation to BasicCrawler.
  • Add the ability to create ad-hoc webhooks via and Apify.callTask().
  • Add an example of form filling with Puppeteer.
  • Add country option to Apify.getApifyProxyUrl().
  • Add Apify.utils.puppeteer.saveSnapshot() helper to quickly save HTML and screenshot of a page.
  • Add the ability to pass got supported options to requestOptions in CheerioCrawler thus supporting things such as cookieJar again.
  • Switch Puppeteer to web socket again due to suspected pipe errors.
  • Fix an issue where some encodings were not correctly parsed in CheerioCrawler.
  • Fix parsing bad Content-Type headers for CheerioCrawler.
  • Fix custom headers not being correctly applied in Apify.utils.requestAsBrowser().
  • Fix dataset limits not being correctly applied.
  • Fix a race condition in RequestQueueLocal.
  • Fix RequestList persistence of downloaded sources in key-value store.
  • Fix Apify.utils.puppeteer.blockRequests() always including default patterns.
  • Fix inconsistent behavior of Apify.utils.puppeteer.infiniteScroll() on some websites.
  • Fix retry histogram statistics sometimes showing invalid counts.
  • Added regexps for Youtube videos (YOUTUBE_REGEX, YOUTUBE_REGEX_GLOBAL) to
  • Added documentation for option json in handlePageFunction of CheerioCrawler

0.16.1 / 2019-10-31

  • Bump Puppeteer to 2.0.0 and use { pipe: true } again because upstream bug has been fixed.
  • Add useIncognitoPages option to PuppeteerPool to enable opening new pages in incognito browser contexts. This is useful to keep cookies and cache unique for each page.
  • Added options to load every content type in CheerioCrawler. There are new options body and contentType in handlePageFunction for this purposes.
  • DEPRECATED: CheerioCrawler html option in handlePageFunction was replaced with body options.

0.16.0 / 2019-08-15

  • This release updates @apify/http-request to version 1.1.2.
  • Update CheerioCrawler to use requestAsBrowser() to better disguise as a real browser.

0.15.5 / 2019-08-15

  • This release just updates some dependencies (not Puppeteer).

0.15.4 / 2019-08-02

  • DEPRECATED: dataset.delete(), keyValueStore.delete() and requestQueue.delete() methods have been deprecated in favor of *.drop() methods, because the drop name more clearly communicates the fact that those methods drop / delete the storage itself, not individual elements in the storage.
  • Added Apify.utils.requestAsBrowser() helper function that enables you to make HTTP(S) requests disguising as a browser (Firefox). This may help in overcoming certain anti-scraping and anti-bot protections.
  • Added options.gotoTimeoutSecs to PuppeteerCrawler to enable easier setting of navigation timeouts.
  • PuppeteerPool options that were deprecated from the PuppeteerCrawler constructor were finally removed. Please use maxOpenPagesPerInstance, retireInstanceAfterRequestCount, instanceKillerIntervalSecs, killInstanceAfterSecs and proxyUrls via the puppeteerPoolOptions object.
  • On the Apify Platform a warning will now be printed when using an outdated apify package version.
  • Apify.utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinksByClickingElements() will now print a warning when the nodes it tries to click become modified (detached from DOM). This is useful to debug unexpected behavior.

0.15.3 / 2019-07-29

  • Apify.launchPuppeteer() now accepts proxyUrl with the https, socks4 and socks5 schemes, as long as it doesn't contain username or password. This is to fix Issue #420.
  • Added desiredConcurrency option to AutoscaledPool constructor, removed unnecessary bound check from the setter property

0.15.2 / 2019-07-11

  • Fix error where Puppeteer would fail to launch when pipes are turned off.
  • Switch back to default Web Socket transport for Puppeteer due to upstream issues.

0.15.1 / 2019-07-09

  • BREAKING CHANGE Removed support for Web Driver (Selenium) since no further updates are planned. If you wish to continue using Web Driver, please stay on Apify SDK version ^0.14.15
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Dataset.getData() throws an error if user provides an unsupported option when using local disk storage.
  • DEPRECATED: options.userData of Apify.utils.enqueueLinks() is deprecated. Use options.transformRequestFunction instead.
  • Improve logging of memory overload errors.
  • Improve error message in
  • Fix multiple log lines appearing when a crawler was about to finish.
  • Add Apify.utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinksByClickingElements() function which enables you to add requests to the queue from pure JavaScript navigations, form submissions etc.
  • Add Apify.utils.puppeteer.infiniteScroll() function which helps you with scrolling to the bottom of websites that auto-load new content.
  • The RequestQueue.handledCount() function has been resurrected from deprecation, in order to have compatible interface with RequestList.
  • Add useExtendedUniqueKey option to Request constructor to include method and payload in the Request's computed uniqueKey.
  • Updated Puppeteer to 1.18.1
  • Updated apify-client to 0.5.22

0.14.15 / 2019-05-31

  • Fixes in RequestQueue to deal with inconsistencies in the underlying data storage
  • BREAKING CHANGE: RequestQueue.addRequest() now sets the ID of the newly added request to the passed Request object
  • The RequestQueue.handledCount() function has been deprecated, please use RequestQueue.getInfo() instead.

0.14.14 / 2019-05-30

  • Fix error where live view would crash when started with concurrency already higher than 1.

0.14.13 / 2019-05-30

  • Fix POST requests in Puppeteer.

0.14.12 / 2019-05-29

  • Snapshotter will now log critical memory overload warnings at most once per 10 seconds.
  • Live view snapshots are now made right after navigation finishes, instead of right before page close.

0.14.11 / 2019-05-28

  • Add Statistics class to track crawler run statistics.
  • Use pipes instead of web sockets in Puppeteer to improve performance and stability.
  • Add warnings to all functions using Puppeteer's request interception to inform users about its performance impact caused by automatic cache disabling.
  • DEPRECATED: Apify.utils.puppeteer.blockResources() because of negative impact on performance. Use .blockRequests() (see below).
  • Add Apify.utils.puppeteer.blockRequests() to enable blocking URL patterns without request interception involved. This is a replacement for .blockResources() until performance issues with request interception resolve.

0.14.10 / 2019-05-24

  • Update Puppeteer to 1.17.0.
  • Add idempotencyKey parameter to Apify.addWebhook().

0.14.9 / 2019-05-22

  • Better logs from AutoscaledPool class
  • Replace cpuInfo Apify event with new systemInfo event in Snapshotter.

0.14.8 / 2019-05-14

  • Bump apify-client to 0.5.17

0.14.7 / 2019-05-12

  • Bump apify-client to 0.5.16

0.14.6 / 2019-05-09

  • Stringification to JSON of actor input in, Apify.callTask() and Apify.metamorph() now also supports functions via func.toString(). The same holds for record body in setValue() method of key-value store.
  • Request queue now monitors number of clients that accessed the queue which allows crawlers to finish without 10s waiting if run was not migrated during its lifetime.

0.14.5 / 2019-05-06

  • Update Puppeteer to 1.15.0.

0.14.4 / 2019-05-06

  • Added the stealth option launchPuppeteerOptions which decreases headless browser detection chance.
  • DEPRECATED: Apify.utils.puppeteer.hideWebDriver use launchPuppeteerOptions.stealth instead.
  • CheerioCrawler now parses HTML using streams. This improves performance and memory usage in most cases.

0.14.3 / 2019-05-06

  • Request queue now allows crawlers to finish quickly without waiting in a case that queue was used by a single client.
  • Better logging of errors in Apify.main()

0.14.2 / 2019-04-25

  • Fix invalid type check in puppeteerModule.

0.14.1 / 2019-04-24

  • Made UI and UX improvements to LiveViewServer functionality.
  • launchPuppeteerOptions.puppeteerModule now supports Object (pre-required modules).
  • Removed --enable-resource-load-scheduler=false Chromium command line flag, it has no effect. See
  • Fixed inconsistency in prepareRequestFunction of CheerioCrawler.
  • Update Puppeteer to 1.14.0

0.14.0 / 2019-04-15

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Live View is no longer available by passing liveView = true to launchPuppeteerOptions.
  • New version of Live View is available by passing the useLiveView = true option to PuppeteerPool.
    • Only shows snapshots of a single page from a single browser.
    • Only makes snapshots when a client is connected, having very low performance impact otherwise.
  • Added Apify.utils.puppeteer.addInterceptRequestHandler and removeInterceptRequestHandler which can be used to add multiple request interception handlers to Puppeteer's pages.
  • Added puppeteerModule to LaunchPuppeteerOptions which enables use of other Puppeteer modules, such as puppeteer-extra instead of plain puppeteer.

0.13.7 / 2019-04-04

  • Fix a bug where invalid response from RequestQueue would occasionally cause crawlers to crash.

0.13.5 / 2019-03-27

  • Fix RequestQueue throttling at high concurrency.

0.13.4 / 2019-03-26

  • Fix bug in addWebhook invocation.

0.13.3 / 2019-03-21

  • Fix puppeteerPoolOptions object not being used in PuppeteerCrawler.

0.13.2 / 2019-03-21

  • Fix REQUEST_QUEUE_HEAD_MAX_LIMIT is not defined error.

0.13.1 / 2019-03-21

  • Snapshotter now marks Apify Client overloaded on the basis of 2nd retry errors.
  • Added Apify.addWebhook() to invoke a webhook when an actor run ends. Currently this only works on the Apify Platform and will print a warning when ran locally.

0.13.0 / 2019-03-14

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Added puppeteerOperationTimeoutSecs option to PuppeteerPool. It defaults to 15 seconds and all Puppeteer operations such as browser.newPage() or puppeteer.launch() will now time out. This is to prevent hanging requests.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Added handleRequestTimeoutSecs option to BasicCrawler with a 60 second default.
  • DEPRECATED: PuppeteerPool options in the PuppeteerCrawler constructor are now deprecated. Please use the new puppeteerPoolOptions argument of type Object to pass them. launchPuppeteerFunction and launchPuppeteerOptions are still available as shortcuts for convenience.
  • CheerioCrawler and PuppeteerCrawler now automatically set handleRequestTimeoutSecs to 10 times their handlePageTimeoutSecs. This is a precaution that should keep requests from hanging forever.
  • Added options.prepareRequestFunction() to CheerioCrawler constructor to enable modification of Request before the HTTP request is made to the target URL.
  • Added back the recycleDiskCache option to PuppeteerPool now that it is supported even in headless mode (read more)

0.12.4 / 2019-03-05

  • Parameters input and options added to Apify.callTask().

0.12.2 / 2019-02-27

  • Added oldest active tab focusing to PuppeteerPool to combat resource throttling in Chromium.

0.12.1 / 2019-02-27

  • Added Apify.metamorph(), see documentation for more information.
  • Added Apify.getInput()

0.12.0 / 2019-02-25

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Reduced default handlePageTimeoutSecs for both CheerioCrawler and PuppeteerCrawler from 300 to 60 seconds, in order to prevent stalling crawlers.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: PseudoUrl now performs case-insensitive matching, even for the query string part of the URLs. If you need case sensitive matching, use an appropriate RegExp in place of a Pseudo URL string
  • Upgraded to [email protected] and [email protected]
  • Added loadedUrl property to Request that contains the final URL of the loaded page after all redirects.
  • Added memory overload warning log message.
  • Added keyValueStore.getPublicUrl function.
  • Added minConcurrency, maxConcurrency, desiredConcurrency and currentConcurrency properties to AutoscaledPool, improved docs
  • Deprecated AutoscaledPool.setMinConcurrency and AutoscaledPool.setMaxConcurrency functions
  • Updated DEFAULT_USER_AGENT and USER_AGENT_LIST with new User Agents
  • Bugfix: LocalRequestQueue.getRequest() threw an exception if request was not found
  • Added RequestQueue.getInfo() function
  • Improved Apify.main() to provide nicer stack traces on errors
  • Apify.utils.puppeteer.injectFile() now supports injection that survives page navigations and caches file contents.

0.11.8 / 2019-02-05

  • Fix the keyValueStore.forEachKey() method.
  • Fix version of puppeteer to prevent errors with automatic updates.

0.11.7 / 2019-01-30

  • Apify SDK now logs basic system info when required.
  • Added utils.createRequestDebugInfo() function to create a standardized debug info from request and response.
  • PseudoUrl can now be constructed with a RegExp.
  • Apify.utils.enqueueLinks() now accepts RegExp instances in its pseudoUrls parameter.
  • Apify.utils.enqueueLinks() now accepts a baseUrl option that enables resolution of relative URLs when parsing a Cheerio object. (It's done automatically in browser when using Puppeteer).
  • Better error message for an invalid launchPuppeteerFunction passed to PuppeteerPool.

0.11.6 / 2019-01-24

  • DEPRECATION WARNING Apify.utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinks() was moved to Apify.utils.enqueueLinks().
  • Apify.utils.enqueueLinks() now supports options.$ property to enqueue links from a Cheerio object.

0.11.5 / 2019-01-18

  • Disabled the PuppeteerPool reusePages option for now, due to a memory leak.
  • Added a keyValueStore.forEachKey() method to iterate all keys in the store.

0.11.4 / 2019-01-15

  • Improvements in and Apify.utils.htmlToText
  • Updated docs

0.11.3 / 2019-01-10

  • Fix reusePages causing Puppeteer to fail when used together with request interception.

0.11.2 / 2019-01-10

  • Fix missing reusePages configuration parameter in PuppeteerCrawler.
  • Fix a memory leak where reusePages would prevent browsers from closing.

0.11.1 / 2019-01-07

  • Fix missing autoscaledPool parameter in handlePageFunction of PuppeteerCrawler.

0.11.0 / 2019-01-07

  • BREAKING CHANGE: basicCrawler.abort(), cheerioCrawler.abort() and puppeteerCrawler.abort() functions were removed in favor of a single autoscaledPool.abort() function.

  • Added a reference to the running AutoscaledPool instance to the options object of BasicCrawler's handleRequestFunction and to the handlePageFunction of CheerioCrawler and PuppeteerCrawler.

  • Added sources persistence option to RequestList that works best in conjunction with the state persistence, but can be toggled separately too.

  • Added Apify.openRequestList() function to place it in line with RequestQueue, KeyValueStore and Dataset. RequestList created using this function will automatically persist state and sources.

  • Added pool.pause() and pool.resume() functions to AutoscaledPool. You can now pause the pool, which will prevent additional tasks from being run and wait for the running ones to finish.

  • Fixed a memory leak in CheerioCrawler and potentially other crawlers.

0.10.2 / 2018-12-30

  • Added Apify.utils.htmlToText() function to convert HTML to text and removed unncessary html-to-text dependency. The new function is now used in

0.10.0 / 2018-12-19

  • autoscaledPool.isFinishedFunction() and autoscaledPool.isTaskReadyFunction() exceptions will now cause the Promise returned by to reject instead of just logging a message. This is in line with the autoscaledPool.runTaskFunction() behavior.
  • Bugfix: PuppeteerPool was incorrectly overriding proxyUrls even if they were not defined.
  • Fixed an issue where an error would be thrown when datasetLocal.getData() was invoked with an overflowing offset. It now correctly returns an empty Array.
  • Added the reusePages option to PuppeteerPool. It will now reuse existing tabs instead of opening new ones for each page when enabled.
  • BasicCrawler (and therefore all Crawlers) now logs a message explaining why it finished.
  • Fixed an issue where maxRequestsPerCrawl option would not be honored after restart or migration.
  • Fixed an issue with timeout promises that would sometimes keep the process hanging.
  • CheerioCrawler now accepts gzip and deflate compressed responses.

0.9.15 / 2018-11-30

  • Upgraded Puppeteer to 1.11.0
  • DEPRECATION WARNING: Apify.utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinks() now uses an options object instead of individual parameters and supports passing of userData to the enqueued request. Previously: enqueueLinks(page, selector, requestQueue, pseudoUrls) Now: enqueueLinks({ page, selector, requestQueue, pseudoUrls, userData }). Using individual parameters is DEPRECATED.

0.9.14 / 2018-11-27

  • Added API response tracking to AutoscaledPool, leveraging Apify.client.stats object. It now overloads the system when a large amount of 429 - Too Many Requests is received.

0.9.13 / 2018-11-26

0.9.12 / 2018-11-26

  • Added warning if the Node.js is an older version that doesn't support regular expression syntax used by the tools in the namespace, instead of failing to start.

0.9.11 / 2018-11-26

  • Added back support for memory option in, write deprecation warning instead of silently failing

0.9.10 / 2018-11-24

  • Improvements in functions and tests

0.9.8 / 2018-11-24

  • Added new namespace with function to extract emails, phone and social profile URLs from HTML and text documents. Specifically, it supports Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook profiles.
  • Updated NPM dependencies

0.9.7 / 2018-11-20

  • Apify.launchPuppeteer() now sets the defaultViewport option if not provided by user, to improve screenshots and debugging experience.
  • Bugfix: Dataset.getInfo() sometimes returned an object with itemsCount field instead of itemCount

0.9.6 / 2018-11-20

  • Improvements in deployment script.

0.9.5 / 2018-11-19

  • Bugfix: was causing permissions error.

0.9.4 / 2018-11-19

  • Automatically adding --enable-resource-load-scheduler=false Chrome flag in Apify.launchPuppeteer() to make crawling of pages in all tabs run equally fast.

0.9.3 / 2018-11-12

  • Bug fixes and improvements of internals.
  • Package updates.

0.9.0 / 2018-11-07

  • Added the ability of CheerioCrawler to request and download only text/html responses.
  • Added a workaround for a long standing tunnel-agent package error to CheerioCrawler.
  • Added request.doNotRetry() function to prevent further retries of a request.
  • Deprecated request.ignoreErrors option. Use request.doNotRetry.
  • Fixed Apify.utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinks to allow null value for pseudoUrls param
  • Fixed RequestQueue.addRequest() to gracefully handle invalid URLs
  • Renamed RequestOperationInfo to QueueOperationInfo
  • Added request field to QueueOperationInfo
  • DEPRECATION WARNING: Parameter timeoutSecs of is used for actor run timeout. For time of waiting for run to finish use waitSecs parameter.
  • DEPRECATION WARNING: Parameter memory of was renamed to memoryMbytes.
  • Added Apify.callTask() that enables to start actor task and fetch its output.
  • Added option enforcing cloud storage to be used in openKeyValueStore(), openDataset() and openRequestQueue()
  • Added autoscaledPool.setMinConcurrency() and autoscaledPool.setMinConcurrency()

0.8.18 / 2018-10-30

  • Fix a bug in CheerioCrawler where useApifyProxy would only work with apifyProxyGroups.

0.8.17 / 2018-10-30

  • Reworked request.pushErrorMessage() to support any message and not throw.
  • Added Apify Proxy (useApifyProxy) support to CheerioCrawler.
  • Added custom proxyUrls support to PuppeteerPool and CheerioCrawler.
  • Added Actor UI pseudoUrls output support to Apify.utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinks().

0.8.16 / 2018-10-23

  • Created dedicated project page at
  • Improved docs, texts, guides and other texts, pointed links to new page

0.8.15 / 2018-10-17

  • Bugfix in PuppeteerPool: Pages were sometimes considered closed even though they weren't
  • Improvements in documentation
  • Upgraded Puppeteer to 1.9.0

0.8.14 / 2018-10-11

  • Added Apify.utils.puppeteer.cacheResponses to enable response caching in headless Chromium.

0.8.13 / 2018-10-09

  • Fixed AutoscaledPool terminating before all tasks are finished.
  • Migrated to v 0.1.0 of apify-shared.

0.8.12 / 2018-10-02

  • Allow AutoscaledPool to run tasks up to minConcurrency even when the system is overloaded.

0.8.11 / 2018-09-27

  • Upgraded @apify/ps-tree depedency (fixes "Error: spawn ps ENFILE"), upgraded other NPM packages

0.8.10 / 2018-09-27

  • Updated documentation and README, consolidated images.
  • Added

0.8.8 / 2018-09-25

  • Updated documentation and README.
  • Bugfixes in RequestQueueLocal

0.8.3 / 2018-09-22

  • Updated documentation and README.
  • Optimized autoscaled pool default configuration.

0.8.0 / 2018-09-19

    • It has been completely rebuilt for better performance.
    • It also now works locally.
    • see Migration Guide for more information.
  • Updated to [email protected]

0.7.4 / 2018-09-18

  • Bug fixes and documentation improvements.

0.7.1 / 2018-09-14

  • Upgraded Puppeteer to 1.8.0
  • Upgraded NPM dependencies, fixed lint errors
  • Apify.main() now sets the APIFY_LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR env var to a default value if neither APIFY_LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR nor APIFY_TOKEN is defined

0.7.0 / 2018-09-11

  • Added recycleDiskCache option to PuppeteerPool to enable reuse of disk cache and thus speed up browsing
  • WARNING: APIFY_LOCAL_EMULATION_DIR environment variable was renamed to APIFY_LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR.
  • Environment variables APIFY_DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE_STORE_ID, APIFY_DEFAULT_REQUEST_QUEUE_ID and APIFY_DEFAULT_DATASET_ID have now default value default so there is no need to define them when developing locally.

0.6.4 / 2018-09-05

  • Added compileScript() function to utils.puppeteer to enable use of external scripts at runtime.

0.6.3 / 2018-08-24

  • Fixed persistent deprecation warning of pageOpsTimeoutMillis.
  • Moved cheerio to dependencies.
  • Fixed keepDuplicateUrls errors with persistent RequestList.

0.6.2 / 2018-08-23

  • Added getInfo() method to Dataset to get meta-information about a dataset.
  • Added CheerioCrawler, a specialized class for crawling the web using cheerio.
  • Added keepDuplicateUrls option to RequestList to allow duplicate URLs.
  • Added .abort() method to all Crawler classes to enable stopping the crawl programmatically.
  • Deprecated pageOpsTimeoutMillis option. Use handlePageTimeoutSecs.
  • Bluebird promises are being phased out of apify in favor of async-await.
  • Added log to Apify.utils to improve logging experience.

0.6.1 / 2018-08-17

  • Replaced git-hosted version of our fork of ps-tree with @apify/ps-tree package
  • Removed old unused Apify.readyFreddy() function

0.6.0 / 2018-08-17

  • Improved logging of URL and port in PuppeteerLiveViewBrowser.
  • PuppeteerCrawler's default page load timeout changed from 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Added Apify.utils.puppeteer.blockResources() function
  • More efficient implementation of getMemoryInfo function
  • Puppeteer upgraded to 1.7.0
  • Upgraded NPM dependencies
  • Dropped support for Node 7

0.5.51 / 2018-08-09

  • Fixed unresponsive magnifying glass and improved status tracking in LiveView frontend

0.5.50 / 2018-08-06

  • Fixed invalid URL parsing in RequestList.
  • Added support for non-Latin language characters (unicode) in URLs.
  • Added validation of payload size and automatic chunking to dataset.pushData().
  • Added support for all content types and their known extensions to KeyValueStoreLocal.

0.5.47 / 2018-07-20

  • Puppeteer upgraded to 1.6.0.
  • Removed pageCloseTimeoutMillis option from PuppeteerCrawler since it only affects debug logging.

0.5.43 / 2018-07-18

  • Bug where failed page.close() in PuppeteerPool was causing request to be retried is fixed.
  • Added memory parameter to
  • Added PuppeteerPool.retire(browser) method allowing retire a browser before it reaches his limits. This is useful when its IP address got blocked by anti-scraping protection.
  • Added option liveView: true to Apify.launchPuppeteer() that will start a live view server proving web page with overview of all running Puppeteer instances and their screenshots.
  • PuppeteerPool now kills opened Chrome instances in SIGINT signal.

0.5.42 / 2018-07-04

  • Bugfix in BasicCrawler: native Promise doesn't have finally() function

0.5.39 / 2018-06-25

  • Parameter maxRequestsPerCrawl added to BasicCrawler and PuppeteerCrawler classes.

0.5.38 / 2018-06-22

  • Revereted back - Apify.getApifyProxyUrl() accepts again session and groups options instead of apifyProxySession and apifyProxyGroups
  • Parameter memory added to

0.5.37 / 2018-06-07

  • PseudoUrl class can now contain a template for Request object creation and PseudoUrl.createRequest() method.
  • Added Apify.utils.puppeteer.enqueueLinks() function which enqueues requests created from links mathing given pseudo-URLs.

0.5.36 / 2018-05-31

  • Added 30s timeout to page.close() operation in PuppeteerCrawler.

0.5.35 / 2018-05-29

  • Added dataset.detData(),, dataset.forEach() and dataset.reduce() functions.
  • Added delete() method to RequestQueue, Dataset and KeyValueStore classes.

0.5.34 / 2018-05-18

  • Added loggingIntervalMillis options to AutoscaledPool
  • Bugfix: utils.isProduction function was incorrect
  • Added RequestList.length() function

0.5.32 / 2018-05-14

  • Bugfix in RequestList - skip invalid in-progress entries when restoring state
  • Added request.ignoreErrors options. See documentation for more info.

0.5.31 / 2018-05-11

  • Bugfix in Apify.utils.puppeteer.injectXxx functions

0.5.30 / 2018-05-11

  • Puppeteer updated to v1.4.0

0.5.29 / 2018-05-11

  • Added Apify.utils and Apify.utils.puppeteer namespaces for various helper functions.
  • Autoscaling feature of AutoscaledPool, BasicCrawler and PuppeteerCrawler is disabled on Apify platform until all issues are resolved.

0.5.27 / 2018-04-30

  • Added Apify.isAtHome() function that returns true when code is running on Apify platform and false otherwise (for example locally).
  • Added ignoreMainProcess parameter to AutoscaledPool. Check documentation for more info.
  • pageOpsTimeoutMillis of PuppeteerCrawler increased to 300 seconds.

0.5.26 / 2018-04-27

  • Parameters session and groups of getApifyProxyUrl() renamed to apifyProxySession and apifyProxyGroups to match naming of the same parameters in other classes.

0.5.25 / 2018-04-24

  • RequestQueue now caches known requests and their state to beware of unneeded API calls.

0.5.23 / 2018-04-18

  • WARNING: disableProxy configuration of PuppeteerCrawler and PuppeteerPool removed. By default no proxy is used. You must either use new configuration launchPuppeteerOptions.useApifyProxy = true to use Apify Proxy or provide own proxy via launchPuppeteerOptions.proxyUrl.
  • WARNING: groups parameter of PuppeteerCrawler and PuppeteerPool removed. Use launchPuppeteerOptions.apifyProxyGroups instead.
  • WARNING: session and groups parameters of Apify.getApifyProxyUrl() are now validated to contain only alphanumberic characters and underscores.
  • now throws an ApifyCallError error if run doesn't succeed
  • Renamed options abortInstanceAfterRequestCount of PuppeteerPool and PuppeteerCrawler to retireInstanceAfterRequestCcount
  • Logs are now in plain text instead of JSON for better readability.

0.5.22 / 2018-04-12

  • WARNING: AutoscaledPool was completely redesigned. Check documentation for reference. It still supports previous configuration parameters for backwards compatibility but in the future compatibility will break.
  • handleFailedRequestFunction in both BasicCrawler and PuppeteerCrawler has now also error object available in ops.error.
  • Request Queue storage type implemented. See documentation for more information.
  • BasicCrawler and PuppeteerCrawler now supports both RequestList and RequestQueue.
  • launchPuppeteer() changes User-Agent only when in headless mode or if not using full Google Chrome, to reduce chance of detection of the crawler.
  • Apify package now supports Node 7 and newer.
  • AutoscaledPool now scales down less aggresively.
  • PuppeteerCrawler and BasicCrawler now allow its underlying AutoscaledPool function isFunction to be overriden.
  • New events persistState and migrating added. Check documentation of for more information.
  • RequestList has a new parameter persistStateKey. If this is used then RequestList persists its state in the default key-value store at regular intervals.
  • Improved and /examples directory.

0.5.17 / 2018-03-27

  • Added useChrome flag to launchPuppeteer() function
  • Bugfixes in RequestList

0.5.14 / 2018-03-20

  • Removed again the --disable-dev-shm-usage flag when launching headless Chrome, it might be causing issues with high IO overheads
  • Upgraded Puppeteer to version 1.2.0
  • Added finishWhenEmpty and maybeRunPromiseIntervalMillis options to AutoscaledPool class.
  • Fixed false positive errors logged by PuppeteerPool class.

0.5.11 / 2018-03-09

  • Added back --no-sandbox to launch of Puppeteer to avoid issues on older kernels

0.5.10 / 2018-03-09

  • If the APIFY_XVFB env var is set to 1, then avoid headless mode and use Xvfb instead
  • Updated DEFAULT_USER_AGENT to Linux Chrome
  • Consolidated startup options for Chrome - use --disable-dev-shm-usage, skip --no-sandbox, use --disable-gpu only on Windows
  • Updated docs and package description

0.5.8 / 2018-03-06

  • Puppeteer updated to 1.1.1

0.5.7 / 2018-03-06

0.5.0 / 2018-02-08

  • Apify.setPromiseDependency() / Apify.getPromiseDependency() / Apify.getPromisePrototype() removed
  • Bunch of classes as AutoscaledPool or PuppeteerCrawler added, check documentation

0.4.48 / 2018-02-05

  • Renamed GitHub repo

0.4.47 / 2018-02-05

  • Changed links to Travis CI

0.4.46 / 2018-02-05

  • Changed links to Apify GitHub repo

0.4.45 / 2018-01-31

  • Apify.pushData() added

0.4.43 / 2018-01-29

  • Upgraded puppeteer optional dependency to version ^1.0.0

0.0.x / 2017-01-01

  • Initial development, lot of new stuff