From 4e34431ff1edd76ef7d2e218cf8a6dea6f4f200d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Reuben D'Souza <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 11:26:31 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] fix: OpenSerach typo
--- | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 5f1fd07..d432dc0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ No modules.
| [engine\_version](#input\_engine\_version) | Engine version of elasticsearch. | `string` | `"OpenSearch_1.3"` | no |
| [identity\_pool\_id](#input\_identity\_pool\_id) | Cognito identity pool id. | `string` | `""` | no |
| [implicit\_create\_cognito](#input\_implicit\_create\_cognito) | Cognito will be created inside module. If this is not enables and we want cognito authentication, we need to create cognito resources outside of module. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [inside\_vpc](#input\_inside\_vpc) | Openserach inside VPC. | `bool` | `false` | no |
+| [inside\_vpc](#input\_inside\_vpc) | OpenSearch inside VPC. | `bool` | `false` | no |
| [instance\_type](#input\_instance\_type) | Instance type. | `string` | `""` | no |
| [internal\_user\_database\_enabled](#input\_internal\_user\_database\_enabled) | Internal user database enabled. This should be enabled if we want authentication with master username and master password. | `bool` | `false` | no |
| [iops](#input\_iops) | Baseline input/output (I/O) performance of EBS volumes attached to data nodes. | `number` | `null` | no |
| [log\_publishing\_options](#input\_log\_publishing\_options) | Encrypt at rest. | `any` | `{}` | no |
| [master\_password](#input\_master\_password) | Master password for accessing OpenSearch. If not specified password will be randomly generated. Password will be stored in AWS `System Manager` -> `Parameter Store` | `string` | `""` | no |
| [master\_user\_arn](#input\_master\_user\_arn) | Master user ARN for accessing OpenSearch. If this is set, `advanced_security_options_enabled` must be set to true and `internal_user_database_enabled` should be set to false. | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [master\_user\_name](#input\_master\_user\_name) | Master username for accessing OpenSerach. | `string` | `"admin"` | no |
-| [name](#input\_name) | Name of OpenSerach domain and suffix of all other resources. | `string` | n/a | yes |
+| [master\_user\_name](#input\_master\_user\_name) | Master username for accessing OpenSearch. | `string` | `"admin"` | no |
+| [name](#input\_name) | Name of OpenSearch domain and suffix of all other resources. | `string` | n/a | yes |
| [node\_to\_node\_encryption](#input\_node\_to\_node\_encryption) | Is node to node encryption enabled. | `bool` | `false` | no |
| [region](#input\_region) | AWS region. | `string` | n/a | yes |
| [sg\_ids](#input\_sg\_ids) | Use any pre-existing SGs. | `string` | `""` | no |