Releases: cyface/django-termsandconditions
No UserTermsAndConditions Patch
Updated with patch from @niol for handling cases with no UserTermsAndConditions.
Improved Username Compatibility
Changed to user.get_username() for folks not using user.username.
Improved DB Compatibilty
Removed RAW SQL to improve Database compatibility.
Enhanced Forced Cache Clearing
Enhanced forced cache clearing to clear user acceptance cache.
Forced Cache Clearing
Now forcing a cache clear when T&C or UT&C are updated so that users don't have to repeatedly accept the same T&C if there is a long cache.
Configurable Caching
Enhanced caching time to be configurable.
Query Reduction Refactor
Refactored the way that active terms are queried to reduce the number of queries when there are a large number of active terms. Implemented explicit caching of those results to improve middleware performance.
Update the support for Django 1.11 and Python3 to work better with freshly-built Django 1.11 projects. Thanks to @ciarancourtney for the help with this one.
Multiple-terms accept feature from @swainn .