# Taurus DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator), using Net Core Example::
1、The framework is divided into Client (client, i.e. calling end) and Server (server, i.e. service provider)。
2、The project requires selecting data storage type (database or distributed cache) and data transmission type (message queue)。
Database selection (one of the more than 10 databases supported by CYQ. Data, such as MSSQL, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.)
The MSSQL configuration example is as follows:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DTC.Server.Conn": "server=.;database=MSLog;uid=sa;pwd=123456"
Distributed cache storage can also be chosen, and the configuration example is as follows (choose either one):
"AppSettings": {
"Redis.Servers":" ,",
At present, the message queue supports RabbitMQ or Kafka (one can be configured):
"AppSettings": {
The above configuration is for the server side, and the client can change the server to the client side。
1、Nuget search Taurus Introducing DTC into engineering projects。
2、Program or Startup add service usage introduction:
3、appsettings.json config:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DTC.Server.Conn": "host=localhost;port=3306;database=cyqdata;uid=root;pwd=123456;Convert Zero Datetime=True;"
"AppSettings": {
"DTC.Server.Rabbit": ";guest;guest;/" //IP;UserName;Password;VirtualPaath
4、Select the corresponding dependency components for the database, such as MySql, which can:
You can search for MySql on Nuget Data, or CYQ Data MySql (which will automatically import MySql. Data) is available, just import the project.
5、Code writing can refer to the example code provided in the source code, as follows:
public class ServerController : Taurus.Mvc.Controller {
/// <summary> /// provide a Create api , and it provide a transation , call https://localhost:5001/server/create /// </summary> [HttpPost] [Require("name")] public void Create(string name) { //do something insert int createID = 123456; //here will receive a header:X-Request-ID // Save transaction related information for subsequent callback processing, submission or rollback if (DTC.Server.Subscribe(createID.ToString(), "OnCreate")) { Console.WriteLine("call : DTC.Server.Subscribe call."); } Write(createID, true); } [DTCServerSubscribe("OnCreate")] //Subscription callback, handling commit or rollback private static bool AnyMethodNameForOnCreateCallBack(DTCServerSubscribePara para) { para.CallBackContent = "what message you need?"; Console.WriteLine("call back :" + para.ExeType + " , content :" + para.Content); if (para.ExeType == ExeType.Commit) { return true; } if (para.ExeType == ExeType.RollBack) { string createID = para.Content; //return DeleteByID(createID); return true; } return false; } }
1、Nuget search Taurus Introducing DTC into engineering projects。
2、Program or Startup adding service usage introduction:
3、appsettings.json config:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DTC.Client.Conn": "host=localhost;port=3306;database=cyqdata;uid=root;pwd=123456;Convert Zero Datetime=True;"
"AppSettings": {
"DTC.Client.Rabbit": ";guest;guest;/" //IP;UserName;Password;VirtualPaath
4、Select the corresponding dependency components for the database, such as MySql, which can:
You can search for MySql on Nuget Data, or CYQ Data MySql (which will automatically import MySql. Data) is available, just import the project.
5、Code writing can refer to the example code provided in the source code, as follows:
public class ClientController : Taurus.Mvc.Controller { [HttpGet] public void Transation() { //do something RpcTask task = Rpc.StartPostAsync("https://localhost:5001/server/create", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("name=hello world")); if (task.Result.IsSuccess) { if (JsonHelper.IsSuccess(task.Result.ResultText)) { if (DTC.Client.CommitAsync(1, "OnOK")) { Console.WriteLine("call : DTC.Client.CommitAsync."); } Write("Commit OK.", true); return; } } if (DTC.Client.RollBackAsync(1, "OnFail")) { Console.WriteLine("call : DTC.Client.RollBackAsync call."); } Write("RollBack ing....", false); }
[DTCClientCallBack("OnFail")] [DTCClientCallBack("OnOK")] [DTCClientCallBack("OnDoOK")] private void OnCallBack(DTCClientCallBackPara para) { Console.WriteLine("call back : " + para.ExeType + " - " + para.CallBackKey + " - " + para.CallBackContent); } }
Txt:: Txt Path=E:\
Xml:: Xml Path=E:\
Access:: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=E:\cyqdata.mdb
Sqlite:: Data Source=E:\cyqdata.db;failifmissing=false;
MySql:: host=localhost;port=3306;database=cyqdata;uid=root;pwd=123456;Convert Zero Datetime=True;
Mssql:: server=.;database=cyqdata;uid=sa;pwd=123456;provider=mssql;
Sybase:: data source=;port=5000;database=cyqdata;uid=sa;pwd=123456;provider=sybase;
Postgre: server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=123456;database=cyqdata;provider=pg;
DB2: Database=SAMPLE;User ID=administrator;Server=;password=1234560;provider=db2;
FireBird user id=SYSDBA;password=123456;database=d:\\test.dbf;server type=Default;data source=;port number=3050;provider=firebird;
Dameng:: user id=SYSDBA;password=123456789;data source=;schema=test;provider=dameng;
KingBaseES server=;User Id=system;Password=123456;Database=test;Port=54321;schema=public;provider=kingbasees;
Oracle ODP.NET::
Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID = orcl)));User ID=sa;password=123456
Due to the basic consistency of various database linking statements, except for specific writing methods, they can be supplemented through linking:provider=mssql、provider=mysql、provider=db2、provider=postgre。