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File metadata and controls

189 lines (167 loc) · 8.58 KB


On MacOS, I specifically use d12frosted/emacs-plus:

Here are the commands I’ve used:

brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
brew install emacs-plus —-with-ctags —-with-dbus —-with-debug —-with-no-frame-refocus --with-native-comp --with-modern-black-variant-icon

Tree Sitter

I use tree-sitter, which can have language grammars installed via M-x treesit-install-language-grammer.

Language Server Protocols

I rely upon solargraph as my Ruby LSP:

Viewing my configuration

My config follows the comment structure outlined here:

The structure is the following:

  • ;:
    • align comment to the same column to the right of the code, explain how code on that line does it’s job
  • ;;:
    • align comment to the same level of indentation of the code, describe purpose of following lines or state of program at that point
    • also used for comments outside of functions
  • ;;;:
    • start at left margin, used for comments to be considered headings
  • ;;;;:
    • start at left margin, used for headings of major sections

Additionally, I like to use comments to link to the specific source of the package that I’m using.

Everything is wrapped in use-package. consult-outline can be used to jump from each use-package declaration.


Here are various resources I’ve referenced in the past that has helped make my emacs configuration what it is today:



General pieces of advice I’ve collected throughout my time with Emacs.

Use Package

“In general, you should keep :init forms as simple and quick as possible, and put as much as you can get away with into the :config block. This way, deferred loading can help your Emacs to start as quickly as possible.”

From the use-package readme

If you are having trouble understanding why your use-package declaration isn’t working, try placing your cursor after the declaration and doing M-x pp-macroexpand-last-sexp. This command prints out the actual code that use-package generates.

To Dos

Learn more about Emacs window management

update awesome emacs to include

fido-mode tempo (snippet) skeleton(snippet) hippie expand (completion) project.el (project mgmt) chruby (ruby)

set up tempel and hippie expand

set up dumb jump

set up auto updating packages

Check out lsp-bridge

Is it possible to have it work alongside corfu, when you aren’t using it?

Basically, doing something like toggling corfu off when lsp-bridge is turned on.

Update chruby code to work with auto switching is an old package that doesn’t support the auto switching of chruby - e.g. the auto detection of .ruby-version and changing accordingly

Update Ruby hooks to run chruby-use-corresponding when opening a ruby file or project

If no .ruby-version is found within the project or globally, then default to a setting within init.el

Create a function that downloads tree sitter code you need

Write code to check if tree sitter is installed

Create a function to check if a file starts with shell shebang

Set up preferred package settings for use-package

See this reddit post.

Set up code to have a use-package keyword for specifying that a package is part of package-selected-packages.

Read use-package manual

Read vertico manual

Read embark manual

Read consult manual

Read marginalia manual

Read orderless manual

Jump to Emacs 30

I may switch from straight to just using use-package with :vc

Look into the package citre

This was previously used when setting up ctags with the project.

This is an example configuration I had:

;; From here:
(use-package citre
  :defer t
  ;; This is needed in `:init' block for lazy load to work.
  (require 'citre-config)
  ;; Bind your frequently used commands.  Alternatively, you can define them
  ;; in `citre-mode-map' so you can only use them when `citre-mode' is enabled.
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-x c j") 'citre-jump)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-x c J") 'citre-jump-back)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-x c P") 'citre-ace-peek)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-x c p") 'citre-peek)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-x c u") 'citre-update-this-tags-file)
   ;; Set these if readtags/ctags is not in your path.
   citre-readtags-program "/usr/local/bin/readtags"
   citre-ctags-program "/usr/local/bin/ctags"
   ;; Set this if you use project management plugin like projectile.  It's
   ;; used for things like displaying paths relatively, see its docstring.
   citre-project-root-function #'projectile-project-root
   ;; Set this if you want to always use one location to create a tags file.
   citre-default-create-tags-file-location 'global-cache
   ;; See the "Create tags file" section above to know these options
   citre-use-project-root-when-creating-tags t
   citre-prompt-language-for-ctags-command t
   ;; By default, when you open any file, and a tags file can be found for it,
   ;; `citre-mode' is automatically enabled.  If you only want this to work for
   ;; certain modes (like `prog-mode'), set it like this.
   citre-auto-enable-citre-mode-modes '(prog-mode)))

;; Fallback to Citre if reference can't be found within LSP
;; From:
(define-advice xref--create-fetcher (:around (-fn &rest -args) fallback)
  (let ((fetcher (apply -fn -args))
         (let ((xref-backend-functions '(citre-xref-backend t)))
           (apply -fn -args))))
    (lambda ()
      (or (with-demoted-errors "%s, fallback to citre"
            (funcall fetcher))
          (funcall citre-fetcher)))))

;; Use Citre with company
;; From:
(defun company-citre (-command &optional -arg &rest _ignored)
  "Completion backend of Citre.  Execute COMMAND with ARG and IGNORED."
  (interactive (list 'interactive))
  (cl-case -command
    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-citre))
    (prefix (and (bound-and-true-p citre-mode)
                 (or (citre-get-symbol) 'stop)))
    (meta (citre-get-property 'signature -arg))
    (annotation (citre-capf--get-annotation -arg))
    (candidates (all-completions -arg (citre-capf--get-collection -arg)))
    (ignore-case (not citre-completion-case-sensitive))))