- Background
- Games List
- Sauce Language
- Original Interpreter Command Line Options
- Original ini Settings
SCUMM started as an adventure game engine. It was created and used at Lucasarts and later on at Humongous where its scope extend to handle other type of games.
As the scope extended, the engine was modified to support networking, sprites, native code (u32) etc.
When Hulabee was founded, based on this reddit comment, it looks like SCUMM was not an option. The team then created a new engine.
This new engine is more generic. The interpreter it still executing cooperative threads interpreting bytecode, but all of the game type framework is defined in bytecode.
The SCUMM interpreter has code to deal with Actors, Rooms etc. with SAUCE, all of the game framework is written in the target language and compiled (AdventureSFC.sob).
From Hulabee Entertainment:
- Sonny's Race for Chocolatey Taste
- Moop and Dreadly in the Treasure on Bing Bong Island
- Ollo in the Sunny Valley Fair
- Mike's Monstrous Adventure
- Piglet's Big Game
- Mah Jong Jr.
- Flip Out Jr
- Disney's Treasure Planet Collection
- Touchdown Madness
- Casper's Spooky Swap
- Little Mermaid Bubble Blast
- Stitch's Blazing Lasers
- The Lion King Grubalicious
From Beep Games:
- Four Houses
- Word Spiral
- Realms of Gold
Some games shipped with their source code (or a subset) in their data files. This was likely done to help debugging as the original interpreters include a built-in debugger.
Below is extracted from Autorun
class Autorun {
static Cursor s_cursorArrow
static Cursor s_cursorPoint
static script boot() {
import CoreSFC
import AdventureSFC
s_cursorArrow = new Cursor(ANIM_CURSORS, 1, 1, 0, 0)
s_cursorPoint = new Cursor(ANIM_CURSORS, 1, 2, 0, 4)
Room:setCursors(s_cursorArrow, s_cursorPoint)
if (stoi(System:readINI("$system\\hulabee.ini", "SonnyRace", "Runned", "0")) == 0) {
System:writeINI("$system\\hulabee.ini", "SonnyRace", "Runned", "1")
} else {
class MainScreen from Room {
#define POLY_PLAYSONNYRACE [100,0,580,300]
#define POLY_INSTALLAOL [200,330,450,426]
#define POLY_INSTALLMOOPTREASURE [0,275,182,434]
#define POLY_EXIT [480,350,550,400]
void onCreate() {
class PlaySonnyRace from ClickPoint {
void onClick(int x, int y) {
if (Autorun:checkSystem()) {
class InstallAOL from ClickPoint {
void onClick(int x, int y) {
string command = "AOL\\SETUP.EXE"
if (FileIO:exists(command)) {
class InstallMoopTreasure from ClickPoint {
int install
void onEnter() {
if (System:readINI("$system\\hulabee.ini", "MoopTreasure", "Installed", "0") $== "1") {
string command = System:readINI("$system\\hulabee.ini", "MoopTreasure", "Start", "")
if (FileIO:exists(command)) {
install = false
} else {
install = true
} else {
install = true
void onClick(int x, int y) {
if (Autorun:checkSystem()) {
string command
if (install) {
command = "\"MoopTreasure Setup\""
} else {
command = System:readINI("$system\\hulabee.ini", "MoopTreasure", "Start", "")
string path[] = FileIO:splitPath(command)
if (path[?1] && path[?2]) {
System:chdir(path[1] + path[2])
class Exit from ClickPoint {
void onClick(int x, int y) {
Parameter | Comment |
-a |
Ignore import path |
-b |
Enable breakpoints |
-d |
Enable debugger |
-f |
Fullscreen display |
-i |
Import path for .pan files |
-n |
Disable Sound |
-p |
-w |
Windowed display |
Section | Name | Value | Source (Game code/Interpreter) | Comment |
Data | HeapSize | Integer | Game code/Interpreter | |
Data | PreloadSpeed | Integer | Interpreter | |
Debug | CAssert | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Debug | Debugger | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Debug | DebugVC | Boolean | Intepreter | |
Debug | DebugOutputWindow | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Debug | EnableCheatKeys | Integer | Game code | Set to 100801 to enable |
Debug | Keys | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Debug | LoadDelay | Integer | Interpreter | |
Debug | PerformanceData | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Debug | ShowBlitRegions | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Debug | ShowFrameNumber | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Debug | ShowLoads | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Debug | whisk | Boolean | Interpreter | |
General | Audio | Boolean | Game code | |
General | ClosedCaptioning | Boolean | Game code | |
General | DisableSoundSystem | Boolean | Interpreter | |
General | Dither | Boolean | Interpreter | |
General | DitheredShadows | Boolean | Game code | |
General | ForceWaveout | Boolean | Interpreter | |
General | LanguageDialog | Integer | Game code | 100000 for English |
General | LanguageText | Integer | Game code | 100000 for English |
General | MasterVolume | Integer | Game code | |
General | Music | Integer | Game code | |
General | MusicOff | Integer | Game code | |
General | MusicVolume | Integer | Game code | |
General | SoundBitRate | Integer | Interpreter | |
General | SoundChannels | Integer | Interpreter | |
General | SoundOutputRate | Integer | Interpreter | |
General | Tick | Integer | Game code | |
Video | Center | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Video | DisplayXPos | Integer | Interpreter | |
Video | DisplayYPos | Integer | Interpreter | |
Video | DisplayWidth | Integer | Interpreter | |
Video | DisplayHeight | Integer | Interpreter | |
Video | Fullscreen | Boolean | Interpreter | |
Video | vblank | Boolean | Interpreter |