This guide explains how to access a running KUDO Cassandra instance from your application deployed within the same Kubernetes cluster.
- KUDO Cassandra instance running
- KUDO CLI installed
The examples below assume that the instance and namespace names are stored in the following shell variables. With this assumptions met, you should be able to copy-paste the commands easily.
kubectl get instance $instance_name -n $namespace_name
Example output:
cassandra 16h
You will run simple cqlsh
command within an ephemeral pod on the Kubernetes
cluster to show how to connect to Cassandra.
In order to run cqlsh
you need a container image which has it. For simplicity,
you can use the same image which is used by the cassandra nodes. Run the
following command to retrieve its full name:
cassandra_image=$(kubectl get pod -n ${namespace_name} ${instance_name}-node-0 --template '{{ (index .spec.containers 0).image }}{{"\n"}}')
echo ${cassandra_image}
Example output:
This command illustrates what DNS name to use to connect to Cassandra:
kubectl run --wait cassandra-access-demo --image=${cassandra_image} --restart=Never -- \
cqlsh --execute "describe cluster" ${instance_name}-svc.${namespace_name}.svc.cluster.local
Expected output:
pod/cassandra-access-demo created
Once the pod completes (which should take no more than a few seconds), you can see its output using a command such as the following:
kubectl logs cassandra-access-demo
Example output:
Warning: Cannot create directory at `/home/cassandra/.cassandra`. Command history will not be saved.
Cluster: cassandra1
Partitioner: Murmur3Partitioner
kubectl delete pod cassandra-access-demo
Expected output:
pod "cassandra-access-demo" deleted
The operator supports creation of a service that opens up ports to access Cassandra from outside the cluster. To enable this, you have to set the following variables:
kubectl kudo update $instance_name -n $namespace_name -p EXTERNAL_NATIVE_TRANSPORT=true
This will create a service with a LoadBalancer port that forwards to the Cassandra nodes. There are the following options:
- EXTERNAL_NATIVE_TRANSPORT="true" Enable access to the cluster from the outside
- EXTERNAL_RPC="true" Enable access to the legacy RPC port if it's enabled on the cluster (Requires that START_RPC is "true")
- EXTERNAL_NATIVE_TRANSPORT_PORT="9042" The external port that is forwarded to the native transport port on the nodes
- EXTERNAL_RPC_PORT="9160" The external port that is forwarded to the rpc port on the nodes
- EXTERNAL_SERVICE_ANNOTATIONS Annotations that are added to the external service. E.g., this can be used to configure ExternalDNS access
The EXTERNAL_SERVICE_ANNOTATIONS parameter can be used to set up ExternalDNS access when the external service is enabled. For example, one can set