Shotgun is a MQ service that process messages in Conductor. The main class with Shotgun MQ configuration is Queue name in conductor has following pattern : {}:{} For example: Where is a subject or queue url and deluxe.conductor.queue.packaging.progress.1.1 is a group id which defines to what consumer group consumer belongs to To listen the messages from the same queue but in different consumer group use custom groupId value For example:
public class SharedShotgunQueue implements ObservableQueue {
public SharedShotgunQueue(OneMQClient conn, String service, String queueURI, Duration[] publishRetryIn,
boolean manualAck, int prefetchSize, OnMessageHandler handler) {
this.conn = conn;
this.service = service;
this.queueURI = queueURI;
this.publishRetryIn = publishRetryIn;
this.manualAck = manualAck;
this.prefetchSize = prefetchSize;
this.handler = handler;
this.subject = "";
this.groupId = "local";
logger.debug(String.format("Init queueURI=%s, subject=%s, groupId=%s, manualAck=%s, prefetchSize=%s",
queueURI, subject, groupId, manualAck, prefetchSize));
The above code configures local conductor application to subscribe on all the messages from topic in parallel to other consumers (in separate consumer group).