We recommend reading the architecture & examples before this document.
First, you must connect to the Arc protocol using an ArcConfig
object like so:
import { Arc, ArcConfig } from "@daostack/daocomponents";
const App = () => (
<Arc config={new ArcConfig("rinkeby")}>All other components go here</Arc>
Supported networks:
- mainnet
- rinkeby
- kovan
- xdai
- private
In order to send transactions, you need to connect your web3 provider
. Here's an example assuming Metamask in the browser:
import { networkSettings } from "@daostack/arc.react";
// Get the default configuration settings for the
// active network (mainnet, kovan, private, etc)
let config = networkSettings["private"];
// Get the Metamask provider from the browser
const metamask =
(window as any).ethereum.currentProvider ||
(window as any).web3.currentProvider;
// Create the Arc config, which opens a connection to the protocol
const arcConfig = new ArcConfig({
web3Provider: metamask,
You can also pass in your own configuration values like so:
import { ArcSettings } from "@daostack/arc.react";
const settings: ArcSettings = {
graphqlHttpProvider: "...",
graphqlWsProvider: "...",
web3Provider: "...",
ipfsProvider: "...",
const arcConfig = new ArcConfig(settings);
You can use every class that is an entity (a.k.a. extends from the Entity class in Arc.js library) as a react component.
//Every component accepts the following props:
noSub: boolean;
The function of the noSub
prop is that you can make that a component does not subscribes to changes (of data on the chain)
Props needed:
address: string // dao address
<DAO address='0x'>
{(dao: DAOData) => <div> Name: {dao.name} </div>})
Props needed without infer:
address: string; //member address
dao: string; //dao address
<Member address="0x" dao="0x">
{(member: MemberData) =>
<div>Member: {member.address}</div>
Props needed using infer:
address: string; //member address
<Member address="0x">
{(member: MemberData) =>
<div>Member: {member.address}</div>
is a generic component, but you can also use the specific plugin you would like to use, you can check which one exists here
Props needed:
id: string; // plugin id
<Plugin id="0x">
{(pluginInfo: PluginData) => <div> Plugin name: ${pluginInfo.name} </div> }
{(pluginEntity: PluginEntity) => (
<button onClick={ async (e) => await pluginEntity.createProposal(...) }}>
New proposal
Also, inferring the Plugin
<Plugin id="0x">
{(plugin: PluginData) => (
<div>{"Plugin name: " + plugin.name}</div>
is like Plugin component, you can see the specifics proposal implemented here too, but you must go inside of the plugin folder to make sure the proposal type exists on that plugin
Props needed
id: string; // proposal id
<Proposal id="0x">
{(proposal: ProposalData) => (
<div>{"Proposal id: " + proposal.id}</div>
Also, inferring the Proposal
<Proposal id="0x">
{(proposal: ProposalData) => (
<div>{"Proposal id: " + proposal.id}</div>
Props needed without infer
id: string; // queue id
dao: string; // dao address
<Queue dao="0x" id="0x">
{(queue: QueueData) =>
<div>{"Queue id: " + queue.id}</div>
Props needed using infer:
id: string; // queue id
<Queue address="0x">
{(member: QueueData) =>
<div>Queue: {member.address}</div>
Props needed
address: string; // reputation address
<Reputation address="0x">
{(reputation: ReputationData) => (
<div>{"Reputation address: " + reputation.address}</div>
Props needed
id: string // reward id
<Reward id="0x">
{(reward: RewardData) =>
<div>{"Reward id: " + reward.id}</div>
Props needed
id: string // stake id
<Stake id="0x">
{( stake: StakeData) =>
<div>{"Stake id: " + stake.id}</div>
Props needed:
id: string; //plugin id
{( tag: TagData) =>
<div>{"Tag id: " + tag.id}</div>
Props needed using without infer:
address: string; //token address
<Token address="0x">
{(token: TokenData) => (
<div>{ "Token DAO owner: " + token.owner }</div>
Props needed using infer: None
{(token: TokenData) => (
<div>{"Token DAO owner: " + token.owner}</div>
Props needed using infer:
id: string // vote id
<Vote id="0x">
{(vote: VoteData) =>
<div>{"Vote id: " + vote.id}</div>
When you use a component that ends with s
, you can show a list of every entity that exists, but also, you can get the sub-entities from a top level entity.
For example, member has votes, so you can see all the votes that a specific member has done, using the from
props, like this:
<Member address="0x">
<Votes from="Member as voter">
{(vote: VoteData) =>
<div>{"Vote id: " + vote.id}</div>
</Votes> </Member
Here is a list of the components that extends from ComponentBase
, that have an implementation of the from
from?: "DAO"
<DAO address="0x">
<Members from="DAO">
({ member: MemberData) =>
<div>{ "Member address: " + member.address}</div>
from?: "DAO"
<DAO address="0x">
<Queues from="DAO">
({ queue: QueueData) =>
<div>{ "Queue id: " + queue.id}</div>
from: "DAO" | "Member as beneficiary" | "Proposal" | "Token";
<Member address="0x">
<Rewards from="Member as beneficiary">
({ reward: RewardData) =>
<div>{ "Reward id: " + reward.id}</div>
from: "DAO" | "Member as staker" | "Proposal";
<Proposal id="0x">
<Stakes from="Proposal">
({ Stake: StakeData) =>
<div>{ "Stake id: " + Stake.id}</div>
from: "DAO" | "Member as voter" | "Proposal";
<Proposal id="0x">
<Votes from="Proposal">
{(vote: VoteData) => <div>{"Vote id: " + vote.id}</div>}
<Votes />
from?: "DAO"
<DAO address="0x">
<Plugins from="DAO">
({ plugin: PluginData ) =>
<div>{ "Plugin id: " + plugin.id}</div>
from?: "DAO" | "Member as proposer"
<Member address="0x">
<Proposals from="Member as proposer">
{(proposal: ProposalData) => <div>{"Proposal id: " + proposal.id}</div>}
<Proposals />
As you previously saw, to get the information (Data
and Entity
) from every component we need to do, for example with Member:
<Member address="0x" dao="0x">
{(member: MemberData) =>
<div>{"Member id: " + member.id}</div>
But the library also allows you to do, (this is available for every component of the library):
const MyMemberComponent = () => {
const [memberData, memberEntity] = useMember();
return <div>Member id: {memberData?.id}</div>;
<Member address="0x" dao="0x">
<MyMemberComponent />
Note that you MUST implement the component that has the useXXX
INSIDE of the component you want to get the data and/or from. Also, you must use the ?
when interacting with the hook because it can be undefined.
Click here to check an example