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SlurmJob: Quick Interactive Job Setup and Monitoring


SlurmJob is a Python package designed to simplify the process of setting up and monitoring interactive jobs on a Slurm cluster. It provides an CLI that abstracts away complex srun and sbatch commands, allows you to directly connect to your job via a VScode hyperlink, and keeps track of your job's status. The package also automatically constructs the sbatch command based on your requirements and stores it on the cluster via SSH.

Example Usage:

slurmjob run <job_name> --<SBATCH_option1>=<value1> --<SBATCH_option2>=<value2>

This command will submit your job with the specified SBATCH options, such as --qos=idle or --cpus-per-task=1-2.

See here the list of all SBATCH options.

Behind the Scenes

How it Works with SSH

When you use SlurmJob, it establishes an SSH connection to the Slurm cluster using the paramiko library. Through this SSH connection, it executes various Slurm commands and other shell commands:

  • It creates necessary folders and files (like the logs folder and interactive sbatch jobs).
  • It submits jobs using the sbatch command, now with additional parameters if provided.
  • It monitors the job by tailing the Slurm log file with tail.

Manual Equivalent in Slurm Commands

SlurmJob automates a series of steps that you'd otherwise perform manually. The typical manual steps would be:

  1. SSH into the cluster.
  2. Create a Slurm batch script (*.sh) file for your interactive job.
  3. Submit this batch file using sbatch, now optionally with additional parameters.
  4. Monitor job status with squeue and logs using tail -f.
  5. Enter the ssh credentials of your interactive job into VScode.

Understanding Job Monitoring

SlurmJob continually polls the last line of the Slurm job's log file, looking for a specific pattern to determine when the interactive job is ready. When the pattern is found, it generates a VScode URL which you can use to directly connect to your job.


To install SlurmJob, you can use pip:

pip install git+

Or to install it locally, you can clone the repository and run:

pip install .


1. slurmjob config

Run this command to set up your initial configuration. You'll be prompted for your hostname, username, and key_location. Advanced settings are optional.

2. slurmjob create

This command will generate the sbatch script for your interactive job. It will prompt you for various job settings and then upload the script to the cluster.

3. slurmjob run <name> [<SBATCH_options>]

Use this command to run the interactive job that you've created. It will submit the job with any specified SBATCH options, monitor its status, and provide a VScode hyperlink for direct connection.

4. slurmjob ls

Lists all the existing job files you have in the job folder on your Slurm cluster.

5. slurmjob cancel [<job_id>]

Cancels a running job on the Slurm cluster using the job ID.

Configuration Settings

Basic Config Settings

  • hostname: The hostname of your Slurm cluster.
  • username: Your username on the cluster.
  • key_location: Location of your SSH private key.

Advanced Config Settings

  • home_folder: Your home folder on the cluster, default is "home/{username}".
  • log_location: Where to store log files, default is "/home/{username}/logs".
  • job_location: Where to store job files, default is "/home/{username}/jobs".
  • machine_prefix: Prefix for the cluster machine, default is "dlc-".
  • sbatch_command: The sbatch command to run, default is "sbatch {job_location}/{job_name}.sh".

Interactive Job Setup Variables

When running slurmjob create, you'll be prompted for the following:

  • ntasks: The number of tasks to be allocated for the job.
  • gpus-per-task: The number of GPUs per task (default is 0).
  • cpus-per-task: The number of CPUs per task (default is 4).
  • mem: The amount of memory required for the job (default is 8G).
  • time: The time limit for the job (default is 4:00:00).
  • container-mounts: Paths to mount into the job's container.
  • container-image: The container image to use for the job.
  • output: The location for output logs (This is set automatically from your config).
  • SSH port: The port to be used for SSH within the job.

Security Note

SSH Keypair Setup

To securely connect to your Slurm host, you'll need to set up an SSH keypair. Follow these steps:

  1. On your local machine, generate an SSH keypair:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  2. Add your public key (~/.ssh/ to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your Slurm host. You can do this manually or use ssh-copy-id:

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@host

    Replace username and hostname with your Slurm host username and hostname.

Update Local SSH Config

Add an entry for your Slurm host in your local ~/.ssh/config file. Here's a sample configuration:

Host my-slurm-host
  HostName your.slurm.hostname
  User your-username
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Replace your.slurm.hostname with your Slurm host's hostname and your-username with your username on that host. This configuration will let you SSH into your Slurm host using the keypair.