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executable file
1049 lines (1027 loc) · 85.7 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
1049 lines (1027 loc) · 85.7 KB

window managers

note: Use `xev` to determine key numbers

Main controls

toggle toolbarsmod y
quitmod qmod shift q
restartmod rmod q
hide awful wibox barmod b


toggle mpd playmod backspace
lock the screen with xscreensavermod shift s
firefoxmod wmod g
urxvt scratch at bottomalt `mod `
htopmod h
start a new pomodoromod shift n
restart the pomodoromod shift n
exit the pomodoromod ctrl n
scrot (screenshot)printscreen
scrot and chose windowmod printscreen
midnight commander “scratchpad”mod f
npmcpp “scratchpad”mod n
org-mode “scratchpad”mod o
rtorrent “scratchpad”mod b
alsamixer “scratchpad”mod a
htop “scratchpad”mod s
urxvt “scratchpad”mod `
roxmod rmod r
emacsclient -n -cmod e
urxvtmod f1mod shift enter
alpinemod a
ncmpcpp (ongaku)mod o
pidgin / skpye / irssimod i
emacs –eval ‘(make-remember-frame)’mod q
unknownmod #51

Prompt menus

termmod entermod shift enter
runmod spacemod p
yeganeshmod p
gmrunmod shift p
webmod g
dictionaryalt f1
luaalt f2
on screen keyboardalt \

Layout manipulation

width growmod lmod l
width shrinkmod shift lmod h
height growmod hmod u
height shrinkmod shift hmod i
change client layoutalt spacemod space
change clientt layout (reverse dir)alt shift space
reset gridmod shift space
switch to physical screen 1 2 3mod w-e-r
switch client to physical screen 1 2 3mod shift w-e-r
resize windowmouse left + drag
move windowmouse right + drag
push window back into tilingmod t
Make current window the master windowmod enter
Increase windows in the master areamod ,
Decrease windows in the master areamod .

Focus controls

unknownmod p
unknownmod s
unknownmod u
go forward clientmod jmod j or tab
relocate client forwardmod shift jmod shift j
go backward clientmod kmod k or sh+tab
relocate client backwardmod shift kmod shift k
toggle last viewed clientmod tab
dropdown menu of all clientsalt escape
switch to the master windowmod m

Client Manipulation

kill clientmod cmod shift c
unknownmod d
client full screen togglemod f
client maximize togglemod m
client move to screenmod o
unknownmod next
unknownmod prior
unknownmod down
unknownmod up
unknownmod left
unknownmod right
redrawmod ctrl r
unknownmod shift 0
unknownmod shift m
unknownmod shift c
unknownmod shift s
client titlebar togglemod shift t
unknownmod shift f

Tag controls

switch tagmod #mod #
move window to tagmod shift #mod shift #
mod ctrl #
mod shift+ctrl #

Tag browsing

view next tagalt n
view previous tagalt p
toggle last viewed tagalt tab



psychoanalyze-pinheadWhen all else fails
C-h mdescribe-modeShow all keybindings for the current mode.
C-h k kbddescribe-keyWhat command does this keystroke run and what does it do?
C-h f kbddescribe-functionWhat does this function do?
C-h acommand-aproposWhat commands match this string?
C-h cdescrib-key-brieflyShow the function that a key is assigned to in the mini-buffer space
C-h wwhere-isWhat is the keybinding for this command.
C-h mdescribe-modeTell me about the mode the current buffer is in.
C-h vdescribe-variableWhat does this variable mean and what is its value?
C-h bdescribe-bindingsWhat are the keybindings for this buffer?
C-h iinfoMan pages
C-h c kbd
C-h ?
f10menu-bar-openOpen the menu bar

Starting, saving, opening

C-x C-cexit emacs
C-x C-ssave a file
C-x ssave all files
C-x C-wwrite buffer to a specified file (save as)
C-x C-vreplace this file with the file you really want
C-x fvisit recent file
C-x C-blist all buffers
C-x bmove to another buffer
C-x (arrow left or right)move buffer
rename-filepress M-n to insert current file name at prompt


M-ooccurshow matches of regex in current buffer
M-iimenuopen imenu
C-x C-ijump to function by isearch
C-fforward one character
C-bbackward one character
M-fforward one word
M-bbackward one word
M-{forward one paragraph
M-}backward one paragraph
C-M-aforward one function
C-M-ebackward one function
C-nnext line
C-pprevious line
C-x <scroll left
C-x >scroll right
M-vbackward one screen (page up)
C-vforward one screen (page down)
C-abeginning of line
C-eend of line
M-<Go to beginning of file
M->Go to end of file
C-x [Go backward page
C-x ]End of file
M-ggoto line (remapped from M-g g)
C-lcenter screen
M-=toggle code folding of method
M-+toggle code folding of all
C-lcenter screen


C-x hselect all
C-x C-qtoggle readonly status of buffer
C-sh-delcomplete delete line
M-/text auto-completion
C-x r tstring-rectanglereplace a rectangle of text
cua-modecolumn edit
C-oopen-lineInsert blank line after cursor
C-x odelete-blank-linesDelete all but one of many consecutive blank lines
C-c ncleanup whitespace
C-c rrevert cleanup
C-x del, C-0 C-kdelete sentence backward
M-kdelete sentence forward
M-z charkill through next occurrence of char
C-M-\indent-regionindent region
M-?comment-or-uncomment-regionComment or uncomment a region
M-;insert EOL comment
C-x iinsert contents of other buffer into this buffer
M-$ispell-wordcheck spelling of current word
ispell-regioncheck spelling of current region
ispell-buffercheck spelling of entire buffer
revert-bufferrestore buffer to its original contents

Gnus ;; Shortcuts ;; g check for new mails ;; q quit GNUS ;; c mark all read in group ;; l show only group with unread mails ;; L show all subscribed groups ;; A A show all groups on servers ;; m create new mail ;; t show all headers ;; ^ show server view ;; J s synchronize fetch ;; J S send all mails in queue ;; J j switch online/offline ;; u unmark ;; d mark ;; Server view ;; O open connection to server (when marked as denied) ;; J a add server to agent ;; J r remove server from agent ;; mail action ;; S R reply ;; S W wide reply ;; group summary view ;; / o list all old mails ;; x list unread mails ;; s search in current mail ;; M-s forward search in mails ;; M-r backward search in mails ;; : TAB in From header, BBDB completion


C-x r rcopy rectangle to register
C-x r kkill rectangle
C-x r yyank rectangle
C-x r oopen rectangle, shifting text right
delete-rectangledelete rectangular region
C-x r cblank out rectangle
C-x r tpreface each line with a string

Case change

M-uuppercase word
M-llowercase word
M-ccapitalize first letter of word
C-x C-uuppercase region
C-x C-llowercase region


C-ttranspose characters
M-ctranspose words
C-x C-ttranspose lines
C-M-ttransponse sexps

Cutting and pasting

sh+insinsert from X
C-4 C-kkill 4 lines
C-s bkspcomplete delete line
M-ddelete next word
M-deldelete previous word
deldelete previous character
C-spacemark beginning or end of a region
C-x C-pmark page
C-x hmark entire buffer
M-hmark paragraph
C-m hmark function
C-wcut region
M-wcopy region
M-ypaste/yank previous in kill ring
Inserttoggle overwrite mode

Search and Replace

C-sisearch-forward-regexpincremental regexp search forward
C-risearch-backward-regexpincremental regexp search backward
C-m sisearch-forwardSearch forward
C-m risearch-backwardSearch backward
C-nSelect next search string
C-pSearch previous search string
C-s C-srepeat last search
escexit search
C-c nreplace-stringsearch and replace
M-%query-replacequery search and replace
query-replace-regexpquery search and replace using regex
space or yreplace this one, go on to next
,replace this one, don’t more
del or nskip to next without replacing
^backup to previous match
!replace all remaining and don’t ask
returnexit query-replace


C-x 0delete the current window
C-x 1delete all windows except this one
C-x 2divide current window horizontally
C-x 3divide current window vertically
C-x 4swap windows
C-x 4 fshow previous minibuffer input
C-x omove to other window
C-shift arrowsgrow/shrink windows in direction of arrow


C-x esc escrepeat last complex command
tabcomplete as much as possible
spacecomplete up to one word
M-nshow next minibuffer input
M-pshow previous minibuffer input
M-rsearch backward through history
M-ssearch forward through history
?show possible completions


C-x (start keyboard macro definition
C-x )end keyboard macro definition
C-x eexecute last defined keyboard macro
C-u C-x (append to last keyboard macro
C-x C-k nname-last-kbd-macroname last keyboard macro
C-x C-k bbind last keyboard macro to a key
insert-kbd-macroinsert macro elsip in buffer to save for future use


command-historySee all recent commands.
C-x zRun last command. Press z to do it again


M-.find a tag (a definition)
C-u M-.find next occurrence of tag
visit-tags-tablespecify a new tags file
tags-searchregexp search on all files in tags table
tags-query-replacerun query-replace on all the files
M-,continue last tags search or query-replace


C-x a gadd global abbrev
C-x a ladd mode-local abbrev
C-x a i gadd global expansion for this abbrev
C-x a i ladd mode-local expansion for this abbrev
C-x a eexplicitly expand abbrev
M-/expand previous word dynamically


C-x r ssave region in register
C-x r iinsert register contents into buffer
C-x r spacesave value of point in register
C-x r jjump to point saved in register


C-x meshellopen an eshell
M-!execute a shell command
M-piperun a shell command on the region
C-u M-pipefilters region through shell command

Entering modes

C-c gmagit-modeGit mode
gnusgnus newsreader
telnetopen telnet connection




C-x C-eeval-last-sexpevaluate line before point
C-M-xeval-defunevaluate current defun
eval-regionevaluate current region
C-c veval-bufferevaluate buffer
M-:eval-expressionread and eval from minibuffer
load-libraryload from standard system directory


Git:master (changed) Git-master (unchanged)

C-x gOpen magit status
C-u C-h
C-x v lview commit log for file
C-x v iadd to git
C-x v udiscard changes
C-x vview diff against head
stage/unstage changes


Dired, gnus, rmail, buffer list, elpa, & w3


C-si-search forward
C-ri-search backward
grefresh buffer
nmove to next item
pmove to previous item
spacescroll text
mmark item
kkill, remove from list
dmark item for deletion
uunmark item for deletion
ttoggle marks
xdelete marked items
returnselect item

DIRED The Mark menu has many commands to make marking easy.

C-x dinitiate a dired buffer
C-x C-jopen dired buffer and go to filename
C-x C-qedit dired buffer (use M-SH-%) for regex edit
C-c C-csave edits of dired buffer
C-c ESCabort editing dired buffer
% mregexp match against filename
% gregexp match against file contents
a or returnopen folder in same window
vview a file (read only)
^go up a directory
fopen a folder (find-file)
oopen a file in other window
ssort buffer
Ccopy a file
Rrename a file
Ssymlink a file
Ttouch a file
Zcompress/uncompress a file
+create a new directory
+jump to up and new directory
mmark a file
uunmark a file
Uunmark all files
dmark for deletion
Ddelete file immediately
xexecute deletion
ttoggle marked directories/files
#mark all autosave files for deletion
*/mark only directories
wcopy current or marked items into the kill ring
iinsert a directory buffer
C-u kkill a directory buffer
$toggle collapsification of directory in buffer
M-$toggle collapsification of all directories in buffer
C-M-pjump to previous directory buffer
C-M-njump to next directory buffer
C-t C-tif a file is an image, show a thumbnail in buffer
C-t iif a file is an image, scale thumbnail to a new buffer


C-x r mbookmark-setSet bookmark for this file.
C-x r bbookmark-jumpJump to a bookmark.
C-x r lbookmark-bmenu-listList bookmarks.

Regular expression composition

^Matches the beginning of a line
$Matches the end of a line
.Matches any single character
.*Matches any group of zero or more characters
\<Matches the beginning of a word
\>Matches the end of a word
[a-z]Matches any character specified within brackets


Action items

org-show-todo-treeC-c / tsparse tree of only TODO items
org-show-todo-treeC-c / T DONEsparse tree of only DONE items


org-sortC-c aenter the agenda
C-u 21 C-c a ashow 21 days in the agenda
org-agenda-next-linennext line
org-agenda-previous-linepprevious line
org-agenda-goto-calendarcOpen the Emacs calendar and move to the date at the agenda cursor.
org-agenda-previous-linepprevious line
Anteractively select another agenda view and append it to the current view.
oDelete other windows.
org-agenda-day-viewv d or d
org-agenda-week-viewv w or w
org-agenda-month-viewv m or m
org-agenda-year-viewv y or y
fGo forward in time to display the following org-agenda-current-span days.
bGo backward in time to display earlier dates.
jPrompt for a date and go there.
JGo to the currently clocked-in task in the agenda buffer.
org-agenda-redor or gRecreate the agenda buffer, for example to reflect the changes
after modification of the timestamps of items with S-<left> and S-<right>.
org-agenda-filter-by-tag/Filter the current agenda view with respect to a tag and/or effort estimates.
org-agenda-todotchange the state of a todo item in the agenda view
org-agenda-undoC-_undo a change due to aremote editing command

Capture, refile, archive

org-captureC-c cCatpure.
C-0 C-c cInsert the capture at point in an Org buffer
org-capture-finalizeC-c C-cReturn to the window configuration before the capture
org-capture-killC-c C-kAbort the capture process and return to the previous state.
C-u C-c cVisit the target location of a capture template.
C-u C-u C-c cVisit the last stored capture item in its buffer.

org-capture-refileC-c C-wFinalize the capture process by refiling note to a different place.
C-u C-c C-wUse the refile interface to jump to a heading.
C-u C-u C-c C-wJump to the location where org-refile last moved a tree to.

C-c C-x C-aArchive the current entry using the command specified in the variable org-archive-default-command.
C-c C-x C-s or C-c $Archive the subtree starting at the cursor position to the location given by org-archive-location.


org-completion-use-iswitchbM-<TAB>complete word at point


org-sortC-c ^Sort same-level entries (alphabetically for example


org-store-linkC-c lstore link to current location
org-insert-linkC-c C-linsert a link (or edit existing)
C-c a m Richard-URGENTsearching to exclude
<RET>follow link
org-toggle-inline-imagesC-c C-x C-vtoggle the inline display of linked images.
org-mark-ring-pushC-c %push the current position onto the mark ring, to be able to return easily.
org-mark-ring-gotoC-c &Jump back to a recorded position, cyclical
org-next-linkC-c C-x C-nMove forward to the next link in the buffer.
org-previous-linkC-c C-x C-pMove backward to the next link in the buffer.


org-gotoC-c C-jjump around, searchlike
outline-up-headingC-c C-ubackward to higher level heading.


org-deadlineC-c C-dInsert ‘DEADLINE’ keyword along with a stamp.
org-scheduleC-c C-sInsert ‘SCHEDULED’ keyword along with a stamp.
org-mark-entry-for-agenda-actionC-c C-x C-kMark the current entry for agenda action.
org-check-deadlinesC-c / dCreate a sparse tree with all deadlines that are either past-due,
or which will become due within org-deadline-warning-days.
With C-u prefix, show all deadlines in the file.
With a numeric prefix, check that many days.
For example, C-1 C-c / d shows all deadlines due tomorrow.
org-check-before-dateC-c / bSparse tree for deadlines and scheduled items before a given date.
org-check-after-datC-c / aSparse tree for deadlines and scheduled items after a given date.


C-c C-q or C-c C-cinsert tag in headline
C-c a m Richard+URGENTsearching for all matches
C-c a m Richard-URGENTsearching to exclude


C-c C-ttodo selector


org-table-convert-regionconvert a csv region to a org table
C-c pipeorg-table-create-or-convert-from-region
C-u C-c pipeorg-table-create-or-convert-from-regionsame as above but force CSV (commas)


<TAB>org-cyclerotate current subtree among the states
Sh-<TAB> or C-u<TAB>org-global-cycleglobally rotate current subtree among the states
show-childrenC-c <TAB>expose all direct children of the subtree. With a numeric prefix argument N, expose all children down to level N.
show-branchesC-c C-kexpose all the headings of the subtree, CONTENT view for just one subtree.
show-allC-u C-u C-u <TAB>show all, including drawers.
org-tree-to-indirect-bufferC-c C-x bshow the current subtree in an indirect buffer
org-set-startup-visibilityC-u C-u <TAB>switch back to the startup visibility of the buffer


c-h istart help
ogo to url in the same tab
Ogo to url and edit it
c-jgo to next tab
c-kgo to previous tab
m-mmove tab to number
m-leftmove tab left
m-rightmove tab right
topen a url in a new tab
topen a url and edit it in a new tab
c-x topen link in new tab
c-x lopen link in current tab
f, jopen hint in new tab
F, Jopen hint in current tab
m-jextended hint mode
c-ajump to first tab or left of document
c-ejump to last tab or right of document
c-x kkill tab
c-_undo closed tab
:tabdetachDetach current tab to its own window
:tabattachAttach the current tab to another window
:tablastSwitch to the last tab
:tabrewindSwitch to the first tab
:tabnextSwitch to the next or [count]th tab
:tabmoveMove the current tab to the position of tab N
:tabduplicateDuplicate current tab
:tabdoExecute a command in each tab
c-r, c-s, /search
firebug,f12toggle firebug
c-c g, g-fview source
c-c G, g-Fopen source in editor
c-c h, ghgo to home page
c-c u, gugo to parent directory
c-c c-u, gUgo to root of website
c-c popen picture location
c-ssearch page
c-b, bkspbackward in history
c-fforward in history
c-pline up
c-nline down
m-vpage up
c-vpage down
m-<go to top
m->go to bottom
c-c mopen context menu
nGo to next search result
y, m-wyank url of current page
Y, c-wyank selected text to clipboard
P, c-ypsate the current clipboard selection to a new buffer to clipboard
m-dwnshow toolbars
m-uphide toolbars
b 3go to buffer 3
alt 3go to buffer 3
c-x kkill the buffer
c-x b, c-x c-bbuffer lists
c-x r mjump to mark at cursor
c-x r bjump to mark in the current buffer
c-~open a directory
c-f ~open home directory
c-r or f5refresh
c-x c-f c-lopen a file
c-x c-ssave
c-x c-cexit and save session

uzbl Tabbed browsing: Here’s how to use it:

gn = new tab gY = new tab from url in clipboard go = new tab from url typed gC = closes a tab gt = go to next tab gT = go to previous tab gi = go to tab # specified g< = go to first tab g> = go to last tab gQ = close all tabs and start with a new tab gZ = close application


searchable-scrollback Use Meta-s to activate searchable scrollback mode.

keyboard-select Use Meta-Escape to activate selection mode, then use the following keys:

h/j/k/lMove cursor left/down/up/right (also with arrow keys)
g/G/0/^/$/H/M/L/f/F/;/,/w/W/b/B/e/EMore vi-like cursor movement keys
?Start forward/backward search
n/NRepeat last search, N: in reverse direction
Ctrl-f/bScroll down/up one screen
Ctrl-d/uScroll down/up half a screen
v/V/Ctrl-vToggle normal/linewise/blockwise selection
y/ReturnCopy selection to primary buffer, Return: deactivate afterwards
q/EscapeDeactivate keyboard selection mode

url-select Use Meta-u to activate URL selection mode, then use the following keys:

j/kSelect next downward/upward URL (also with arrow keys)
g/GSelect first/last URL (also with home/end key)
o/ReturnOpen selected URL in browser, Return: deactivate afterwards
yCopy (yank) selected URL and deactivate selection mode
q/EscapeDeactivate URL selection mode




C-o nselect 9New window
C-o wselect 0Switch window


C-a 0select 0Switch to window 0
C-a 9select 9Switch to window 9
C-a C-aotherToggle to the window displayed previously.
C-a ametaSend the command character (C-a) to window. See escape command.
C-a AtitleAllow the user to enter a name for the current window.
C-a cscreenCreate a new window with a shell and switch to that window.
C-a C-cscreenCreate a new window with a shell and switch to that window.
C-a CclearClear the screen.
C-a ddetachDetach screen from this terminal.
C-a C-ddetachDetach screen from this terminal.
C-a D Dpow_detachDetach and logout.
C-a kkillDestroy current window.
C-a C-kkillDestroy current window.
C-a spacenextSwitch to the next window.
C-a nnextSwitch to the next window.
C-a C-nnextSwitch to the next window.
C-a xlockscreenLock this terminal.
C-a C-xlockscreenLock this terminal.
C-a wwindowsShow a list of window.
C-a C-wwindowsShow a list of window.
C-a ?helpShow key bindings.

Create new windows inside of screen

This is done by typing C-a c and as new windows are created, you will be automatically switched to them. You can navigate through screen windows using C-a #, starting at zero, so Ctrl-a,0 should take you back to Irssi.

Launching screen

You should be at your shell prompt right now, outside of screen. Before, you typed screen to run it. Running screen with no arguments creates a new screen session. You can have multiple screen sessions, but this will not be discussed here. Read the manpage of screen for more information. Since you have already created a screen session, you do not want to make a new one, you want to reattach to the one you already created. To do this, type:

screen -raAd

The arguments “-raAd” tell screen what you want it to do: reattach, do some sizing stuff (a,A), and detach before reattaching if necessary. These arguments are safe to use in just about every case. If your screen session is attached elsewhere, using -raAd will detach that session, and reattach it here.

Magically, irssi should have reappeared. This is the point where you stand back for a moment and say “Wow, that kicks ass,” because now you should understand that you can leave Irssi running all the time under screen, detach from screen and disconnect from your shell, come back later, login and reattach and there Irssi will be. You should also see that with screen, you will have the ability to log in from anywhere and continue your IRCing (or whatever work you’re doing in another screen window) just as you left it. Yes, it’s good, I know.

Before you disconnect from your shell, make sure you detach from your screen using the appropriate detach sequence. This keeps programs like irssi from hanging while waiting for input.

Killing a Screen Session

If you end up with multiple screen sessions, you have to specify which session when you want to attach. If this is not desired, kill one of the sessions by first using screen -list to find the id of the session. The id will look something like 8037.tty1.godfather. With the id in hand, run:

screen -X -S ID kill

to kill the screen session with id ID.

Dealing With Flow Control

If you accidentally hit Ctrl-s or Ctrl-a s, you may notice some general unpleasantry, namely that your screen session (or irssi) stops updating. I suggest reading more about flow control and how screen handles it. The quick fix is to type Ctrl-q or Ctrl-a q (depending on which you used first). I have the following my shell’s rc file to turn off flow control handling completely, since I like using Ctrl-s for some programs:

stty -ixon -ixoff



screen irssiStart up in screen
/help <tab complete>help! /help network /help levels
/upgradewhen you’ve installed a newer version of the irssi binary it’s not necessary to quit irssi and restart it. Just do /upgrade and the new binary will be loaded maintaining all connections to all irc servers.

Networks / servers / channels

/connect irc.quakenet.orgconnect to a server (use this otherwise you’ll disconnect from the current network)
/networkShow the pre-configured networks.
/network remove SwiftIRCRemove a network
/serverTo view all the servers you are currently connected to
/server listTo view all the servers that you added or that are standard available in irssi
/server remove irc.swiftirc.netTo remove a server.
/channel remove #SwiftIRCTo remove a channel
ctrl + xswitch channels
/listlists all the channels on an irc server that are public for to join. (don’t use on large networks)
/disconnectleave a network
/exitleave irssi
/rmreconnsMeans that if a server is not responding you can stop irssi trying to connect to it.
/setshow all settings
/set timestampshow settings for only timestamp
/savesave settings and configuration


/window close/wcleave a room unelegantly
/join #<channel name>/jjoin a channel (some channles can be joined by name only /j gentoo)
/part/paleave a room elegantly
/part <message>leave a room with a msg
/script load<script name>
/whois/wiView information about nickname
/away <message>/away sleeping Set an away message.
/msg <nick> hello!/mprivate message a person with the word “hello”
/query <nick>will open a pm (private message) with a person but not send a message
/nick <nick>to change your nick
/nameslist users in current channel
/topic/tDisplays/edits current topic. Tip: use /t[space][tab] to automatically fill in existing topic.


/win <number>go to window by number
alt +1-9 or q-pgo to room using alt key
alt + left or right arrowgo to next or previous room
/window move [windownumber]/wmallows you to reposition a window while irssi is running. For example if you have a channel window at position 5 and you want it at position 2 then change to the channel window and type /window move 2.
/window new/win newmake a new window
/window/winget information about the window
/window move up/win m uMove the current channel up
/window move down/win m dMove the current channel down
/window grow/win g 5Resize a window larger
/window shrink/win s 5Resize a window smaller
alt + aThis allows you to go straight to the highest priority window when more than one is hilighted
alt+p and alt+npg up+dwnscroll up and down.
/scrollback goto [timeline]/sbA lot easier than pressing pageup for 10 seconds.
/scrollback homeend/sbAlso use for skipping to the beginning or the end of a log.
/clear/cclear the window
/clear -all/c -allclear all windows
/lastlog -hilightthis makes searching in the backbuffer of any window very easy. Searching for all the times somebody triggered a hilight is done by /lastlog -hilight and finding all mode changes to a user goes with /lastlog -mode [user]. You can also look for words or regular expressions.
/exec programTo execute a command
exec -o ls /pubAdd -o to paste the output to the current channel


/ignore ##channelname ALL -PUBLIC -ACTIONSAllows the user to ignore all joins parts and quits etc without ignoring what anyone actually says.
/ignore * ALL -PUBLIC -ACTIONSOr you can ignore them in all channels by using * instead of #channelname.
/topic [space][tab]This autocompletes the channel topic
/ignore [nick] MSGThis enables you to ignore someone but only in a PM meaning you can still see everything the selected user says in a channel
/ignore -time 3600 <nick>Got a troll or someone who’s just having too much fun? You can ignore them for a specific amount of time
/ignore -regexp -pattern “FREE” * MSGS”irssi will ignore all messages to you with “FREE” in them regardless of who sends them.
/ban/bans or /bSets or List bans for a channel
/kickKicks a user.
/kickbanKickban a user.
/unban */mubClears the unbanlist (unbans everyone) in a channel


/alias/alView available aliases/shortcuts
/alias X/al XAliases/shortcuts beginning with X
/alias linuxfriends /me has a few good friends.Make your own alias “/linuxfriends”. OUTPUT: jonny has a few good friends.
/alias hipeople /me waves to $0 $1 $2 **To make the alias use text (variables) used together with the alias use $X. OUTPUT: /hipeople jon mary jane

Setting up Freenode

/msg nickserv register <password> <email>You’ll need to respond to their email or your registration will be dropped.
/msg nickserv set hidemail onTo keep your nick’s email hidden:
/msg nickserv identify <password>When starting freenode you’ll need to login to Freenode so your nick is official.
/network add -autosendcmd “/msg nickserv identify <password> ;wait 2000” FreenodeThis though too can be done automatically

External scripts

/irsnot_reloadreload irsnot config