If you are trying to use this boilerplate with npm instead pnpm on Windows, you will get that error related to electron-builder install-app-deps
, so:
- Take a look at this comment to fix it!
Go to the releases page in your repository and delete the draft release, then execute the action again but in the re-run all jobs
If you see the following errors in the terminal, you can ignore them:
[97794:0301/202707.879855:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.enable failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.enable' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
[97794:0301/202707.879884:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Request Autofill.setAddresses failed. {"code":-32601,"message":"'Autofill.setAddresses' wasn't found"}", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/core/protocol_client/protocol_client.js (1)
It only happens when devtools panel is open and it's not an issue with your app.
For more information, take a look at this issue.