A curated list of SuperCollider stuff
- Learning resources
- Quarks, plugins and extensions
- Synthdefs
- Instruments
- Physical/embedded computing
- Clients
- IDE alternatives
- Forums
- Tools
- Contribute
- License
- A gentle introduction to SuperCollider – Introduction to SC by Stanford's CCRMA
- howto_co34pt_liveCode - Livecoding tutorial
- Nick Collins' SuperCollider tutorial - Course material for a 12 week course on SuperCollider
- udk00-Audiovisual_Programming - Fredrik Olofsson's course materials for UdK Berlin
- Pseudoclasses with events - Faking object-oriented programming in SuperCollider with Events
- SuperCollider_Tutorials - SC tutorials
- SuperCollider Tutorials - Tutorials by Eli Fieldsteel covering a range of subjects
- Live Coding Tutorials - Tutorials specifically about live coding
- Masterclass "The Ambisonic Toolkit" - A general introduction to ambisonics and the ATK
- Ultimate Arduino-To-Supercollider Tutorials- Control Signals for Digital Audio - How to use the Arduino micro computers with SC
- Unity 5 and SuperCollider(Custom Sound Engine) - How to setup the Unity game engine to work with SuperCollider
- Introduction to SuperCollider - Written by Andrea Valle, includes pdf. Published 2016.
- The SuperCollider Book – The essential reference. Edited by Scott Wilson, David Cottle and Nick Collins. Foreword by James McCartney. Published 2011.
- Thor Magnussons Scoring Sound - Cookbook containing synthesis recipes among other things
- Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider - Create interactive and repsonsive audio-visual applications with SuperCollider
- NNdef: Livecoding Digital Musical Instruments in SuperCollider using Functional Reactive Programming
- scinterviews.com - SuperCollider interviews
- SuperDirt - The sound engine of the TidalCycles pattern language
- JITLibExtensions - Some extensions to the common JITLib classes
- ixiLangQt - The ixi lang live coding environment is a simple visual system presenting a high entry-level control over synth definitions and samples in SuperCollider
- xoxo - Embedded language for SuperCollider
- INSTRUMENT - This tool is aimed at the creation of musical compositions from scratch, 'on the fly'. INSTRUMENT focuses on musical language: rhythm, harmony, melody, audio processing
- Modality Toolkit - Powerful and modal controller library
- NanoKontrol2 - Interface for using Korg NanoKontrol2
- NanoKontrol - Simple use of the Korg NanoKontrol2
- Utopia - Network Music Apps in SuperCollider
- BenoitLib - Collaborative and synchronized performances
- TraerPhysics - A simple particle system physics engine
- The Ambisonic Toolkit - Toolkit for working with spatial sound in the ambisonic domain
- vstplugin – IEM's VST Plugin integration for SuperCollider (and Pure Data)
- Vowel - Convenience Class for Vowel Creation
- CaosPercLib - a Collection of Percussion Classes for SuperCollider
- CaosBox - a not-so-common LiveCoding/AlgoRave music GUI secuencer/processor for the CaosPercLib
- f0plugins - chip tune UGens
- wsGUI - User interfaces displayed in a web browser, locally and over the network
- Automation - Record and playback live GUI activity in supercollider audio synth
- Synthdefs - Synthdef Pool
- DX7-SuperCollider - accurate Yamaha DX-7 clone. Programmed in Supercollider
- LNX Studio - a Digital Audio Work Station. Repository
- granular-synth - A simple granular synth GUI, with a handy time/frequency graph
- Prynth - Prynth are programmable sound synthesizers powered by Raspberry Pi
- supercolliderStandaloneRPI2 - Standalone for Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 with Raspbian Stretch including the full IDE
- supercolliderStandaloneRPI1 - Standalone for Raspberry Pi 1 or Zero with Raspbian Stretch including the full IDE
- Bela - Bela is an embedded computing platform for creating responsive interactive applications
- OpenBCI-SuperCollider - SuperCollider classes for communicating with Open Brain Computer Interface
- IBVA-BlueVAS-SuperCollider - A SuperCollider class for communicating with the IBVA EEG brain wave measurement headset
- SuperColliderJS - JavaScript client
- hsc3 - Haskell client
- Lua2SC - Lua client
- ScalaCollider - Scala client
- supriya - Python client
- TidalCycles - Haskell based live coding environment for patterns
- FoxDot – Python based live coding environment running on top of SuperCollider
- Overtone - Collaborative live coding using Clojure
- xi - A domain-specific language for live coding musical patterns in Ruby
- atom-supercollider - SuperCollider integration for Atom
- scvim - Vim plugin
- scnvim - NeoVim plugin
- scel - Emacs interface
- scsynth.org - Official SuperCollider forum
- Slack - The SuperCollider Slack
- Lurk – Livecode chat
- Mailing list - Official mailing list
- Telegram - Telegram SuperGroup
- Telegram ES - Telegram SuperGroup in Spanish
- Facebook - The SuperCollider facebook group
- Cookiecutter template for SuperCollider quarks - A SuperCollider package (quark) generator using the Cookiecutter cli program. The fastest way to get setup for a quark
- superfomus - bindings to Fomus Music Notation (FOrmat MUSic)
All contributions welcome!
Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Mads Kjeldgaard has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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