A highly configurable, efficiently rendered spinner component.
The Spinner
module exposes the Model
and Msg
type as well as an update
and view
function, all ready
to with the Elm Architecture in your application.
- No images, no external CSS
- Highly configurable (try the interactive spinner editor)
- Resolution independent (looks great on Retina!!)
- Efficient animations thanks to
- Works in Chrome, Safari, Firefox from IE >= 10
This section will walk you through your very first steps with the Spinner
At the end, you'll have a good understanding of how to use this module.
You can find two complete examples in the example/
- A simple, bare bones integration
of a spinner in
- A visual spinner editor,
allowing you to make your own spinner in
If you're not yet familiar with The Elm Architecture, give it a quick read. It will help you to understand how the spinner works.
Run the following command in the root directory of your project:
elm package install damienklinnert/elm-spinner
And then import the Spinner
module at the top of a module like this:
import Spinner
Now you're ready to wire up everything!
Since our spinner is animated, we'll need to add a subscription
to our program
main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = (\model -> Sub.map SpinnerMsg Spinner.subscription)
You might have already noticed the SpinnerMsg
in the previous example. Since our spinner is animated, it will send
messages of type Spinner.Msg
wrapped inside a SpinnerMsg
to our update function.
Now it's up to us to forward those messages to the Spinner.update
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Noop ->
model ! []
SpinnerMsg msg ->
spinnerModel =
Spinner.update msg model.spinner
{ model | spinner = spinnerModel } ! []
The previous example already referenced model.spinner
, which is of type Spinner.Model
. The Spinner.update
takes care of keeping that up to date for us. However we still need to add Spinner.Model
to our applications model.
type alias Model =
{ spinner : Spinner.Model
Now where Spinner.Model
is part of your model, you also need to properly initialise it. You can use Spinner.init
to get started quickly:
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
{ spinner = Spinner.init } ! []
Now, last but not least, you can add the spinner to your application's view like this:
view : Model -> Html.Html Msg
view model =
Html.div [] [ Spinner.view Spinner.defaultConfig model.spinner ]
Et Voilà, you should now have an animated spinner in your application.
Note: If you dislike the default spinner stype, you can make your own. Check the spin module docs for more info.
- Check the bare bones integration
- Make your own spinner
- Check out the full documentation for the Spin module
This module is highly inspired by spin.js from Felix Gnass.