A VB class providing advanced array based data handling. Built with several features optimized for MS Excel but working as well with VB6 or any other application supporting VBA.
ATTENTION: While the basic functionality is fully tested and should work without issues, some of the functionaliy is still under construction and not fully tested!
You need to include the following three files into your project to use the Data-Table class.
Class | Description |
cDataTable.cls | This is the main class exposing all the functionality. |
cIndex.cls | This class provides a database index like encapsulation of either an idex with unique keys (based on Hash Table class) |
cHashTable.cls | This class implements a hashtable, a structure that offers many of the features of a collection or dictionary. |
The Data-Table class exposes the following Attributes and Methods.
Direction | Attribute | Description |
Get | Version | Returns a String containing the version info |
Get | About | Returns a String containing an info about the class |
Get | ClassName | Returns a String containing the class name |
Get / Let | Name | Sets/Returns a String containing the name of the data table |
Get | Headers | Returns a Collection with the column names |
Get | HeaderList | Returns a string with a comma delimited list of the column names |
Get | HasHeaders | Returns a Boolean indicating if the data tables has defined column names |
Get | RecordCount | Returns a Long containing the number of records in the data table |
Get | ColumnCount | Returns a Long containing the number of columns in the data table |
Get | NumItems | (Legacy - do not use anymore) Returns a Long containing the number of records in the data table |
Get | NumCols | (Legacy - do not use anymore) Returns a Long containing the number of columns in the data table |
Get / Let | GarbageCollection | Sets/Returns a Boolean indicating if garbage collection is active |
Get / Let | ObjectStorageEnabled | Sets/Returns a Boolean indicating if object can be stored in the data table |
Get / Let | PreserveNumberStoredAsText | Sets/Returns a Boolean indicating if number stored as Text should be preserved |
Get | TableSummary | Returns a String containing a summary of the data table including as name, no of records, no of columns |
Get | SADescrPtr | Returns a LongPtr to the Safe Array Description of the data table |
Get | SAStructPtr | Returns a LongPtr to the Safe Array Structure of the data table |
Get | RsEOF | Returns a Boolean indicating if the end of the table has been reached |
Get | RsBOF | Returns a Boolean indicating if the beginning of the table has been reached |
Get / Let | RsBookmark | Sets/Returns a Long containing the currently active record in the data table |
Get / Let | ItemName | Requires the Column Number as parameter, returns a String containing the Column Name or sets the column name to the value provided |
Get | ItemIndex | Requires the Column Name as parameter, returns the Column Number |
Get / Let | Item | Requires the Column Number or Column Name and (optional) the Row Number as parameter, Returns a Variant contianing the data stored in the item |
Get | ItemRaw | Requires the Row Number and Column Number as parameter, Returns a Variant contianing the data stored in the item. Attention: This is accessing the item directly, with no checks and safety nets! This is not thread save either! |
Get / Let | Record | Requires the Row Number as parameter, Returns a Variant Array containing the record specified |
Method | Parameters | Description |
DefineTable | NoOfColumns As Long, Optional ColumnHeaders As String = "n/a", Optional NoOfRows As Long = 1 | Define the structure of the table. This is the frist thing to do after creating the object, unless you load a range or a delimited file. |
CreateEmptyCopy | -- | Creates an empty copy of the data table including structure but without any data or indices being copied |
ColumnsAdd | ParamArray NewColumns() As Variant | Add 1..n new columns to an existing Data-Table |
Clone | -- | Create a clone (deep copy) of the Data-Table |
IndexAdd | ColumnName As String, idxType As IndexType | Add an index to the specified column |
IndexRemove | ColumnName As String | Add the index from the specified column |
TruncateTable | AskForConfirmation As Boolean | Truncate the table and delete all content but not the structure |
RecordAddOld | ByVal aRecord As Variant | Adding a record to the data table with an array containing the data as input |
RecordAdd | ParamArray Record() As Variant | Adding a record to the data table passing each column as argument to the method |
RecordRemove | ByVal Position As Long | Delete a single record from the data table |
LoadRange | InputTable As Range, TableHasHeaders As Boolean, Optional ConsiderFilters as Boolean = False | Load an MS Excel worksheet range into an empty data table. If ConsiderFilters is set to true, Filters applied to the source range will be considerd (standard behaviour is to load all data in the range, ignoring any filter set). Note: if you load a range, you do not have to define the data table before. |
LoadDelimTextFile | Filename As String, Optional FieldDelimiter As String = ",", Optional RecordDelimiter As String = vbNewLine, Optional TableHasHeaders As Boolean = True, Optional TextQualifier As String = """" | Load a delimited text file into an empty data table. Note: if you load a delimited text file, you do not have to define the data table before. |
AppendToTable | tSource As cDataTable, Optional tyAppend As AppendType | Append another Data-Table to this Data-Table |
RsMoveFirst | -- | Move the RSBookmark to the first record in the data table |
RsMoveLast | -- | Move the RSBookmark to the last record in the data table |
RsMoveNext | -- | Move the RSBookmark to the next record in the data table |
RsMovePrevious | -- | Move the RSBookmark to the previous record in the data table |
RsFindFirst | Index As Variant, match As MatchType, Criteria As Variant | Move the RSBookmark to frist record matching the criteria - currently only single columns can be used in the search criteria. |
RsFindNext | Index As Variant, match As MatchType, Criteria As Variant | Move the RSBookmark to next record matching the criteria - currently only single columns can be used in the search criteria. |
SelectDistinctData | ParamArray Fields() As Variant | Select a distinct set of data based on the fields passed as input. The result is returned as new data table |
DumpToRange | TargetWorksheet As Worksheet, TargetCell As Range, Optional IncludeHeader As Boolean = True, Optional CompressOnRowOverflow As Boolean = False | Write the full content of the data table to a MS Excel Worksheet range |
DumpToFile | TargetFile As String, Delimiter As String, Optional IncludeHeader As Boolean = True, Optional OutputMode As OutputType = OverwriteIfExists | Write the full content of the data table to a delimited text file |
Sort | ParamArray SortOrder As Variant | Sort the data table with a stable (merge sort) sort mechanism - multiple sort columns as well as sort dirctions can be specified. |
SortUnstable | Index As Variant, Optional Direction As String = "asc" | Sort the data table with a fast but unstable sort mechanism - only one sort column can be specified. |
Method | Parameters | Description |
AnalyzeDataTypes | -- | §§§ Not yet implemented §§§ |
IndicesRefresh | -- | §§§ Not yet implemented §§§ |
RunStats | -- | §§§ Not yet implemented §§§ |
SelectData | -- | §§§ Not yet implemented §§§ |